Please America, this blog implores you, save your Barack Hussein Obama, as even the New York Post has turned on beloved leader and is treating him like F. King Obama.
Of course this blog has the solution to Obama's happier times, being the wife of a Pakistani poofer, buying him nice clothes, riding in a new car and living in a big house in Mr. C. Mr. Obama has always been most happy, most at home, filing in the back door, being the eye candy to a Muslim boy toy.
Obama could pose, look cool, and wait while others debated Marxism, make thoughtful comments in his designer negro vocabulary, and in the end abandon Marxism for an "Obamacare he really did care about".
There must be some nice boy in Pakistan who could volunteer to come rescue the lone wolf Obama. Reggie Love has lost his velvet touch and nursing at the breasts of adoptive parents Ma Axelrod and Pa Jarrett.............yeah I mean the gender switch in have you looked under their skirts? So the only alternative is to engage Mr. Obama in a new Pakistani love, to rekindle his past, to send him on partridge safaris, to call him to Muslim prayers, to let him cook paddy with the womenfolk, as Barry loved to do so long ago.
The boy from Pakistan could chauffeur Obama around, he could sit by him on the couch, he could brag on Mr. Obama's kindergarten accomplishments in graduating diaper school.
In the name of allah, and all lucky things Obama wishes on, do not you heathens care that Mr. Obama needs a nice teenager to show off Mr. Obama. Needs a teenager to tell him how accomplished Obama is..........needs a teenager to establish in Mr. Obama the manhood Chicago gave him.
This is what this blog warned of in Michelle Obama has so castrated her husband that he has lost all courage and manliness. Sagging skinny balding grey hair Barry looks at Reggie Love and sees his best years are behind and covered up by Muchelle's big behind. Obama needs the nectar of youth to stimulate his drive and to "don't ask don't tell" what Obama is doing like all the Bill Maher executives to children in their employ.
It made no difference to you America in Frank Marshall Davis was raping little 13 year old white girls. It made no difference America that Barack sr. was trading cows for women. It made no difference America that Donald Young was murdered. So what difference now should it make that Obama needs a Muslim boy, after he has been dating his daughters for two years?
This could all be handled promptly. Obama could dispatch his Team Six SEALS to Pakistani to kidnap "terrorists" who just happened to be the teenage sons of wealthy Muslims. Spirited away to 1600 Penn Ave. Obama could then see how they played ball, looked in swim trunks, licked his snow cone and .............I don't know, but Barry has been doing this for his entire life, and now he cold have a dozen boys brought to him, who might indeed be legal in Hawaii in being teenagers, and Barry Soebarkah could have his pick.........and the rest could be shipped off to Occidental College and take over Barry's foreign student place.
Think of how magical this could be. No more Muchelle. Instead a moustache wearing teenager, swarthy, all lithe and those piercing eyes, sinking hoops with Obama on the campaign trail...........sitting on his knee as Obama moved the boy toy's lips in the stage act America would love.
Obama would be rejuvenated in this elixir of Pakistani youth as before. He would be able to posture and preen........while his boy bragged, "Sahib Obama make all his peas disappear and brush his teeth with real toothbrush and not finger".
The crowds would go wild with this, here would be epic fainting and Obama calling out, "PLEASE FOLKS WE NEED A TRUCKLOAD OF WATER HERE........OH THESE PEOPLE JUST LOVE MESSIAH ME AND MINI MAHDI".
Yes Obama and his little mahdi, this would be the cure for Mr. Obama, and having this dog about him would do what Bo could never do...........as this would be Obama's best friend.
Everyone needs someone to love them, to make them believe, to give them hope and time to change.........yes Pakistan you are the birth of Barack Obama's ghetto cool and he is green with envy in needing it all back.
Give Barack Obama his boy! Bring on the Pakistani! Out with the Love and in with the Obama!
We can not have historical 44 Obama become history like this. This blog has now made the call to save beloved leader, so the lone wolf is not licking hisself in public.
Send out the SEALS Mr. Obama in a mission to save you. Write a prescription up and fill it with Obamacare.............1 cig, 1 COLB and 1 boy toy of Pakistan, makes Obama just like his olde self.
The Obama Malady