i told you about "cache id" now too did I not? Yes I did, but even with naming Obama and human psychosis you just didn't know what in the Heaven I was getting at again, because you aren't tuned into the Holy Ghost.
Don't feel too bad, as I have about 3/4's mule genes in my DNA and God just has me beat on by satan and things for a few years to get the point even if no one in Christianity would ever have the point.
So above is my lusted for elixir of pleasure, my tortured education, my 8 by 8 inch by 2 inch HEAVY pan, which was deprived of me for my Mom's b day, my b day, and around 2 years.
See some old gal decided to hide the lid and bottom, s o I only could find the top in a thrift store for 2 cursed years. satan know doubt seeing this, put the hammer to this, about the time the Mexicans with big breasts left the locality for better parts unknown.
you won't get that last bit, but I was able to observe an experiment which really interested me.........but I digress.
So I got this pan for 2 years in the lid, as I love pans which lids for some reason........just such cool things. I have a pan like this, but the lid snaps on, and of course I don't want a snap on lid, as my Auntie made brownies with fudge frosting which I never got to eat on Sunday's because I had to be tortured in Sunday school..............where was I?
Oh yes deprived of things, the human psyche overcompensates.
So I go into ever blessed store in several communities looking for an 8 by 8 by 2 inch pan......no deal. I buy look alikes which end up feeding chickens as that is not the deal. I spend hours looking online, writing emails to chef supply houses........they measure the pans for me even, and no fricking pan is in existence which is 8 by 8 inches exactly outside spread.
things go down hill in this, in Mom gets hurt, things get piled up, in all this resident evil and Obama ill will directed at me due to this blog and other minions insecurities.............and I get busy as listening to God and the nattering nabobs of negativism, takes their toll on little girls with waves and not curls.
Yes now you know I have luxuriant long waving hair like some jove.
so I ask about this pan and really get pissed off as no pan arrives, and I pretty well know some old gal is going to have to go tits up for me to get a pan in the thrift store, as children always throw away things when the old folks croak.
No pan though, and then the resident evil thing gets commanded to depart, and sure enough I pop into the thrift shop and there is my pan all coated with glazed in grease, sandwiched in between two women who have no sense what this world is as they are not in it, at about age 35.
So I say, "Look there is my pan", to my Mom......of course Mom has satan on her tongue and blurts out, "That pan is too big".
Scowling I measure it with my hand as I know my hand measurement as everyone should for quick measuring, and while my hand is not 8 inches long, I know from tip to mole how far is 7 and half on my arm, so I pronounce this my pan and it will fit.........now upset that I doubt things as satan is always looking through anyone, even Saintly Mothers who are better Christians than you will probably ever become unless Jesus totes you up the hill better.
Where was I?
Oh yes, the pan, I find some other things in the store, and off we go with the pan and nice people not running us over.........and I get the lid out, as I carry this lid in the car, as it is an obsession of mine, and slide it on........it fits nice........little crack on the edge and I'm moved to look at it, and sure enough there is a little lip lock on it.........and I pop it and it is a perfect fit........and looks all glamorous with kurly kate scratch marks getting that corn oil sheen off of it.
That is about it........but it is not, as you got to get that lesson here into your brains children. Get rid of the resident evil............sure I know you like keeping evil around as evil is fun. You keep some hot looking friend about to lust after or I don't know...........what your perversions are in your nice world, but that is about burned out of me, so I was ready.
Yes I know I have some compassion in the old gal I think was probably nice, as I'm nice. but she probably was some damned Obama voter who was scowling at the world, and had her shot at life........in any case the world is better without her if she voted for Obama and if she is nice, she is in heaven and her pan is with someone who needed it.
Granted this is not yet Warren Buffett writing me a billion dollar check to stop exposing his crimes, but it is a start and I frankly am more delighted in this pan.........as I think I will make a rhubarb cake in it as this needs to be a special thing to thank God, as I really wanted this pan and it is the exact pan I lusted after in being heavy cast aluminum............I don't like new things as they have no character. This is nice and scratched, has that sheen of being used and I even sat it on my dash coming home to admire it.
Course a shetland pony ran out in front of a car and almost got hit........and I went to the closet ranch house I could find to report it and the fat dogs there were so happy when I got out of the care to knock on the door, and then that black bastard soon as I knocked, just wagged his tail watching me out of the corner of his eye, barking mean, and looking like, "I got you know bitch and am going to labradore retrieve a pound of flesh off your ass".
I said, "Good puppy", slid by the opposite side as he decided if I was running away to bite me, and walked around the car and slid in...........said a prayer to the horse, called some relatives of this couple who lived there who was going to call someone..............any way I hope the ponies did not get road kill as my idiot dad got my pony killed that way and no child should go through that .
In any case, start commanding those evils, weights, will and whatever out of your life and not to return.
Going to have to set this pan up somewhere for awhile and admire it thankfully.
I hope you got this this time, because you got to slow down and do some contemplating about what is being written here for your benefit.
It works.