The dead are no longer here to disappoint, but Obama is to fail.
For the Levin slobberers, that would be those who cheer the Obama mass murder mayhem against Muslims around the globe..............I would point out that after Mark Levin returned from another vacation, when Rush Limbaugh happened to disappear the same time, that Mr. Levin was not all frothing about the dead Khadaffi as he was previously with Sheik bin Laden.
Perhaps Mark Levin has started to see the folly of his spit, but then the damage is complete in Mr. Levin and his benchers have taught their listeners to react this way, and the slobbering continues on without thought, that things in this life have equal and opposite results.
Muslim anarchy in spring, becomes the winter of discontent in America.
None have perceived this from the start. The Bush clique were intelligent enough to know that killing Sheik bin Laden in confirmation would let his ghost loose in Necroslam, a love of the dead on in Islam.
See in Muslim terms, they have never accomplished a damn thing. Their biggest conquests were rape, slavery, murder, genocide and it basically happened when the wheel was still new.........and before Islam.
The last greatness Islam had was Saladin, the legendary foe of King Richard, and then shifted to the Ottoman Turks, and the rest has been humiliation from there, as Islam is a pariah state trading in slaves and making people into animals.
When one has a void like that, he least little bonehead becomes a stir like Nassar in Egypt who is still revered out Arab lands, because he lost wars.....yes Nassar was cool, but he was a disaster.
When Barack Obama started on this murder incorporated of Islam, he created a phoenix arising from the ashes. Sheik bin Laden is now no longer available to look weak, but is remembered with awe as the one who pulled off 9 11........the legend has now become the reality.
Obama has an entire Muslim council now that people in the west have no idea of, as these piles of dead terrorists from Pakistan to Morrocco are all local legends, but these boogeys by Obama's hand have taken the stage in "America murdered them, so therefore they were equal to the greatness of America in threatening them".
Col. Khadaffi is such a scamp. Alive he was on a Bush43 leash, and quite fat, bad Nancy Pelosi botox in the face, having a taste for blonde Slavic women with large breasts and going down hill fast in expounding about his Africa son Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama the son has now changed all of that, because Libya is now full of people who loved Khadaffi in free food and free electric. You know very well the new communist despots are already busy fleecing the Libyans, and being alive they are the new thing to complain about and not Khadaffi.
Children did you miss how the Russians toppled Lenin and Stalin, and within 20 years, they brought back a Putin and now the glory of Stalin and Lenin in their butchery is once again what is lusted for?
For the dolts who has saliva production over bin Laden and Khadaffi, there are rabid frothing Muslims still, and they are looking for someone to uphold, and just like Saladin, Sheik bin Laden and Col. Khadaffi will fill the Nassar void............and they will keep looking to actually create this mahdi of fictional prophecy, and many like bin Laden will be willing to step up into that role.
Obama has let the gen out of the bottle and all those rubbing on that bottle in orgasm creating fluid issue, had better learn the silent lesson Mark Levin appears to have finally gotten, in this is a disaster WHEN YOU MURDER MUSLIMS AND DO NOT OFFER LEGAL DUE PROCESS.
Ronald Reagan offered legal due process in an F 111 air strike on Khadaffi, as it was deemed by the world just sword play.
George W. Bush offered legal due process at Gitmo, and it was deemed just sword play.
Barack Obama has beens shooting unarmed Muslims who GAVE UP. That is murder anywhere in this planet, and is the law of the jungle.
Chavez of Venezueal is calling Khadaffi a martyr, and Barack Obama made Khadaffi one in his Pan Regicide. Putin is calling the murder of Khadaffi, exactly what it is in murder. See when Barack Obama creates martyrs for the angst of Islam and the slobbering mob cheer it as they like feeding on murder while attempting to justify it, then there is the catastrophe being made which will only grow to more terror.
Moamar Khadaffi should have been left to be an old fat despot, harming only al Qaeda. He would have napped his way to death, and Libya would have had sons of Khadaffi preying on themselves as oil pumped.
It would have been a humiliating end, an embarrassment to Muslims and cowed them more, but now Obama has turned it all over to committee mob rule which murdered Khadaffi, and that has stoked an evil flame which will lick up to attack America again.
Those who can not see this reality, have just doomed more American airliners and cities to destruction, as the living democracy mob honors the dead despot, suddenly become martyr by Barack Obama's conniving oil stealing hands with blood on them.
A word to silent Mark Levin who was made the fool of by Obama, and to Mr. Levin for keeping Obama around in Limbaugh Gridlock............when the WMD terror attacks come, and you are in your underwear trying to flee, you remember along with your slobbering mob of like minded, that there are slobbering mobs in Islam who will be cheering your demise and writing history, "That natural law is what rules and you deserved all of this for terrorizing and murdering their Islamic leaders".
I told you in the beginning of the Bush war against Islam, that he had designed this all for these radical Muslims which Brzezinski created, to grow old and take naps, settling all of this...........the Obama murder though with the Levin slobbering mobs have now ruined Bush43 policy, and ignited a flame which will spread to an inferno.
Bony old bin Laden and fat old Khadaffi would inspire no one, but Obama and the slobbering mob giving them Necroslam stage has just created them as Saladins to inspire weapons of mass destruction genocide on the west.
Fools is the word for all those who were told this, and still slobbered on after blood on his hands Obama.
The abyss was not deep enough, and you just had to shovel it deeper for the west's grave.