Thursday, October 27, 2011

7 heads and 10 horns

There is something to watch in Europe with the implosion of the European Union, which is by design, and it is something to gauge events on as foretold of in the Bible.

A short explanation follows as the Bible interprets itself for people, but the code words are as follows. BEAST is an empire, in this case it is the last revival of the Roman Empire. The HEADS signify each demarcation of that Empire through history. The last being the Axis powers of Hitler and Mussolini . Six heads have arisen, one is left to arise and is in the process of being created by the central European cartel with funding from Barack Hussein Obama in plundering the US Treasury of trillions. THIS IS WHY OBAMA WAS INSTALLED INTO OFFICE.

The 10 HORNS are dominions or nations who join to form this Empire which will be ruled by the anti Christ.

Daniel 7 - 7; After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

Daniel 7 - 24; And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

Revelation 12 - 3; And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Revelation 13 - 3; And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Revelation 17 - 12; And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

One really does not need to keep all the information in your brains, as the synopsis is 1 empire, 1 anti Christ, and derived from the pooling of resources for a very short time.

The time appears to be not less than 7 years, and not greater than that. As in Daniel there is one 7 year cycle left to be completed in this present age, and all things revolve around this last HEAD formed by these 10 nations joined as one Empire.

The clock of God begins final countdown after a Middle East war in which this empire ruler initiates a 7 year treaty which is only designed to provide the Europeans time to invade the principle which Mr. Obama has been blowing up in Libya and Egypt for the expressed purpose of getting Jerusalem.
Note the invasion route, as they do not go through Turkey, which is Esau Edomites and most interesting. It is this acquiring the Holy Land which sets off the combined "kings of the east" invasion, otherwise known as Armageddon, which is nothing more than the Plains of Sharon north of Jerusalem. It is a historic perfect battlefield plain surrounded by an amphitheater of mountains..........Saul and his sons were killed there on Mt. Gilboa in the Philistine War.

That is what is behind this plundering of the European economy now. It was started to install Obama and break Anglo American finance, which Obama's looting has accomplished. This phase is designed to form the axis, as the English will not be a part of this, nor should the western states including Reubenite France, as these are House of Israel nations and not a part of "Babylon" as she is called in the "daughter of babylon" in Jeremiah.

The Assyrians settled in Germany and the Babylonians settled in southern Italy. Persians join in this epic fight, but one has the entire scope of all the world empires of antiquity assembled again in this war.

According to the Bible, there should be 10 nations joined in this. There is reference to 3 kings subdued, but that is a by word almost, so it is no great event.......could be something as Hitler annexing Austria, Hungary and whatever to tidy the unHoly Neo Roman Empire board.

This is what needs to be watched, as this empire defined in the Bible is headed by the anti Christ and there is a false prophet which gives affirmation to the miracles of the anti the Catholic religion. Catholicism is the common belief structure which binds this together in a weak and strong union.

The assemblage is constructed in old Popes, breaking apart unions for a different union, and a redrawing of lines.

Revelation 13- 4; And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

You will see an empire quickening in the adoration of Europeans who lust for this power, and the power this empire is, in as it arises, it is going to be a formidable power militarily and economically.

There are signs provided in the Bible and must come into play. There is no need to stretch or make excuses nor search to make things fit. When it comes, it will be exactly as it is noted in Scripture.

I become melancholy every beginning of the Babylonian Jewish "autumn New Year", because the Middle East war has not happened and no anti Christ 7 year peace treaty comes about, but I have perked up again for 2012, in things appear moving toward exactly as they should be. There just needs to be a little bit more Obama Rothschild upheaval and this will finally engage.

I make no prediction, but point out the signs are come together, and only need to be engaged.

This though I will note; the same demonic frenzy in deceived people will occur with the anti Christ and this global authority in Europe.........but this warning is now in noting that the Faithful are going to know exactly what this is, and "if it were possible to be deceived they would be", as the lie is going to be so honest.........that will be the rub in this, and in the backlash in America, it will be deadly in Europe against the Catholics who figure this out as once a real Christian figures out what this is, they are going to be against it with all they have..........and just like Obama and his ilk have been coming against Americans with all they have, so will this crack down be martyr worse.

Think of it children, if this is the war, if this European break up makes the are going to see things the Prophets, Apostles and Angels have sought to search out.
All these events must come to be exactly, but if they do, then that would mean sometime in the spring of 2016 at Easter, the anti Christ breaks the 7 year false peace, and 3 1/2 years later, in the autumn of 2019, Jesus will return......and by December He will complete the High Days in rededicating the Temple which is to be built yet.

We know Yom Kippur or Atonement is Armageddon and we know that the Christ returns at the Feast of Trumpets as St. Paul hints at. Might not know the day and hour of His coming, but get that false peace treaty, and you know the year.

May you live in interesting times.

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