Isn't that propaganda...........I mean just isn't that judgment by NATO just comforting, in I certainly never saw Col. Khadaffi being pushed around by Libyan communists under Obama's control, and none of the other footage ever happened in Col. Khadaffi was not alive in any of that footage, but was already dead sometime previously from wounds he received in capture.
Never mind children, that the Daily Mail reported this:
GADDAFI DEAD VIDEO: Dictator begs for life before summary ...
5 days ago – Terrified: Moments after he begged for his life, Gaddafi was shot dead ..... In May, Gaddafi taunted NATO, saying its bombers could not find him, ...As NATO has offered up it's findings, that Khadaffi was dead long before he begged for his life, and that NATO had no hand at all in the murder, nor did Barack Hussein Obama.
As further evidence in supporting NATO, and all those imbecilic 3rd world brains who comment things of natural law and murder is acceptable..............ah would it be natural law and acceptable if it was the commenter being shot in the legs and then capped to the brain?
Never mind, we have conclusive proof of the following now too based on NATO judgments.
Abraham Linclon was not murdered. He simply died of lead poisoning at Ford's Theater.
John Kennedy was not murdered, he simply expired due to brain loss in Texas.
Sharon Tate was not murdered, as Charlie Manson was just helping deliver her baby.
The Lockerbie jet blown up by terrorists, was not a matter of people being murdered, they simply could not live at 500 mph outside a plane.
The 3000 dead on 9 11, were not murdered, they simply died as results before the terrorists captured them.
All of this now makes perfect sense in Obama bizarro. Why the Gitmo terrorists are not terrorists, because murder is not murder when it is the friends of Obama.
Nidal Hasan isn't called a terrorist, because he is not a terrorist according to NATO judgments protecting Obama, because all those Fort Hood folks were going to die sometime anyway..........can't call a terrorist a terrorist for people going to die any way.
Algeria ISP Reports That Gaddafi Was Murdered, Not Killed ...
5 days ago – Algeria ISP reports that Dr. Moussa Ibrahim said that Gaddafi had been gravely ... He was not killed or captured in combat with NATO/Al Qaeda ...Yes mam, all those reports about murdered Col. Khadaffi were wrong and Elvis Presley has left the building and running a fried banana sandwich restaurant outside Lodi, Ohio where little whores life in johnny come lately houses with white picket divorces.
Never mind that the surviving Khadaffi family members, you know HUMANS are filing real papers at the Hague suing NATO for murdering their patriarch in Col. Khadaffi.
See the imbecile does not realize that Barack Obama planned all of this degradation out. Obama heinously had this murder filmed to smear NATO, smear the US military, just like all he has done has been about destroying American honor..........Obama hates European colonialists, and for the dupes who slobber over murder, they are the ones Obama is pissing on directly.
Barack Obama robbed the 9 11 families of justice as this blog exclusively proved in the murder of Sheik bin Laden's corpse. Barack Obama robbed the families of the Lockerbie bombing by this murder of Col. Khadaffi.
Barack Obama bastardized divinely appointed retribution by an American people, by murdering these Muslim militants INSTEAD OF EXECUTING THEM.
There is a vast difference between George W. Bush hanging Saddam Hussein after a trial in an Iraqi court, to this mass murder machine of Barack Hussein Obama, where Obama is judge, jury and executioner.
NATO, the pristine group for all honorable in the Cold War, just came out and flat ass lied for Obama in covering up mass murder.
Col. Khadaffi died of injuries upon being captured..............just where was this brain shot he suffered when he was being mauled by the Obama mob?
Barack Hussein Obama is a war criminal, and NATO is now no different from another group of Europe starting with the letter N, NAZI.
This is beyond disgusting, depraved and deviant.