Some kind Gentleman asked me about 9 11 being an inside job, and while I have addressed this here, I have never gone into what an intelligence operation is like, to explain how "9 11 could be inside and yet outside" at the same time.
The focus here will be one dimensional focusing on Jamie Gorelick who was the "wall" in the Clinton Gore administration in protecting them from Saddam bribes, Chicom money laundering into their campaign, and that Obama Indonesian money flow which shut down US energy for Indonesian supply.
See when you are collecting illegal money like the Clinton's and Gores were, normal security is going to pick up on the feeds eventually, and the only way to shut that down is to keep your NSA groups from comparing notes from various theaters, and by doing so, one can launder money through the system without the flags going off in PROMIS software as that is what Hillary's speciality was with Vince Foster and Web Hubble, aka, Chelsea's father.
Now from the outside looking in, say you are the same Rothschilds of central Europe (I will note this is another exclusive here.) the same elite who punished Bill and Hillary for selling "their " Stan uranium to China without giving them a cut as is mandatory.
So you want what you think is all that oil in what was the former Soviet Union, and you know that getting Dr. Zawahiri who is your agent in moving Sheik bin Laden to attack the west, will initiate a dust up in Afghanistan and supply an oil pipeline, and no one will notice too much this was about oil and not terrorism...........as terrorism gets the headlines.
So you being a bright world operator, know the Bush family is sore about Islam yet in that family honor thing in Gulf War I, and you know through your operatives as you control divisions of every government on earth, that there is a little Clinton Gore operation still on the books, which the Gore people are still running..........
Oh you didn't know this, that just like Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City and Twin Tower's I, that Al Gore for his administration had his own image enhancing operation for 2001 to cement his world presence as a savior of the American people........and it was called 9 11.
Yeah this is the first time this has ever been in print, so it is an exclusive.
Gorelick knew these terrorists were in America as much as Saudi Arabia did. What though 9 11 was originally in making Al Gore look leaderlike, was shifted to Al Gore's revenge by his operatives when the Constitution worked and Bush43 ended up in the White House.
What was supposed to take place was the Gore Clinton people were to catch these terrorists in the act, and look like heroes...........and the press would be fed the story that "poor George with that silver foot in his mouth was not trusted enough to deal with intelligence" which would have been the Soros joke smeared across for the next 4 years to cripple Bush into a one term presidency.
As stated, there was a great deal of movement in this, in another group of terrorists entered America in September for a like operation, but as this blog has written of, were warned off, and returned to Eurasia before 9 11 as these expendable terrorists in America were being initiated.
As I have noted from my personal data collection, the internet on 9 10 went into a meltdown in servers were rebooting, chat programs were disengaging and restarting, as Gorelick and her people figured out that their terrorists had flown the coup and were engaged in an attack.....and they could not find them to shut it down, as 20 terrorists are small needles in a big haystack.
This is where nice people who have no intelligence operational experience need to be walked through as a normal moral person would tell Bush43, via the NSA, "We have a problem in terrorists are on the move on a definite operation."
If Gorelick's crew did that, the first thing Dick Cheney and son of CIA George W. Bush would do is say, "What the hell terrorists and operation are we talking about here Ms. Gorelick, as I recall our briefing in December 2000 and you never said a damn thing about terrorists training in America........and I know your people never said a damn thing these past months about having an entire sleeper group under surveillance.......so just what the hell have you been up to?"
There is the rub in this, and why Ted Olson's wife was expendable and democrat liberal Willie Brown of California was warned off flying that morning. Al Gore's intelligence mafia could not blow the whistle or they would be exposed for the literal treason they were involved in, in trying to ruin Bush43.
They consoled themselves that morning in thinking "Maybe the terrorists were just realigning", but this Gore group knew very well every inch of this, and is how that terrorist passport ended up on a New York City street........they were moving heaven and earth to dump information to lead Bush43 away from them, and toward the Rothschild oil objective in Afghanistan to save themselves.
The entire outside world knew these attacks were coming, and there were at least two levels for 9 11 sent into operation, and the professionals were called off, and the issue then of Mockingbird was engaged to keep the information flow away from the cartel which staged this to get America to get for them that Asian oil.
Bush43 though was too New World or Bush World Order in America as Bush decided to go into Iraq too for old family scores, and that in turn took all that bribe money oil from Saddam flowing into the cartels and Bill Clinton type pockets.
That of course infuriated the cartels and was what was behind their operatives in Colin Powell and Dick Armitage occupying Iraq to make the Americans bleed and the Plamegate coup that really was puffy lips intrigue as has been covered here.
It all weaves together, as it was the same operation at focal point, and at vanishing point the perpetrators disappeared as was intended, and the Jamie Gorelick types were stuck on the 9 11 committee like the Warren Commission to cover up the crimes they were involved in.
Now you know things which have been covered up for a wee bit of time, and why all that money flowed with false leads about Global Hawk, Alex Jones insider smears and the hidden wiring of numerous buildings at Ground Zero to keep the bin Laden domino effect from being engaged as he intended to kill over half a million people.............and yes that includes the cover story that "bin Laden was surprised the Towers fell".
Everyone knew if the Towers were hit, they would be pulled...........there was a great deal of money making involved in this, and while Bush43 was not told before they were pulled, having that dumped into your lamp of, "Hey Mr. Prez, by the way, the NSA has protocols signed by Bill Clinton giving full authority to Button Pusher 7, that she could blow up buildings with a single push, and "YOU" demolished those towers Mr. Prez and those thousands dead were on executive authority."
Something like "Oh sh*t" would be the Bush response, as he was not about to release the information in a national trauma as he found out that other buildings were wired too, as that would really start a panic, as the cartel intended.
Some might say that George Bush signed two secret directives that week in one called for an absolute nuclear oblivion to Mecca and Media if America was hit again, and that no Button Pusher was going to be pulling any damn buildings again as only the President could give that order".
That is probably really too much insider information, so will stop there or that Ulsterman will be interviewing me in his superb journalism........but I just don't like wearing tutu's, so will just remain the nobody who knows nothing doing this typing.
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