It was the Bush of times and it was the worst of Obama........
How fitting it is now that the skewering of President George W. Bush for years by B. Hussein Obama, that America has arrived at the line in the sand, the telling point, the legacy, that every thinking mind knows in their heart, the conclusion Barack Hussein Obama has come to, is that Barack Obama is no George W. Bush.
Imagine what it must be like, in bowing to the world, apologizing for America, castigating George W. Bush and Richard Cheney as thee worst leaders in history, and now to have that world in les miserables, conclude, "God, if only Obama was a fraction of the man George W. Bush was........"
Where once the world had a vision of liberated Musilms voting their own peaceful destinies and Americans building the shining city on the hill for all, now there is just the Obama abyss, like looking at Dante's Inferno, hearing Milton quote, "Tis better to rule in hell than serve in heaven", and to look about and hear the words echo on this abyss, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve"................and there stands Obama in his Allen Harper checked shirt, looking like his Uncle Remus calling is to decide how to get soup stains out of his shoes after Reggie loving, because the wife will no longer do that laundry in a collective tale of African folklore.
The words of Les Miserables are now not the Obama legacy, but the Obama crime. People are now The Victims, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Ones, The Miserable Ones, the Carrion in Obama's wars in public and private, national and international, and one community organized under Obama, the feudal state, with tyranny and enslavement for all.
Despot, dictator, diatribite, new words must be created for Obama, not to honor him, but to excoriate him for the splendor of his grass down to the rock bone of reality that he is no genius, he is not married to a beautiful woman, he is no great speaker, he is none of the above in the Obama lie...........he is no god, no messiah, no halo headed savior....he just is an Obama, and like Gerrymander is a political word for crooked dirty dealings of the incompetent puppet performing well for the feudal lords while the peasants become the livestock of the paddock field.
Barack Obama has three looks for his face. Utter stupidity, impish moron and blow fly eye glare. He is a triumvirate of the faces of America's eve in split personality, praised by his creased pants press mob, but beheld now in horror like stepping upon the fallen log in the Nile and it suddenly becoming the man eating crocodile of the native publius.
Perhaps it is a fitting cruel fortune cookie joke for community organizer Barack, in we of this world no longer speak of 1984 and George Orwell, in Big Brother, for this tan brother of British birth origin and no documentation is instead Victor Hugo in all the splendor in robbing pennies from orphans and making criminals of their guardians for stealing a crust of bread to feed that family for the day.
Barack Obama is pestilence, plague and poverty. His wake flows like a tidal wave of despair washing from one corner of the world to the other. This is the beast with iron teeth and steel claw, raking and ripping, tearing and trashing this victim planet in greed, corruption and piracy.
Peoples of Europe enslaved behind Iron Curtains, peoples of the Middle East behind concrete walls, peoples of Asia's walled in graves, and America without walls as the Obama hordes for his stolen elections raft the Rio in democracy mob rule epidemic like rats leaping from a burning ship Obama has ignited all through the latin lands.
The obi of the African cultus has become the vodoun of the new world macumba.
Oh how grievous in Digne released from the prison of this world to be freed to the abyss of the Obama penitentiary.
It is all the vignette of pax Obama, in war, war, war, war.
It was the best of times, and now it is the worst of times. A time of dreams of one's fathers, now becoming the nightmares of mothers.
My how the defining sentence is, how all our hope has changed.
