In stating this, when this blog predicted that Mr. Obama would reach a Stalin Point, he has indeed reached that, but has been eclipsed by it as "the lights are dim and only the boy is home". To make this a clinical reality in street terms without racial intent, Barack Hussein Obama is an offshore nigger standing on the street corner trading in black intimidation and negroid fetish.
I do not state that in racial terms, but state it in literal terms in while a Harry Belafonte is handsome and can sing Deyo, Mr. Obama has no handsome and he has no song. Barack Obama is the same mostly white fraud he has always been as he learned to trade on "designer negro" in Indonesia in supplanting that little Asian boy at his own birthday party. Obama in college in being the husband to Pakistani male wives is shown time again in the posture of the "being a nigger is enough"...........just look at me, and as one Marxist girl snapped at him once, "It is not always about you Barry".
Translated, every event is not about Barack Obama being a nigger. You must comprehend this in what B. Hussein has been up to in he has been cultivating nigger his entire life......meaning he is not black, but has constantly used the problems western blacks endured as his weapon. When some leftist policy is put forward and people disagree, it was Obama first who would say, "Oh it is because I'm black that you are against it".
That is cultivated nigger and it is a slap to ever western black who ever breathed, because while Richard Pryor would use his "nigger" to get by with things with white women he was f*cking in telling them the bullsh*t it was a "black thing they wouldn't get", there is a vast difference between a Pryor being called a n*gger and knowing the context of it, and Barack Hussein Obamad designing situations to play a cultivated nigger mentality to gain a political footing.
Jesse Jackson knows this and has swallowed hard for the black movement of leftists in having Obama supplant him. That is why Jackson was going to cut Obama's balls off in racist taunt, as Jackson knew Obama tried to f*ck his little girl first as a wife stepping stone, but the Jackson clan is not going to be taken in as they are players and know the black face paint when they see it.
One must understand that B. Husssein is no Saddam Hussein. Saddam relished up close murder and torture. Witnessing Saddam was unique in he was Castro in scope, in the Iraqi would sit in his chair in dungeon, smoking his cigar, as these enemies of his were tortured, boiled in oil or ground in a meat machine.............one must see Saddam at this point though being thoughtful AND QUITE GRIEVED as he smoked his cigar, because Saddam had a psychotic morality in he would comment, "If only this person had not been an adversary, then we would have been friends and I would have risen him to heights and treated him as a son".
I quote George Kennedy in Cahill US Marshall so people will establish this point. Kennedy is about to murder John Wayne's two sons who are little boys. He tells them like Saddam, "Boys I was going to take you under my wing and raise you as my own".
The oldest tells Kennedy that Kennedy was going to murder them all along.
To that George Kennedy delivers the perfect line, "You have to allow a man his illusions boy".
See in real life Kennedy would have slaughtered those children and sat around the fire years later admitting it, but saying, "You know I really would have raised those two boys as my own"..........if he had not murdered them.
In that you must realize that Barack Obama has revealed his dim bulb capacity, in he gives orders to murder people, and he hires squatters to poop in public, has others threaten, but beyond Obama's smug lines, he is nothing.
He is not Saddam Hussein or Joe Stalin in enjoying torture up close. No Obama likes his torture of Rupert Murdoch from a widescreen distance...........he likes CINEMA drama from a distance and unless it is in print or television, he can not jack off about it and enjoy it.
So Barry Soetoro is really nothing, if no one takes the orders or is there to by gay decree tell the world how great this preening nigger is on display. Obama is a display and that is all he is, and all he has ever been. If he was colored WHITE like the majority of his heritage is, he would have been content to have been Lawrence Sinclair's house boy until Mr. Sinclair booted his ass out for some 20 year old toy.
That is the Obama reality.
Do not make the mistake though that this 10 year old is not dangerous nor capable on one dimensional politics in causing problems. No he does not have the demonic master signature hyping things, but he still can steal 30 million votes as this blog said was being processed, and he still can be installed again illegally, and he still has that major problem of being dim, while others set up wars to make a global feudal state..........which in retaliation the European cartel could give a damn if New York is incinerated in retaliation.
The immediate caste of the Obama supporters in Jarrett, Plouffe and Axelrod, can set up John Edwards and Eric Holder can bitch slap people around......Holder can do the dirty work in Hutatree or Gabrielle Giffords, but they do not have the ovaries or balls to carry out real Clinton heinous signatures or resort to the Stalin mode. They are weak little piss ants in reality, and yes this group can spawn some underling looking for hire to murder people, to throwing Joseph Farah into prison to other little deeds, as they try to prop up the eclipsed Obama, but in reality Barack Obama has shot his wad and is a limp little dick as he has always been.
He can not even generate a persona as this blog told him to do. He is a rerun event and the public does not like jacking off to him again.
Barack Obama has reached vanishing point, while the flashes of the volcanic abyss portend to real tribulation as the real powers build upon the Obama rapine in the mayhem to come.
So can Obama be pinned down by the mob with pointy sticks? Most definitely as he is not worth this blogs time, because he is a used up commodity and preening appeals to no one any more than watching a chimp in the zoo pull sh*t balls from heir posterior.
Yes his benefactors can do things to murder people and hang it on the regime and will tidy things up with other pieces of murder for real estate, but the reality is Barack Obama is sinking, even while propped up in full mass media. This was predicted and must be understood, so as to operate effectively as the equal problem is the Rovians in carrying on Obama policy as Obama carried on Bush policy.
Did you get that point and understand it, in the peril America still faces?
A crippled Obama regime of slavery is as large of threat as a slave master Romney regime expounding upon continued Marxist feudalism.
This is where the game now begins. Mr. Obama just be kept in check as he is checked, but the front now again expands to not replacing Barack Obama with a Barack Romney.
This Limbaugh Gridlock is burying the corpse of America which Mr. Obama destroyed her to.