This blog has deliberately silent on Iran for two reasons
It informed the world long ago about the Obama game there and I do not chew vomit, just because Alex Jones comes up with a build up is taking place in Kuwait.
I deal with the unknown, of the over the horizon point. Anything other than this is wasted energy, as everyone can see a set up, most can see a prelude to war, and most figure out that murdering Sheik bin Laden only got Obama 1 point for a week in the polls, so his need at this point is to murder an Islamocommunist nation.
That being the Persian communists.
I will relate a projection from the oracles as it is relevant in this and as astute of scenario as any.
It was exclusively outed here that Obama fully intended to murder US Soldiers in Afnamistan as a "pay back" for his tribe of Islam. Yes just like Obama gave unions GM and just like Obama gave the European cartel several trillion, the reality is Obama chucked up piles of dead Americans as a kickback to his militant Muslims in that theater.
Obama has always had good terrorists and bad terrorists. The bad get missiles and the good communists get nations.
Project what Obama intends in striking Iran......the same Iran which when Bush43 was looking at the situation had reams of Mockingbird dispatches screaming about Iran is not Iraq! Iran is huge, Iran sh*ts danger and p*sses America's end..........note now the complete and abject silence of the New York Times when it comes to Obama implementing a phased hit on Iran.
Thee only solution in Iran is to as this blog noted, is to back the millions of Iranian ex patriots, and overthrow the regime and install a Constitutional Monarchy with the Shah's family as the English monarchy is an example.
Obama though is not interested in such. His policy has two objectives and they are simple.
Objective 1: Cripple Iran as a force which would be a problem for his Neo Roman Empire, but keep Iran active enough to retaliate to blow New York off the map, but be blamed on some other monster of fiction in case Obama needs another news event to cover up his crimes.
Object 2: The bloodying and humiliation of America, so the European empire can run things from Jordan to Spain.
This last part must be examined as the oracle speak of a war in the Middle East where it goes bad for America, as Russia gets involved.
See this is the rub in this as Russia is a military player, with might, and has treaty with Iran to intervene and protect her.
This plays out exactly as Obama's Europeans would intend and Putin would be rewarded in this by the cartel in dividing up the Mideast.
Obama ignites a shooting war, and Putin in his Eurasian Empire of Moscow scoots in with air cover and things get exchanged as his tanks deployed in the Stans roll down into Kuwait.
American air power checked, the tanks have a lovely flat invasion route as long as they do not go into Iran which is rugged country.
That means in 36 hours, the Russians would be sitting in the US Naval bases and be in control of the US ammo dump in Saudi Arabia, and there is not one thing America could do as this is how this is intended to bloody America and humiliate her in a new hope and change Eurasia.
This accomplished a new order arises and the entire feudal world structure changes as the Bolshevik Manifesto, this blog featured long ago is at last implemented in putting America behind her ocean walls to be dispatched at the cartel's leisure.
Israel would be secure being nuclear, but the new division would be the golden dream of Catherine the Great in the warm water ports for Russia. The entire Gulf Mideast would become a Soviet port with Putin being stuck managing the Islamic hordes, Indian in check, China now under the complete oil control of Russia, so she will take Alaska when it is deemed necessary, and the central Europeans thinking they will then invade their little peaceful heart's content to domination over the Holy Land, as this is what this has always been about.
It requires stating again, that Barack Hussein Obama desires the cropping of America, the humiliation of "colonial" America, and his every policy has been the undoing of Bush 43 and the great Ronald Reagan to take the world back to 1970 Soviet control and a transfer of American power to China in the east and the Roman system in the west.
This is where Obama's loyalties lie and it is beyond disgraceful the way John Boehner and that Rovian GOP ilk have enabled it all as Obama has more wars and assassins prowling the planet than a James Bond movie staring Obama Fingering Dr. O.
This would seem an exclusive and far more valuable than some alarmist headline about Kuwait or wag the Holder in Iranian assassins.
Personally, this blog has great grief in this for the sons of Ishmael led by the Saudi Kingdom, as I have deep affection for these sons of Abraham as much as the Persian brothers, as they both have been treated badly and used even worse.
They deserve better, but then so do my beloved Slavs, and they will in time be ploughed like Prague as these Obama realignment wars spiral to Armageddon literally.
America is ruled by patricians and it does not make a difference right or left, as a Romney is an Obama. America cries out for Sarah Palin........and if you do not comprehend why all of these GOP types are flashes in the pan is because she is the part designed for this and nothing else is going to "feel" right.
That though is another matter, as this is about Iran and Obama planning a humiliation for America.
nuff said.
agtG 228
Balance the cost of the soul you lost
For the dreams that you might have won
Are you, tell me........
Under the power of gold