As an exclusive...........
You oil robbers, Warren Buffett and the Oklahoma cartel, you Trans Canada and the Texas cartel, you who threatened the wench and the Cuban to get out of the Presidential race. You who used the Giffords shooting to scare the wench into submission, led her out with promises she was the candidate and then withdrew protection, financing and support, you who are backing Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, you who think you will leave America on 100 barrel Canadian oil, piping it and polluting American drinking water, all to sell to Peking, along with your selling of American coal to China, listen.
Install the wench again with Rubio, lest you find your gambit checked in a Public Utilities Commission in every state setting prices at cost plus 10% taking you off the Soros commodity traders market in Chicago with prices set in London.
I told you of the two tier and you did not heed, now it is made public, and the peoples of oil and gas producing states will learn of this, ponder this and set rates by public vote, that you will not be able to cap nor shut down oil or gas wells, but in first priority sell that product to the states you are raping this energy supply from in prices of 15 cents per pound in natural gas and 50 cents per gallon in gasoline.
This is the right of the people of North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Oklahoma, South Dakota, California, Pennsylvania and Alaska, that this is their energy, their lifeblood and they will be provided for first.
Other states will see these prices and initiate their own PUC regulations which will follow you around the world, no matter where you attempt to inflate oil from, but while this gambit of your rapine is attempted, the states in America will join to pump oil by mandate from wells they drill in Confederated oil and gas contracts for their needs.
Effectively America will be taken off the market grid as a cash cow for the International Bankers of the central European cartel. Effectively oil and gas prices will without American demand deflate to levels which the oil socialists need to run their Eurasian threat against these United States, and with that condition exemplified, they can have their revolution and American with her oil supported allies will have peace.
You were warned of the taking out of the taking out of the wench. America will not stand by as she can not suffer another five years of 100 dollar per barrel oil rapine. You were offered a two tier system with the wench, but continue on in more rapine.
Therefore this will be promoted and on state level this will be initiated in the people will pass this, regulate this, not be sheared for profits and when other states see this, their masses will demand same protection and pricing as in phone, water and electricity.
There will not be another Obama usurper installed and protected. There will not be a Mormon Romney and Jebby Bush installed for this oil scheme to glean China while American genocide takes place in your agenda to wipe out the independence of the lower classes and eventually replace them with a Mexican slave labor class.
You arrogant bastards started this and now it will play out as more and more people become aware of the absolute necessity to protect themselves with their extended election process of the PUC regulating energy prices in state sales, so the rapine ends.
One small state like North Dakota starts this, the nation will follow in mass. The world order ends according to the feudal scale.
This blog offers again the original solution. Install the wench and the Cuban. Sell your sulfur oil to China at 120 dollars a barrel, but you will pump American oil at 50 dollars per barrel for gas at 80 cents per gallon, and you will cease your coal sales to China for your balance of rapine.
You have your suppressed technologies. You will bring them out too.
That is the offer in President Palin, completely safe for 8 years with Marco Rubio to follow in 2020.
This proceeds from what you started.