It is always so refreshing to .........how is it Sean Hannity in your Catholic bowing to Mitt Romney and you know Rush Limbaugh says ole Mitt is a really nice guy, but in researching Mitt Romney and his Mormonism, I located a most interesting article in apparently Jesus, the Creator, thee only begotten Son of God, Savior of the World, Advocate with the Father, Redeemer and Lord of lords and King of Kings, was nothing really, until the Mormon cult baptised thee Son of God on April 8th, 2010, as a Mormon.
Oh yes children, Mormons "save" even the "dead" as Christ is not dead, nor was he ever married, but too His "wife" was baptised too, so now Jesus is free to float around in Mormon heaven.
Here is the post:
Tuesday, Sep 7, 2010, at 08:16 AM Jesus Was Baptized By Proxy On April 8, 2010 Posted By Mo Larkey BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD - PEOPLE -Guid- | ↑ |
Last night was a great show on KTMW/20 with Doris Hansen and Helen Radkey.."Polygamy ..what love is this." It's a must see and will be on the website soon... I will post it when available. Ms. Radkey explains the records show that Jesus was baptized by proxy on April 8, 2010 “’Mary Mother of Jesus,’ the spouse of ‘Joseph’ ‘of the House of David…’ was baptized and confirmed a member of the LDS Church by proxy on December 9, 2009 in the Idaho Falls Idaho (LDS) Temple. She was subjected to initiatory temple ordinances on December 16, 2009; an endowment ceremony on December 26, 2009; and a sealing to parents on January 7, 2010—all rites occurred in the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple.” While Ms. Radkey found “Joseph” listed as Mary’s spouse, the submission form indicated Mary’s “Husband #1? was “God the Father.” Ms. Radkey says her research also turned up recent proxy temple ordinances on behalf of Jesus Christ, though he is identified in the records as “Jesus Christian” and “Jesus Cristian.” Ms. Radkey explains the records show that Jesus was baptized by proxy on April 8, 2010, and after initiatory and endowment ordinances, was finally sealed to his “spouse” “Mary Magdelena” on April 9, 2010 – all at the Salt Lake City Temple. The same proxy ordinances were performed for “Mary Magdelena” on the same dates in the same LDS temple. |
This is all so novel in Mitt Romney the faithful is faithful to a cult that not only denies Jesus the Christ as Savior, but Romney is backing a cult which has the audacity to slap every Christian in this world in the face by saying Jesus needed saving by Mormons.
Not to be outdone, the cult of Glenn Beck and Mormon Romney with apologists in Sean Hannity, also baptised dead Ted Bundy and Jewish icon Simon Wiesentahl with Joseph Mengele.
Jews were quite perturbed over this little holy mormon water boarding, and demanded it stop, but the Mormons were happily drown the dead again with more people in you will not guess who?
Remember Black Buzzard Obama, the Crow initiant? Well, the Mormons baptized Barry's mum on June 4th, 2008 at the Provo Utah Temple.......ain't that something in Obama and Romney have not only greasy oil money in common, but they are both Mormons by parents.
Hell Father Damien the guy who ministered to lepers in Hawaii even was baptised which should really please Sean Hannity, as what in hades does one need sainthood for, when the big play is after death gettin Salt Lake City to lay the real honors on so these heathen Catholics can be saved too...........just like Jesus.
Even Aliester Crowley, the satanic sex pervert, has joined the ranks of Simon Wiesenthal being baptised.........with the fictional character Sherlock Holmes who is not dead yet according to Mormon documentation.
This blog calls for a national calling for either Mitt Romney to denounce this and reject it, as thee most outrageous slap to Christians and Jews, or Mitt Romney can explain his faith once and for all without Sean Hannity excuses.
What right does Mitt Romney have to say Jesus needed Mormon saving? What right does Mitt Romney have to violate the dead in Jewish icons? What right does Mitt Romney who never answers any of this have to heap sadists and satanists with Walter Martin who was busy his entire life exposing the cult of Mitt Romney.....oh but Mormon got Mr. Martin too in baptising him when he was dead.
Thursday, Mar 17, 2011, at 07:37 AM Walter Ralston Martin Necro Baptized Posted By Helen Radkey BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD - PEOPLE -Guid- | ↑ |
Walter Ralston Martin (1928-1989) was an evangelical Christian minister - author and founder of the Christian Research Institute - who produced a vast amount of literature exposing the cult aspects and deceptions of Mormonism. Although Martin made his rejection of Mormonism well-known during his life, he has, nevertheless, been baptized by Mormons since his death. Walter Ralston Martin (1928-1989) Baptism - 29 March 2006, Houston Texas LDS Temple |
These United States of America have enough trouble with secular Muslim militant Barack Hussein Obama, this America does not need to trade that in for some Mitt Romney who is already doing all Obama did in blasphemy while not even in office.
Got Obama on one side who thinks he's the messiah and Romney on the other who thinks Jesus needs saving.
Wake up children!
Has Mitt Romney ever baptised dead people?