I'm going to explain something to the oil elites, Obama backers, Wall Street bundlers, Ron Paul supporters, and I really do not care all who you are, but you should listen as from rich to poor, you are initiating your own demise, and it is going to be Biblical.
God designs things in Light Sounds, because Jesus is the Light Sound of God's the Father's Thought. God is a perfect all complete frequency.
If one looks in the Bible, God gave the 12 tribes of Israel, and kept them at 12, because there is a harmonic pattern in this, and each tribe had a specific gemstone which when laid out in grid, mimics the God frequency.
The universe has a frequency, and earth spins on an axis like a phonograph, playing the sound of the constellation it is pointed at. That is what 2012 is about in shifts of new ages. Earth has been in the dead space between songs, and that is what an Obama upheaval is about in forces attempting to take over the dead zone..............the universe though will not allow all this anarchy and will consume it as the golden age dawns. You are looking at a shattering of forces overcoming the other.
There is a reason God chooses certain people to do certain things. Each person has a signature in time and space in this dimension. Certain people are made perfect for their appointed positions and anyone put into that position will be inferior and greater chaos will initiate.
To try and explain this to the limited minds now, your car runs on gasoline. If you put in alcohol, it would not run as well on that straight blend..........kerosene would probably not start, rocket fuel it would explode, and you should get the point that certain things must be put into key spots or things do not work the same.
I have tried to tell the people who led Sarah Palin out, and you know who you are, and you family members who read this blog know who you are, and betrayed her, thinking you can put in your cannibal capitalist shill, that this is not the same as other times.........where a John Kennedy steals an election and he gets dead and America bleeds 65,000 dead in Vietnam. This is an enhanced time, and an illuminated one is working to put in his own forces in the European sphere. All things now are heightened and small things become mountains in size.
Sarah Palin is a conduit for God's Will. He chose her to work through and she was betrayed by you people in commerce, raped by the Rovians and beat up by the Obamites. She is built for this time and no one else is.
Herman Cain might be able to work some things. Ron Paul might be able to work some things, but they like Romney, Perry and Obama, in an engine missing sparkplugs in not having key facets for God to operate through.
You people who will not listen in your arrogance, are bringing yourselves to ruin, the nation to ruin and the world to the tribulation. You are not going to escape this in the least. Money and armed security is not going to save you as this projects out to the end times settling of accounts.
The Sarah Palin frequency is the one, and no other is designed for this time. She will in place be a deflecting and lessening force for God's wrath which is coming. It will not stop the judgment as righteousness must be satisfied in this messiah Obama business and what the Ashkenaz elite are about the illuminated place in initiating, but the reality is Sarah Palin is going to keep the majority of you alive. The rest are going to graduate this out in the majority of people dead as the Bible predicts.
I have warned that you either enable Sarah Palin you elites for your protection and protecting her, or you enable inferior frequencies like a cancer which is going to kill you as a plague. You are not going to get out of this alive and with a nickle worth anything, if you do not use Sarah Palin in her appointed place. It is the same as I have tried to teach you that either the French used Joan of Arc in her time frame, or they would take 20 years of blood war to evict the English.
You must have Sarah Palin in the White House, so God recognizes His Signature there or that consuming Flame of His Spirit will flare and obliterate America and the world.
Examine George Washington's vision given him. The Angel showed the Son of Liberty, all forces come against America, just as is being set up by Obama, and scorched earth is the outcome........America only survives by Christ's intervention. You put anyone else in the White House at this time, and this vision initiates without anything which will stop it.
Washington only beheld agrarians after this in little home again being built. Sarah Palin will salvage the cities and the peoples, but for God's sake she has to be in the White House for this to take place. She can not be a diamond in a drawer or on display on a mantle. She has to be set in the ring, wed to this America now, and an Obama divorce must be completed as this is falling apart fast as the devil intends in America being replaced.
If you wives and children to not make your mercantile spouses listen to this warning, this is the last chance. There is none to deliver you without the wench in place. Your smug attitude is going to get all of us dead.
For your own sake, get them convinced now as what is about to erupt in this next phase is not going to stop.
I'm beyond frustrated in this in the Levin types who kept Obama around instead of arresting him, the Rovians who kept Obama around because they like the Obama money flow, and the oil barons who thought they could pull a fast one in keeping their commerce in 100 dollar oil sands and it made no difference if the mob was eating their own.
You have f*cked the Virgin and made her a whore, and left her to die in the gutter. God is not going to be appeased now until full measure of retribution is unleashed.
You either put His Sarah Palin out front so that is what He sees when He comes in wrath, or God is going to be looking directly at your inferior signatures and in Spiritual quake He will obliterate every last one of you and make the few decent people left suffer like they never dreamed.
For your own sakes, you put her in and back her with every last ounce of energy you have, as your lives depend on it. The priests and lords of the Ashkenaz elite know this.
I do not know what to do any more in this, as you asses have hindered this blog's message as much as satan and you have taken out the American savior.
Name of God, I have never seen such things so suicidal.
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