Sunday, October 16, 2011


Gee I wonder what "layin' it in there means psychologically"?

The manifestation of psychosis due to environment absolutely delights me like opening presents at Christmas, as one never knows what the human package is going to produce........and a majority of time in humans it is associative with sexual response.

I will take off the quadruple Freudian PHD's here and speak in cafe conversation, so let us be in Nice, as it is nice to be in Nice, France, sitting at a little table, with the garcon having brought our beverages as we watch the human animal like Jane Goodall did with the apes and see what strolls by on our teleprompter.

Cuckolds fascinate me as much as vaginettes as in the most intimate of relationships of marriage, there manifests thee worst sadistic manifestations of power corruption.
I actually stumbled upon my favorite study by accident as it involved this little flap wife who was the wife of a flap.........that is Air Force for you non flap civilians.

This female decided she required a father confessor for her sins and I was the mother superior girlfriend chosen for that role, as subjects conclude by my typing that I'm a pacifist to be walked upon, until they discover the tigress they have twisted the tail on, and then fun things happen in all hell breaks loose as the Vesuvius of emotion becomes unglued.
That though is another subject of women deleting, screaming, spitting, etc.... and in reality begging you to be the first adult in their life to take control of their nature and decide things for them again as they do not like being adults which they started at about age 3.

So where was I............

Oh yes Mrs. Flap. Mrs. Flap was a ball buster like the uniform fetish females are. Does not matter if the uniform is blonde blues with white skin or dark skin with curly hair, or police, fireman, cowboy, soldier.............women who run the power attraction game by the skin men wear, are on the feed for power, and they do not want to be controlled by it, they want to shatter that power and conquer it.
Yes the military male and female also does manifest as the alter ego in dominating the hell out of spouses and children due to innate weakness, but that is not fun nor the subject of the appendage spouses.

The husband who was chosen, through sexual contact, was told he was going to be married, and he liked this deal as the pretty girl was picking special him...........ah no pretty girl with nutty brain was picking uniform to pick your soul's carcase after marriage and you just did not know that rather dunce you was chosen, because you were a born victim.
Take a look at pretty women sometime and you will notice they marry dumpy males, because inside the dumpy male is dense and can be run roughshod over and dumpy said male does not appear on the same screen for attention as said pretty woman.

So the husband has this manifesting for a few years of marriage, and in bed, he really lays into the old lady trying to punish her with his penis, but funny thing is the wife gets off on the hard lay, and enjoys it........which frustrates the male as he can not Viagra punish the wife enough nor can he enhance himself enough to make her say "STOP".........this then comes to the field of Mrs. Flap.

Mr. Flap looks about and says, "What can I do to this bitch I'm in Stockholm Syndrome forever bound to as she has beat my soul to oblivion?"
His reptilian brain lands upon the one thing to gain power, and that is darkness. He chooses and feeds the fetish that if only a black penis could invade the pretty wife, that would be the punishment for he could dirty her up, get his Playboy locker room "HI FIVE" in everyone wants to nail the old lady, but this time the husband is being a man and deciding what is going on in the marriage..........and off goes the NCO black officer with the wife and nails her.
The interesting part is, she hates black men really, and the NCO hates white women, so it is all making hate, and Mr. Flap is in bed with them eventually watching his revenge, and Mrs. Flap thinks she is punishing her wimp husband, but it isn't turning her screw to enjoyment so he ends up confessing it all with claw and fang.

It interests me in this, in how sex is the chosen battlefield. It does not have to be an unhappy marriage in the least. It can be reproductive in a large family and intense love can be happening, but it is about control at base, and time and again these males and females in control have spouses desiring control, and mix the television, food and sex into a drama they feed off of, to degrade the other spouse they have problems with and give them the f*cking they must be punished with.

If you recall the ugly Obama couple as has been featured here, there are like figures in this political army which is so scary and sickening that a normal person would run screaming from a union like this.
You have big ugly Muchelle, who tried to be a sexy ho as a teenager as her prom photos revealed, and she just was not. She was just like Stan Ann, but instead of jungle fever, Muchelle has a white touch in she hates white me, but got her some good tan grade skin, with an exotic name...............

Ok baby sister is saying by God, that you got to know what was featured here in Michelle changed Bearick's name to Bah ROCK, because it made sense to her, as a rock was solid and Bearick was ICK and she was icky enough.
Do you know how pussy whipped you have to be as a male to have a woman change your identity? I don't care if this is a matter of Barry has more identities as he is running from his own failure, as this is about a male who got his identity changed by a woman.......and man that is cutting your balls off and hanging them on the wall daily.

No surprise there Obama went out as a Chicago hostess getting his wee wee whewed by gay males, as Barry was punishing the Mrs. for not sucking and blowing his identity off instead.
It got better for Barry in he got to come home and put that dangerous HIV associated thing in the old lady and smugly grin at her as he pounded away in the Obama form of revenge.

"Hey Muchelle, you want to be the man of the house? Well a man sucked this, and now I'm making you sweat with this and you are whimpering for whose the man in this you bull dyke!"
Bed must be so fun for Stinky and the Package. Now you see why Muchelle is so unhappy in her marriage as she married the whimp and the whimp cock whipped her, so now she runs around spending a fortune for that costly mistaken marriage and Obama is glad to see her go and sit with Mummy Jarrett and Boyfriend Reg in the TV room as lords of their little space.

Is not all this the coolest soap opera on the planet as we sit here at our little cafe acting like we don't notice what is going on?

It fascinates me in a vaginette like Jackie Kennedy who whores her husband out like Hillary Clinton in protest, but deep down they get off on the Playgirl centerfold in them appreciates someone wanting their man.
Both cases, Jackie reverted to being a mistress after her marriage to become what Jack wanted, and Hillary became the husband to Huma Wiener............and I will not go into the psychopathy of that delicious father Hillary having her wife Huma marry a guy named Wiener, so they both could pussy whip him for all the Muslim males and Bill boys who hurt them and they only could find comfort in pussydom.

The charge of this in the power fetish goes off the grid when it is manifested in persona uniform. These couples can appear to have it all, and yet the spouse will in most cases reacting, not have a clue as to why they are plunged into this fetish, but the problems of being an adult and losing yourself to the control of another, suddenly has them thinking, "It hurts so good, so how can I force an affair onto the other, make it their responsibility and have a front seat to the festivities so I can sit here getting my self worth back that the other has supplanted".

This stuff is just enticingly kaleidoscope as it is not couch therapy in controlled situations, but you just sit in the White House watching the world go by unnoticed and every turn of the wheel makes a new pattern which is prettier than the one before............yes the patterns are the same colors so that part is boring, but they manifest in new ways each day as he intricacies of a Stan Ann chooses the darkest negro, then shades to Asian, then there is Muchelle picked by Barry because he tried Jesse Jackson's daughter who knew what a dick player he was and that is why Jesse wanted to castrate him too, as this is all sexual in these folks..................and the Mrs. Flap getting her lily dirty in dirty sexy she thought would make her hot and all it did was make her feel dirty, and Hillary now has a balling baby by Huma at her age with Anthony Wiener being made to do the laundry in public to let everyone know he is the wife to these two men............and camouflaged families desperately out of control by the control and one spouse things all is well, but the other is manifesting the 7 year itch.

Yes I pity these people out of control, but they are adults and could turn to God to get things settled, but instead try the gap fill ins, and it just keeps getting more shrill as each month they try to make something fill in the void, and that void just manifests a bigger crater.

Let us just sip our beverage and muse about what adults we all are and not having all these problems as the show will be coming around the block again, and it always is more bizarre each time it passes.

agtG 308Y

I want a girl,
just like the girl,
who married dear olde............
dad in his third marriage, that did mum, who was hired to do my brother, but I ended up doing her and she liked dogs, and then there was the black repairman with VD who gave us all VD, and ............