Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cache id

The human animal is a most interesting creature. As exclusive, this blog diagnoses a new old condition never recorded before in "cache id".

I have the remnants of cache id around my dungeon dwelling as monuments to the human condition which makes absolutely no sense unless one comprehends the cause of it is mice, glacier bears and Neanderthals.


Ok stick around as baby sis will clue you in too, now that I figured out she is a resident of the dwelling too.

My newest treasure is a Savage 19 NRA bolt action rifle which is a testimony to cache id, and the torture humans inflict upon others. It has nothing to do with this ancient weapon of engineering, but is has everything to do with humans, as in my 8 inch covered aluminum bar pan without the pan, but with the cover, and of course the electric cord in your home for your fry cooker which is not in the fry cooker, but off on some shelf being kept safe.

I love Presto steam cookers, and they suffer from cache id also, as the weight is always stored by humans, like the trivet, in other locations so it will not be lost..........and baby sister shaking her head says, "They always get lost now don't they?"

You betcha.

See humans in psychology have something they exhibit in their reptilian brains of self preservation that they do the damnedest things, which is quite good in predator commerce as the instinct prone people are always loosing things they put away for safe keeping and have to replace them with new purchases.

It used to drive me up the wall in trying to find things my Mom put away, as she never stored things together just like the rest of the human race. After much ado about everything, and using my brother in law as an example as we went to his home for chislets and he just could not find the cord for his fry daddy............because it was put away in a safe place, so we sat around watching the monkey look for his hidden nut cache which was so safe no one could find it.

That is what is up with my NRA 19 and apparently it is plagued by such things, as honest to God, in doing research on that firearm, everyone keeps saying, "I need the rear sight as someone took it off".
Guess what is missing on my rifle? You betcha the rear sight is off for some inexplicable reason, as it is no good for any other gun, is not that good on the gun, but it worthless without it being mounted on this rifle.........but some genius took it off for their reason and put it away in some box for safekeeping, and of course you know some other genius now has that "damn goofy thing" in their junk box probably in Texas from Uncle Joe who have no idea what in the hell it is.

Great problem as the sight is about worth more than the gun, as is the clip. Fortunately the clip is in the firearm, as apparently that period of time it was not a thought to keep that safe from being lost too.

See when people were roaming about the planet, it did not serve them well to keep their fruit, veggies, grains, meat and clothes all in one piles of things had some mastodon busting in and wrecking things, some rain storm flooding your food stores or some damn mice chewing up everything, so all you were left was a pile of rancid mouse pee smelling things which made you starve to death.
So humans hide things, by taking things apart and putting them in different places to "keep them safe".

Cache id.

So about this time you are bored, so I will not bore you any longer now that the foundation is laid in what is good for the Lyndon is good for the Barack?


There once was a man named LBJ who stole elections in Texas. He also was like all humans in he just could not keep his memories to himself, his evidence nor his cache of goodies.
One day LBJ was musing about his past with a friend and the landslide election came up, and LBJ popped up and out of his closet literally he pulled out a photo which you can find online of the ballot box which was stuffed in Texas to give him a victory.
LBJ would never admit it, but he just had to keep a picture of that around and would smile about his little treasure hidden away.

You must see now that Barack Hussein Obama is as primitive in action as LBJ in he just can not help hisself with keeping records of his real life. You know very well, because you reminisce about things, so in Obama's quiet moments, he has that box of "things" like his birth certificate from Kenya, his stack of crimes, and the obit of Donald Young.
You know this because Ulsterman recorded it that in Obamas second flower tower room, he has magazines and FOX on because they talk about him.

Obama has his little box of crimes. He probably has a few photos of things he keeps on his blackberry, and in his musing times, he pulls this stuff out to remind him how smart he is in pulling off this Constitutional fraud on America. It is his FU to America.
Obama has to share this with someone, and it would not be the wife or kids. It is probably Mummy Jarrett of the boyfriend Reggie granted Obama is going to be coy in showing things like LBJ did.........hell he is going to get a kick out of putting a fraudulent birth abstract out, being caught up in it, and just feeding off the attention, because it means Barry got away with it another day. It is though Obama fondling his intellect, and baby sister you know what this is about in the evidence to nail Obama is within his reach.

It is a guarantee that as the property Obama has in Chicago is still visited by him, that part of the evidence is hidden away there........might be the pistol which murdered Donald Young, just like Rahm Emanuel could not leave his urine stains in the attic of the house he rented proving he was owner and absent.
These humans can not help but do this. They have to have the catharsis of confessing their crimes, but at the same time reveling in them for the sociopaths they I pointed out long ago Obama is Ted Bundy in psyche, Obama visits his crime scenes and there is a deeper reason Obama is in Hawaii for Christmas vacation than Christmas vacation.

Now you know why this started out with something you thought you were not interested in, in human psychology and more meanderings of the Jonathan Winters mind.....and all of a sudden here comes the punchline which has you thinking............."Hmm where is Obama hiding that cigar box full of his trinkets to treason?"

He keeps it close people, and he has several caches, because you missed what I showed here from the start in, "Obama's monkey in his pants has numerous relics of earth and necromancy".
Obama is not a one trinket guy..........he is multiple like his personas.

Want to see the elite sweat now and the brown recluse in finding out what this blog knows, that Obama has his criminal orgy of felonies scattered about, that he fondles them close, and he has kept records.

Wonder if they will sweat enough to do a break in at Chicago and at 1600 Penn?

It does not matter if the Clintons and others have the evidence, because Obama has the evidence in his little shrine to hisself, just like you see the storyboards on dramas concerning socio and psychopaths.

Why do you think he gave the Queen and ipod?

Yes baby sister, he is telling you where to look and his patterns in how he strokes hisself in reveling in his "accomplishments".

Now you know things no one else knew..........not even Barry until now. Both camps are now though probably saying the same thing in, "OH SH*T!"

Yes our little Kenya has been building a record to hisself and keeps it about to stroke it wherever he goes.

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