John Foster Dulles
It is all coincidence of course........
Wink Dulles had a most notable career in writing travel journals for Fieldings and investing a great deal of time in far off southeast Asia, where he was struck while riding his motorcycle with his fiance on back in 2001 it was said, but did not die at the scene in Thailand, but after being hit by another motorcycle, he died at hospital.
Interesting vocation for the relative of John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles of the American State Department and CIA to have a career in travel adventures having all sorts of intimate knowledge of places like even Vietnam, long after the shadow of America left and Ho was but a rotting memory.
Interesting things continue in Ted Koppel, of ABC's Nightline, was the premier conduit of the operation staged by the anti Bush forces in intelligence, who paraded CIA agents on his program to speak of the danger of their being outed in public..........and Mr. Koppel had all but one of the former agent's faces exposed........all for the impeachment operation being staged against George W. Bush.
The same Ted Koppel while in war torn Cambodia and it was Wink Dulles who personally arranged the extraction of Mr. Koppel saving his life.
Extraction...........such an agency descriptive word for a mere news anchor and a mere writer of travel guides.
Odd how such much appreciated celebrity featured in print, would not have a Wikipedia page or any Thai new stories covering the gory details of a most freakish accident of a motorcycle hitting another motorcycle, and then the victim dying in hospital and not at the scene.
But then tales are a many splendid thing in a Hufschmid spinning a tale of 9 11, and gaining a great deal of interest as he pondered if his name half sister who married James Murdoch of Rupert Murdoch's empire.
All threads in books exposing things 9 11, all of a sudden have people wondering if the Murdoch family are breaking family secrets and tales of books published, and sites linking dangerous books from dangerous places, and up pops Wink Dulles.
Just how many people are loons, and how many loons are Mockingbird, earning those nice salaries to sound birdlike
Sort of odd how the relative of CIA bosses outed by Kennedy and a Sec. of State to Dwight Eisenhower ended up in a nice job in dangerous places, sort of like Teddy Roosevelt's grandson Kermit ended up in dangerous Iran installing the Shah.
I suppose it is coincidence after all, but no record, no eulogy, no lament except on a few little travel sites in so many people seemed to know the man who swoops in and saves Ted Koppel from the Killing Fields............just appears as no coincidence.
There is something refreshing about Wink Dulles, as he writes about Saigon, and not Ho Chi Minh City.........as he blast South Vietnam with a 750 motorcycle without papers when only something like 175's are allowed.
Even his jokes are amusing in:
First, there is the problem of the translator. She's my buddy's - and now fellow con's - Vietnamese wife, so she isn't exactly a U.N. Security Council play-by-play candidate. I imagine it's similar to Jesse Helms translating a conversation between Bill Clinton and Fidel Castro: "The President said, 'The boy's staying here, you pinko, commie son-of-a-&%$#!'"
Then there is his wife, Mai, a Thai, nervously always pleading "Please do not get us arrested again".
To Wink Dulles presenting his papers as bribes of American money........to trying to pry the lid off some sacred crypt to which his wife once again, pleads about being arrested again.
Wink Dulles is that Ugly American the Marxists branded all Americans as at the start of the Vietnam War. He is unlike that Roosevelt carrion now carrying on the name of the great Kermit Roosevelt in thinking about riding sodomy than riding a bike on your ranch.
Even in that Dulles had a ranch in Thailand..........a ranch in the middle of that jungle termed rain forest by all those Obama liberals.
Vietnam has been reclaimed not by jungles, but the worthless despotry of Marxism. All the best has returned to the squalid hut and days are wet and dry season with nothing to show for it, but a new barrel of oil to bathe the pigs of Orwell's Animal Farm with the Obama humanity of the beast at the table.
Wink Dulles was the America which won Vietnam as he exposed the communists for the bribe ridden, corrupt, falling apart apathetic state all soul sponging secularists are. All Vietnam operates on is capitalism in it's pure form. The Ho's hellions have all sold the old corpse out and when the globalist butchers got through with wasting American kid's lives in Nam, the old Dulles guard of SEATO and quotes like:
"The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art.
Comfortable with calling neutral states cowards, comfortable with condemning regimes, comfortable with practicing the oldest form of empire in pissing on your enemy's rubber trees and marking them as your territory and leaving them to clean up the waste.
Mr. Dulles deserved better from the cowboys. He deserved at least Wiki page with some made up nuttery like Kermit Roosevelt jr. gets blamed for instead of praised. He deserved to be extolled as a Mockingbird asset planting this Dulles flag all over the ruins of communism and doing it with American money.
Dulles is nothing like Tim Geithner or Barack Obama in that monkey demon world citizen pile of crap. No Dulles was nailing the local girls by marriage, being Steve McQueen on a motorcycle and running his John Wayne ranch, bringing America to the regime, unlike Obama bringing the regime to America.
Not one damn post from MI6 Ted Koppel about CIA Wink Dulles, after Dulles saved that bungling Brits ass from the fire.
The Vietcom though did see fit to ban the book Dulles wrote exposing their gulag.
The world always ran better with cowboys who could read Dante than poi eaters who run like ducks.
Never know what you are looking at any more.