Thursday, October 27, 2011

Correct Assessment

This blog has explained the correct historical time lines which have been violated in Sarah Palin was supposed to be Vice President of these United States, in preparation for the Great Tribulation to come as President.

The violations of this time line, which under the "bad moon" of Obama, was designed instead of John McCain to be sacrificed in the transfer of the Presidency to Sarah Palin at this most historic of Biblical times, she was to become the American savior as Joan of Arc was the French savior.

This destiny is Sarah Palin's and it has been satan itself resisting this in murderous plots with his willing minions who are slashing their own throats in thinking the situation is their normal skulduggery, but this is an amplified period of new evil in old spheres.

For this reason, this blog assesses correctly it will confess the will of God, in the wench, Sarah Louise Palin, will heretofore be regarded, extolled and addressed by her Spiritual title in the correct time line as President of these United States.
From this moment forward, she will be addressed as President Palin, and none other will be referred to as such.

This blog has refrained from that title to B. Hussein Obama, as this foreigner is a usurper, and loyal only to his European bloodlines of the Ashkenaz Rothschilds. Obama will be disregarded for the changeling he is.

The true and native heir, the challenger, the deliverer of America is Sarah Palin. No matter the choice on her part, she will be given due honor her position, whether she is robbed of this or not. This is witness, testimony and evidence for the conviction and wrath of God upon the barons, tycoons, traitors and enemies of America, that you know the facts, and either you implement the will of God or you stand as adversaries of the King of Heaven.

With all due respect to the heroine of the Reubenites and Daughter of God, Jenette du Arc du Lis, this Warrior of the Lord, gave example of only referring to the legitimate heir and ruler of the French as the Dauphin in complete Authority from God.

Sarah Palin is in her cave;

David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to him.
I Samuel 22:1

The President has been exiled by the Saulite murderous mob, but I profess loyalty to my President and will serve only her.

I can not make President Palin fulfill her destiny, but I can steadfastly await an earthquake for the rightful native daughter in Faith.
I can not make President Palin fulfill her destiny, but I can steadfastly stand witness before my Lord and Master crying out the evidence of those bastards of satan who have supplanted God's Plan for the American People.

President Sarah Palin knows not me, nor would give notice to a servant to me, which is befitting her lofty state, but this poetic knight now has purpose in the Truth to chivalrously uphold her standard as Nathan and Paladin.

I will have no other leader upon this earth, save her. She is my President and from this point on I anoint her as the chosen one.

It makes no difference if she is gutting fish, hiding in her bed, nattering a fool on television as a chirping bird among the finch, I will regard her in her estate as President for to that White House she was born.

She is my President, this Sarah Palin, and I will recognize no other. This is a matter of honor and in fidelity I recognize only her as President of these United States, the true and native child.

Name of God, this I pledge and may God render His will be done. Amen.

agtG 216Y, 202Y, 184, 238, 199Y

Right and True will of God, 388YYYY