I'm going to be vain in writing an open letter to President Sarah Palin, not that she reads the blog or would dare even admitting to knowing of it, but that a reality must be slapped upside the head of America as America does not have the time to prepare for what is on the far horizon.
It is war.
The main focus of this blog has been to keep America out of the Great Eurasian War, or World War IV, which Mr. Obama has no positioned America to be slaughtered into. This blog has laid out the entire economic plan of forward bases of Japan and England in economics, trade and military might.
Combined with drill baby drill and ocean exploitation of resources would make America too powerful and valuable to attack for the golden eggs she would lay. That would take years to implement and what is divested here in privy council is the return of the American Ranger.
America for prolonged warfare is ill prepared as she has been maneuvered into in this gadget engines in vehicles and tractors, along with the disarming of America, and the lack of healthy food production.
This therefore exposes a true national security problem in acts of war, disasters and prolonged production interuption, everything in America is going to go broken as the cartels intended.
High technology has it's place, but it must be coupled with low technology in mass form for the masses, so they do not have to fight with sticks and stones and eat sh*t to survive.
Certain measures are going to have be reimplemented as America once had as national policy, and the two which must be achieved immediate are buicks into bullets, guns, tractors and vehicles which will work in grime, run over with a tank and left to rust in field at 20 below.
I really do not care if it is the return of the Ford 300 6 which powered UPS for years to the General Motors 4.3 liter 6 cylinder, but these engines should President Palin be the basis of the Patton Jeep, which would provide a rugged, carbeurator fed engine on a chassis which could move people around the nation.
Farming, I'm a personal fan of the WD 45 deisel by Allis Chalmers and the 560 diesel which Farmall International produced with Farmall loaders. If it needed to be farmed or bunkers dug for battle, these implements were an all weather tool for invasion and if mounted with cannon and machine gun would be a most lethal platform.
For firearms, the Winchester 92 or John Wayne cowboy rifle would be most American in being trustworthy, but I would prefer more than the 45 colt to reach out and touch invaders, even if most Americans could not hit the side of a mountain with a 300 mag.
I do not want 223 wounding implements as this is not Eurasian warfare of worrying about the enemy carting off dead in two draggers for the bleeder. This is America, and the last thing America needs is hospitals clogged up and food eaten by wounded invaders. Put a big damn hole in these sons of bitches and let the neighbors dogs eat them as Purina is going to be running short on pet food.
I appreciate the 30 30 for a magazine fed rifle, as the ammo is light, small and it would make any invader dead at 100 yards with fast loading mulitple shot magazine. If the government wants to arm the children with a 308 bolt action, then praise be Palin, I don't care, but as long as the thing shoots every time and there area piles of ammunition not weighing people down, then by all means an armed camp America with transportation which will run in all seasons is the medicine for the war which I fully intend to not allow to come to these shores ever again.
There really is not much more to be added to this as it is KISS, so now it is in the public sector of thought for a necessary return to cheap, durable goods for Americans, as I don't care about things wearing out as I'm trying to save this all until Christ returns.
Fit America out for war on a national scale and you have one piece of the Reagan economic expansion.
nuff said.