In comments, I happened to mention that Michelle Obama was almost as exact image of the Kim Hunter character in Planet of the Apes who Charlton Heston laid the first primate kiss on, causing quite a Guess Who's Coming to Dinner moment in cinema history.
In making that comment, a number liked it, and it was an interesting test in how far America has progressed from 2008 when the mere mention of Obama had the avalanche of the "racist" slurs to shut people up.
This blog was the lone advocate in exposing a Mockingbird ad campaign which was using in 2009 a constant barrage of monkey and ape photos in ad, to psychologically ape Obama up. This blog shut down the racism.........but now the question is just who was behind this?
Was it the people who lost to Obama.........or was something else taking place.
What follows is a galactic exclusive again found only here.
As D.W. Ulsterman has reported in stories quoting Deep Tutu, the White House Insider, there is an immense program in the Obama 2012 campaign to design racism as the catalyst in the coming elections. Racial tensions are being stoked directly inside the White House for a political lynching of American politics again, in first Obama utilized guilt and now he is going to use terror.
This is what was behind the Obama black wildings housed in the united gang syndicate out of Chicago as reported exclusively here.
It follows on the Louis Farrkhan set up in Obama parking white reporters outside Mr. Farrakhan's home knowing his guards would come out and scare the reporters in an intimidation move of "all blacks are dangerous" so leave Obama alone.
Examine the above photo and one sees that this is a White House photo taken by Pete Souza. This means this photo was set up, staged, dressed for, posed for and released in this was thee exact image the Obama camp was creating for the American public to see and be influenced by.
Michelle Obama as this blog has noted has several hair styles. Usually she is stuck in Diana Ross and the Supremes from the 1960's or else is having her hair pulled back like Weezie Jefferson cleaning Archie Bunker's house.
Each style is a conditioned response to segments of voters in who Michelle is supposed to be. She is supposed to be arousing as Diana Ross and is supposed to be matronly in the Mrs. Jefferson role.
Hillary Clinton used multiple manifestations to manipulate her persona, so this is well documented in what is staged and is taking place.
One must comprehend this White House photo, as someone had to sit down in a closed session which involved Barack Obama, Val-erie Jarrett, David Plouffe and David Axelrod. They were discussing this racism trigger they were stoking and in this, it was put forward that Michelle Obama would have her hair slicked back and pose exactly as the women apes did in the Planet of the Apes, in order to trigger ethnic slurs from Tea Party, white people, the GOP, which would feed into the Obama campaign to use "nigger slurs" to disarm the entire 2012 campaign against Obama.
One must comprehend that Michelle Obama was either approached on this, or she was part of the instigators of this, and this passed thee entire Obama 2012 main team, in order to trigger racism.
Know the reality of that above photo, in it was discussed, the movie had to be studied by Michelle Obama, and the exact pose recreated. Readers may recall that long ago this subject was breached here in the Charleton Heston saga in this surfaced before. This means either the Brown Recluse was inspired from this blog to initiate this new round of racism or this was a continuing program building to other over acts by the Obama regime.
This is upon examination an incredible series of propaganda manipulations which are some of thee absolute worst in the history of the world. The Clinton's were tipping flags over in military cemeteries in Europe so Bill Clinton could straighten them. That was disgusting. What Barack and Michelle Obama have engaged in is beyond that.
The Obama's have literally dressed up like Halloween characters ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY just to subtly condition both black and white Americans to respond to things hidden in their psyches in what is a series of psychological triggers that are deliberate to flame race problems.
As the Facebook test proved though, people were not intimidated nor was there a response of racism. There was though the psychological affirmation that what the Obama's staged in that photo from the White House was being seen by Americans as they in racism intended.
Explosive and damning stuff, if the Mockingbird press would expose this for the disgusting thing it is, as the United States press is now part of an Obama machination which already got Wisconsin families beat up at a fair, and this is being stoked to have whites murdered by blacks to "herd the black" into the Obama camp, in the same way Obama's backer in the European Ashkenaz elite keep the "us against the Jews" syndrome stoked to keep Jews on the kibbutz.
How pathetic is it for someone to dress up as a primate? How reprehensible is it to do it to beat blacks into line with it? How criminal is it to do this in knowing people will be murdered from it in stoking race tensions?
How much Scott Pelley, Diane Sawyer or Brian Williams will you condone with blood on his hands Obama? Khadaffi babies, bin Laden murders and now the destruction of everything Martin King and Bill Cosby worked for in race relations.
The silence is deadly in this and there is no wink and nod excuse in this blog has broken this time and again, and now it is being ramped up to racial onslaught for 2012.
Does not one member of the press have a conscience when it comes to their high salaries knowing innocent people are going to be beaten up as families in their cars, their malls or murdered at polling places, because the Obama's are running the Planet of the Primates?
This is a degradation to blacks, a terrorization of whites and a racial homicide to America. This is your hope and change on display.
Are you David Letterman cocktail crowd proud of your work? The Obama's are ready for their close up in portraying blacks now as primates for racial violence.......on their anniversary no less.
What kind of monsters have your created and what kind of Himmlers do you coddle in your political crib Mr. Letterman.

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