In examining Mockingbird, I received a great deal of interest from the clack, but things surprise me at times in outing Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh brings a great deal of attention, and then business like Buffett and trains......and that Canadian oil sands really put a 1000 pound gorilla about the place, but Mockingbird is where this all whirlpools as it is the slush fund for all the other programs in how they operate too.
It was exclusively shown here that the "new" Hawaii Five O produced in Hawaii was about Mockingbird in kickbacks for various intelligence operations concerning Obama etal. It was about money laundering by CBS, and CBS has done this for a generation in producing the crappiest television like Lou Grant to Cagney and Lacey, because that crap was mind conditioning operations for the American public.
No one ever watched that garbage, but it was handed awards, major time slots and kept around, because it was Mockingbird money flow of liberalism on Marxst parade.
That is what Hawaii Five O is about in kickbacks to Hawaii in covering up all the Obama crimes there. I just cringed last year when that "power ranger" cast was put out there in having no talent, no presence, no acting ability and no stories, as I knew it was red flagged with a budget from Moonves hisself for Obama, just like Letterman is there for propaganda and not entertainment.
So after massive ad campaigns for Five O, it still tanked, and yet CBS pushed it..like that Good Whore program they have on, and now Poppy Montgomery replaced that Tuesday night time slot with a really bad show.............
I digress.
This brought about CBS trying to save face in doing what they should have done from the beginning in they finally got their heads out of Obama's zipper.............ok I'll say this, the new Five O is a jack off show.........it had these gay looking actors who the heads like to couch sack with and that means to them America will masturbate to the cast and that is all they need to do in producing an Obama Hawaii show..........,but CBS finally brought in, in trying to save Five O they brought in Tom Sizemore and Terry O'Quinn.
Sizemore had problems in his past years, but CBS gave him a run on his own show, and it was a very good show........problem is good television does not last on CBS in favor of Mockingbird, but they brought Sizemore back to give this cast some beef, and brought in the aging Terry O as a bad ass to give the cops some muscle.
Reality is, they should have just fired the power rangers, and brought in Sizemore, O'Quinn, made Peter Krause the new McGarrett..........and brought in my girl Natalie Zea as she hauls ass on her own.
Oppps too bad you might have noticed that there are no minorities, no fricking 20 year olds crotch rockets and no whore island Obama anywhere near this...........because I only produce good cinema.
You put that cast together and some eye candy Polynesians and you have a program all could watch, because it was actually a performance.
Sizemore has to be pissed in only getting this gig, as he is too good to hold up a bunch of panty wearers.
None of this is that difficult.............if it was the main spokes from CSI, Law & Order, and that Donald Belarus productions which has been stamping out Magnum PI for the past 30 years would not be able to make the television they do.
You have to have a cast though of some talent and not about wet tissues. That though is what you get in suit meetings in the suits from DC offer up costs in the millions and the suits in West 57th offer up their liberal wet dreams in the things they would love to get sweaty with......Ed Asner, Sharon Gless (mind you Sharon was real bone meal when she worked with Bob Wagner and Eddie Albert on Switch and I love her on Burn Notice as she has talent, but when she had that fat ass on with that other fat ass Felicia from Search for Tomorrow on Cags and Lace, it was too damned bull dyke ugly) and this child pedophile cast on Hawaii Five O that the big shots all got hot over..........that is what you get.
It is like DC giving you a hundred million for a program and all you did was go out and hire your 5 hot actors, and never bothered with the writers...........very little writing in Hollywood as you get a script with cum stains on it for the tart the head pervs are nailing.
So who really is getting the money in Hawaii.....where did the money flow into CBS from in losing a fortune on Five O and still keeping it about the place in trying to fix it?
Good programs get busted, good writers get wasted and good actors never get rolls, because Mockingbird has ruined television and movies. It used to be the message in the film, book and program, but now the film, book and program are the crapper propaganda in some pervs fluid ejaculation.
I don't suppose when the crime trials come for the Obama regime no one will ever investigate the money flow to Hawaii to cover things up.
It is all just Hawaii Five Ho.