In noting those facts, in this blog by God has been right about everything Obama should have been doing, I have been inspired for 2012 to assist the two biggest names in American Journalism in Dr. Jerome Corsi and Dangerous Weapon Ulsterman esq. as my girl fashion sense just knows that with the big show coming up in a few months, we just got to have something girlfriend to make our trusted scribes snap.
I got this all down and with all respect................I know some might be saying what about my fashion wardrobe.......well baby sister can tell you that I have always been so cool that I make deep space absolute zero seem hot.
I have to be careful as my I look so good that people just start trends when they see me breaking ground.......and I have be so careful in it that I don't break up marriage as both men and women try to be me.
Ok, here is the deal. We have to do some touch ups on Dr. Corsi and Mr. Ulsterman.
What I see for Dr. Corsi is we have to get him in a "this is Jerome Corsi" look, like John Wayne. As this Obama thing is going on, I advocate a really nice bush jacket, crisp seams, starch, that just says, SAFARI. All men look good in khaki things with crisp seams, and as Dr. Corsi survived dark Africa in his being almost made the bag in Kenya, that would be a great reminder to the world what a tough bwana Dr. Corsi is.
No hats with leopard skin bands, just Dr. Corsi in that bush jacket and I really advocate state police mirrored sunglasses too, as they really grab attention and when he gets photographed, he really looks bad hombre in them.
Oh if Michelle Malkin or Chelsea Schilling would hang about his cartridge belt in something.....white blouse, black skirt and three inch heals, that would really accent Dr. Corsi.............maybe too just an empty leather scabbard for a pistol.........shiny black on his hip, as Patton did well with those pearl Colt's he had, and Dr. Corsi could put his cell phone or something in there.............would be a sure hit at the TSA for making tracks in causing attention.......could carry his book in there too at airports.
DW though......already gave him the cool name in Dangerous Weapon and he only needs some touch up. I was thinking a Matt Drudge type hat would be nice, but as I was sifting through pictures, that gal with the puma gun really snaps, and I think Ulsterman would too in a kind of Man from Snowy River Oz hat.
He needs though some poison viper snake hat band on it from Oz.........sweat it in too, so it has that saltine camouflage to it, and poke about 7 wooden matches around that band in the front. Always looks tough when you got wooden matches in your hat band.
Think of it in DW goes to Wall Street and sits down, throws his tough guy hat on that Bundler's desk and says, " Yank if I want any sh*t from you, I'll squeeze your head", and that is the way to set the interview off just like Deep Tutu gets abusive in trying to ballet bully people in calling them "kid".
DW just has to use terms like "old folks", and "metric size" (that means not inches in manhood.......if you know what I mean)............and he needs a phone that plays tunes.........like Hail to the Chief, so when his friends call him during interviews, he can say, "Just hold it there metric size, that is George W. Bush on the phone and he always has better gossip than your trivial pursuit".
.....and then DW can pick up his hat and say, "Here, play with a man sized while the adults talk, but don't burn the damn place down fondling my matches".
I'd get him a sheath too for his blackberry, a big black shiny knife sheath hanging from his belt..........that kind of thing goes good with even sport coats providing you got the man hat with matches on.
When you are the top of the heap stars in writers, you got to play the part too, as the people just expect you to be bigger than life, and they get sad if you don't act like Humphrey Bogart in staring down liberals to puddles of spit with one glare.
They need a look like Matt Drudge has a cool look.........one that is their signature. Yes I know they will probably get some clothing line offered them and make a good sum on royalties, but they being generous Americans would probably give me a signed book or a box of matches or something for being their fashion consultant.
When you are big, you got to dress the part bigger than life..........not over the top, but just that edge thing which says "I'm better than you, you know it, I know it, and as long as we both know it, get back in your place."
I would offer advice to Hannity, Levin and Limbaugh........but they would require a great deal of more than a few lines, and that costs in the 7 figure range to make them journalistic voyeur in look..........and I don't work for free as Limbaugh still owes this blog 11 mill.
nuff said