Oh children, children, you are getting much too gifted in putting the puzzles together............granted of course you hammer some pieces in, because some conspirator has been putting out false leads with 90% fruitcake in them to keep the real operation a secret, but............
Here let me allow Sheik bin Laden to explain from his poetic mystic Islam.
See in the months before 9 11, I have noted here that the Sheik, the real one, was sitting about his camp and all of these devout mystic Muslims were coming up to him and saying things like, "Sheik, I had this dream. I saw these planes. I saw buildings. I saw crashing planes..........."
......and then the Sheik would say, "Turban boy, pass me the couscous and chevra and do not trouble yourself with silly dreams.........."
You see in the matrix the Muslim devout were seeing what was to come. These starry eyed Muslims were thinking it was some grand blow for their power, and never considered the dreams were a warning for the slaughter and upheaval it would bring upon them.
Too many children seeing their own bias in the message.........but it is what the western intelligence knows in why it always is putting out Mockingbird script on everything, as they know Remove Viewers are about, they know Prophets and Dreamers are about, and they know some clown is going to go home, get drunk, start bragging to some skirt a story about the Apollo moon landings to get her into bed............and the next thing you know it is all over the pulp fiction and Mockingbird has a real problem on her hands.
What this blog is about to exclusively tell you in this explanation is going to have you just drop your defenses in shock, have you smile and then have you say, "Holy crap that makes sense and it has been before me the entire time".
This all deals with Anwar al Awlaki on YouTube being............well some bright person's insight into not getting it quite right, but has everyone convinced there is fire here. Yes there is smoke and here is the smoke.
John Kennedy put America's reputation on the line in the 1960's with an impossible feat of a race to the moon against the Soviets who were already ahead of the game. With the "necessary" removal of John Kennedy for more reasons than what is known, the patricians dumped something into Lyndon Johnson's lap which was a literal balance of power if the Soviet's won.
Cord Meyer's people, who are that same Angelton and Casey group, were the best who ever played this game of intrigue. There was an above black ops project known only to a select few which with the perpetual close ties of Jack Valente and the continuing war effort from the Hearst days, a program initiated which I will not name.
That program involved a special effects unit in California which if NASA failed or "something" was found in outerspace or the moon which would wave off actual landing (IR if the moon was a type of fluid sand which would swallow up a lunar module), that a back up was going to be created........the first being the infamous lunar module blast off if the real one sank into the moon.
You do recall don't you the big foot pads those craft had? NASA was telling you they feared the worst and Hollywood was engaged in making a series of movie segments which would be cut into real footage if necessary to save the world in the balance in American prestige.
This is why Grandfather would swear that NASA never got on the moon and things were "shot on a studio lot" and why some Astronaut punches people who say he never was on the moon.
You are looking at two realities in both being correct, and neither are wrong, as both events took place but were not exclusive of the other.
Capricorn One did take place as a fail safe and Buzz Aldrin did happen as the successful conclusion.
Don't ask about the stars not being there as that is horizon vanishing point as on earth, and a glitch which progressed out.
Why do you think I mentioned when Sheik bin Laden was murdered that, the footage just might have been shot in Kentucky? It is just like the YouTube actors in part is Mockingbird setting up conspiracy walls to deflect from CIA production materials, because actors are employed under secrecy protocols..........the actors are assets inside Homeland, for the purpose of fail safes in the event something needs "fixing" or in the event a counter operation must be carried out to stop some event.
All things in this are not exclusive and that is where everyone in their "this must be my way 100%" gets sucked into the Tavistock mind traps. Propaganda like bin Laden only works when people are so convinced it can only be ONE way, when in reality the one way is a multitude of "ways" like Tim McVeigh breathing after he was dead.
There is an entire operational unit in the directorate which handles all of this, just like the War College progresses all scenarios out. I do not invest a great deal of time on the straw men like Anwar al-Awlaki as they are cage operations of minor problems which the intelligence units bag for propaganda as they will not play according to plan.
Col. Khadaffi is the big fish who was created by Barack Hussein Obama, and it is why this blog has been warning of the missiles Obama armed his terrorists with and why this blog writes of nuclear material for a combined signature attack, so all get off free........and it appears Obama will now blow up southern Libya, which is a shame as I like that area a great deal.
Then Kipling loved Pakistan.......so we all can not have our seas of sand not glassy nuclear seas.
This should be enough to mull over in your education this Sabbath Day and your knowing things you should not know, but how in knowing it, it all fits together and now makes sense.
God bless you.
nuff said.
agtG 259
Kitty kitty cat chow
Mousey mousey get you
Through cat eye mews it all makes sense
The better mouse trap to spring true