Kendra Marr is symptomatic of modern reporting plagiarism. She is not the fault, but in many ways the Lame Cherry is.
Just look at her.
What do you see?
Yup she is a nice bag of bones you want to shag. So she was hired for scripted shagging........you know editor eye candy, so the lesbians can run the rabbit and the perverts can jack off behind their desks at her.
Being pretty, she never developed an association with God, so she can do the things this blog does........this blog generates enough press in one week from everything to comedy from Bob Woodward exclusives for 25 publications...........that basically is thee entire United States press. No one person can keep up with that, and that is what Kendra Marr fell into.
Editors pay these little girls not a great deal of cash, because Limbaugh gets the lion's share in Mockingbird. Limbaugh and Glenn Beck..........hell Mark Levin all plagiarize. Levin just does it in changing his story like in his "rich only pay taxes" and when he feels the heat of this blog, he simply comes up with "well renters your building owner pays taxes".........the point being that even a scripted show like Limbaugh's is busy stealing material and coasting most of the time for the past 4 years as he no longer works and is just phoning it in, as is his staff.
Kendra Marr fell into that in having to produce. Like Pat Buchanan she is probably good for maybe one column a week, and when she is pressed, she just can't write fast enough as the Inspiration is not there, as it requires great volumes of energy to create stories, and the stories I write require even more, as no one else is even writing of these things.
Kendra does not have enough time to do her nails to look pretty for the pervs at Politico who hired her and produce a product so she cuts and pastes other people's work. It must be devastating for her, as she was on a deadline and simply started pasting things in like most of the big names do.
The big names like O'Reilly though has creative writers who can take original copy and turn the phrase so it all sounds like him...........people like Kendra Marr get knifed in the back by the New York Times as Politico has been supplanting the old grey nag, as the old grey nag has lost all it's Mockingbird funds.
So I have nothing but compassion for Ms. Marr. Her big bronze pearls points to a girl who likes big things in her life and in her person........certainly has the mouth for such work, but she just was not up to modern journalistic warfare.........she can't turn out more product than her bosses are demanding.
Yes this blog has changed all of this as editors see the content flow here, and they want the same thing.........Limbaugh did a better show when he was stealing from this blog.......was the best part of the 11 million dollar bill he owes here in his show, but then having these things pointed out made everything lag............it does not help now that everyone is not covering Obama's crimes as the word has come down that people will end up in prison or off the big payroll, so the press is covering it's ass or covering it's ass........so no story content comes out except Wall Street protesters.
Ann Coulter comes out with Flea Party and she coos on it, but that is the first thing she has done in several years..........point being, Kendra Marr has done more, but she gets fired, while Coulter cruises.
Very few people can reach Michelle Malkin standards even in Mockingbird, as that little girl really puts out product and does it often and well. She is not near this blog in ability, but then she has the family thing going on and does her call ins to make programs come alive with her giggling.
I have attempted to tell these big shots often in what needs to be done in using bloggers, as bloggers are turning out content surpassing the dinosaur media and fossilized talk radio........and bloggers are being ignored by the elite, but the masses are gaining their information there and this is become the recorder and producer of history shaping events.
Maybe Kendra can get felt up by Warren Buffett like Betty Liu of Bloomberg does.........I know it is creepy, but creepy guys like oriental chics to get wood over, like the rice paper house which does not serve tea, but titty.
In any event, poor Kendra got caught, and while popular she did not have a skirt left to lift to bargain with as the cartel caught her in the crosshairs.
She will though have a friend in this blog as I have sympathy for her.........well until she probably sells out worse and starts posing with Obama.
nuff said.