After 9 11, I could feel and hear, the Spiritual dimension scream. It is something which I can still feel in the Spirit in me, as it feels like cold jagged steel ripping the flesh. There was great trauma in 9 11 and the national Protectors of America have a feeling about them of never recovering until this is balanced out.
The Archangel Michael is the prince of the Tribes of Israel in their protection. This includes the English, French and Americans in being the forefront sons of Joseph and Reuben of Jacob.
Joan of Arc provided some insight into the workings of the national leaders in Heaven in praying for their peoples, in she stated that the Angels informed him that Saint Louis and Saint Charlemagne had prayed for the deliverance of France from the English or France would cease to be. The Archangel Michael was the one who appeared to Joan and as Christ the King of Heaven had decided the outcome, the French needed to fight as the Angelic host fought and Christ would provide the victory.
America has always had a relationship with Reuben which seems to link back to when the 11 brothers sold Joseph into slavery to Egypt. Reuben regretted it in apparently his idea in jealousy was to put the boy into a pit, let the murderous ones cool down, and then return for the boy.
The others when Reuben was away sold Joseph into slavery by the Midianites, but what they deemed for evil, God meant for good in creating the Israelite nation in Goshen under superpower Egypt's care for several hundred years.
The French association with America has been from the start. The mark of Saint Louis is on America in Missouri, and the Marquis de Lafayette provided George Washington with a jubilant enthusiasm, as Benjamin Franklin seduced France to succour the revolution in their own selfish gain against the English.
France from this would die in revolution in the murder of the line of the Saint of France in Louis.
There has always been something blasphemous about the French, in they too during the revolution destroyed the sacred relics of Joan of Arc in all she did as deliverer of France. None of it makes sense, but Reuben always was an impetuous suave child driven by passions.
The personal things which go on in my life, take on a national and international Spiritual character in all, here I am about.
In that, I believe that America has a wound from this usurper Obama and the Rothschild bastardization of the Tribes and selling the Virgin into slavery...............EXACTLY by the same hands of the brother tribes who had done the deed against Joseph thousands of years ago which started a new day for God's chosen.
Just as Obama was initiated by the Eurasian demons, I know that America is going to require a miracle in the Saints of France will be needed to pray the Father in intercession as they did for France in the fulfillment of the prophecy in France was lost by a woman and she would be saved by a woman.
I do not hold nor condone Catholicism in their necromancy worship and praying to dead Saints as when one has Christ, one has the Advocate with the Father. As the Bible teaches even if the most devout in Moses to Job could not intercede for Israel in making the Father repent from punishment, then no Saint could.
There are things at work in this though that are much beyond explanation and I will not explain them here as it is personal to me. I honestly know that every Christian should be praying for the Holy Ghost to "fix" this in God's Will in dealing with the blasphemy of Obama and the evil which installed him, as this is a resident iniquity which is foreign to America.
The Father should be prayed to hear the prayers of the American Saints starting with our earthly father of George Washington whose part is in this in forever at our head, along with those French whose dignity and honor have produced for America from Reuben a resilient bond between us which will never be broken.
It is vital in this Spiritually that Sarah Palin advance, and as long as she is God's choice, this should be the prayer of every Christian in the Lord's Will being accomplished. There are things in this to make the heart sing. I know these things by profession.
This is as far as I will divulge things, and will leave this with the prayer of Saint Louis given to his son upon his death during his second Crusade.
The King of France who abolished usury from the nation as instituted by the "Jews".
Then he [Louis] called my Lord Philip, his son, and commanded> him, as if by testament, to observe all the teachings he had left him, which are hereinafter set down in French, and were, so it is said, written with the king's own saintly hand:
"Fair son, the first thing I would teach thee is to set thine heart to love God; for unless he love God none can be saved. Keep thyself from doing aught that is displeasing to God, that is to say, from mortal sin. Contrariwise thou shouldst suffer every manner of torment rather than commit a mortal sin.
"If God send thee adversity, receive it in patience and give thanks to our Saviour and bethink thee that thou hast deserved it, and that He will make it turn to thine advantage. If He send thee prosperity, then thank Him humbly, so that thou becomest not worse from pride or any other cause, when thou oughtest to be better. For we should not fight against God with his own gifts.
"Confess thyself often and choose for thy confessor a right worthy man who knows how to teach thee what to do, and what not to do; and bear thyself in such sort that thy confessor and thy friends shall dare to reprove thee for thy misdoings. Listen to the services of Holy Church devoutly, and without chattering; and pray to God with thy heart and with thy lips, and especially at Mass when the consecration takes place. Let thy heart be tender and full of pity toward those who are poor, miserable, and afflicted, and comfort and help them to the utmost of thy power.
"Maintain the good customs of thy realm and abolish the bad. Be not covetous against thy people and do not burden them with taxes and imposts save when thou art in great need.
"If thou hast any great burden weighing upon thy heart, tell it to thy confessor or to some right worthy man who is not full of vain words. Thou shalt be able to bear it more easily.
"See that thou hast in thy company men, whether religious or lay, who are right worthy and loyal and not full of covetousness, and confer with them oft; and fly and eschew the company of the wicked. Hearken willingly to the Word of God and keep it in thine heart, and seek diligently after prayers and indulgences. Love all that is good and profitable and hate all that is evil, wheresoever it may be.
"Let none be so bold as to say before thee any word that would draw or move to sin, or so bold as to speak evil behind another's back for pleasure's sake; nor do thou suffer any word in disparagement of God and of His saints to be spoken in thy presence. Give often thanks to God for all the good things he has bestowed on thee, so that thou be accounted worthy to receive more.
"In order to do justice and right to thy subjects, be upright and firm, turning neither to the right hand nor to the left, but always to what is just; and do thou maintain the cause of the poor until such a time as the truth is made clear. And if anyone has an action against thee, make full inquiry until thou knowest the truth; for thus shall thy counsellors judge the more boldly according to the truth, whether for thee or against.
"If thou holdest aught that belongeth to another, whether by thine own act or the act of thy predecessors, and the matter be certain, make restitution without delay. If the matter be doubtful, cause inquiry to be made by wise men diligently and promptly.
"Give heed that thy servants and thy subjects live under thee in peace and uprightness. Especially maintain the good cities and commons of thy realm in the same estate and with the same franchises as they enjoyed under thy predecessors; and if there be aught to amend, amend and set it right, and keep them in thy favor and love. For because of the power and wealth of the great cities, thine own subjects, and especially thy peers and thy barons and foreigners also will fear to undertake aught against thee.
"Love and honor all persons belonging to Holy Church, and see that no one take away or diminish the gifts and alms paid to them by thy predecessors. It is related of King Philip, my grandfather, that one of his counsellors once told him that those of Holy Church did him much harm and damage in that they deprived him of his rights, and diminished his jurisdiction, and that it was a great marvel that he suffered it; and the good king replied that he believed this might well be so, but he had regard to the benefits and courtesies that God had bestowed on him, and so thought it better to abandon some of his rights than to have any contention with the people of Holy Church.
"To thy father and mother thou shalt give honor and reverence, and thou shalt obey their commandments. Bestow the benefices of Holy Church on persons who are righteous and of a clean life, and do it on the advice of men of worth and uprightness.
"Beware of undertaking a war against any Christian prince without great deliberation; and if it has to be undertaken, see that thou do no hurt to Holy Church and to those that have done thee no injury. If wars and dissensions arise among thy subjects, see that thou appease them as soon as thou art able. "Use diligence to have good provosts and bailiffs, and inquire often of them and of those of thy household how they conduct themselves, and if there be found in them any vice of inordinate covetousness or falsehood or trickery. Labor to free thy land from all vile iniquity, and especially strike down with all thy power evil swearing and heresy. See to it that the expense of thy household be reasonable.
"Finally, my very dear son, cause Masses to be sung for my soul, and prayers to be said throughout thy realm; and give to me a special share and full part in all the good thou doest. Fair, dear son, I give thee all the blessings that a good father can give to his son. And may the blessed Trinity and all the saints keep and defend thee from all evils; and God give thee grace to do His will always, so that He be honored in thee, and that thou and I may both, after this mortal life is ended, be with Him together and praise Him everlastingly. Amen."
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