As this blog pointed out that the undoing of the disaster of Barack Obama upon America is going to have to come from Democrats, there is going to have to be an equal thrust by the very pompous tycoons from the oil barons who let Obama steal the 2008 election and those Wall Street nation rapists who were suckered by the chameleon Obama to installing him, so they could get over raping the black maid as a teenager or kicking the black kid in the nuts at prep school.
This is going to have to be coordinated with the stories already planted in the news and it is all going to have to be can tied to the Obama kittie's tail.
Here are 10 things which are going to have to be initiated in 2012 for the mercantile to elect a super majority in Congress to save America and to boot Obama into a prison exile in Albania.
1. Obama has dithered on electricity production in no new power plants since he took office. In fact power stations have been closed due to Obama mandates.
Rolling blackouts are going to have to be engaged in by business from California, Texas, Virginia, Ohio, Georgia and New York.
Rub the masses noses in this by turning off their TV, air conditioning, lights, hot water and this drives the Obama abyss home.
2. Obama has shut off American oil drilling. Drive up gas prices to the record levels of 5 dollars in key Marxist Obama states, from the west and east coast by October 2012.
3. As George Soros spiked grain prices in 2008 to install Obama, spike cereal grain prices again and link it directly to Soros becoming the 3rd largest grain handler in America.
4. The credit card vendors Mr. Obama bailed out of that 300 million dollars in TARP funds which the cards dry cleaned from Middle East terrorists which flowed into the Obama 2008 coffers would develop a "glitch" in all the welfare cash cards for Mr. Obama's constituents.
5. Starting in January 2012 in the Oregon special election to replace Democrat David Wu, the same "glitches" which flipped 10 million votes to Barack Obama, should appear in voting, so that by strange circumstances a 100% vote is tallied for Democrats.
Accomplishing this, will stop Mr. Obama from his attempt to flip 30 million votes in November 2012.
6. The termination by the slave labor industry of the Mexican illegal importation and distribution centers.
7. Mr. Obama without medical input fast tracked the Monsanto poison "round up sugar beets" into the producer's market in 2011. Expose this poison in the sugar industry, which will spike prices and bestow the blame on Obama food meddling.
8. The medical industry implements 2014 preliminary trial of Obamacare which will turn away patients during the summer of 2012 to educate Americans.
9. This is just too boring. The elite know they sold out America for their bags of gold and it is up to them to engage in the exact activity they engaged in to install Obama which was criminal.
The democrats are all floofy poofers in not manning up to the task, and they are feeding enough false information that it is assisting Obama.
10. You kick Rush Limbaugh, Rupert Murdoch, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Peggy Noonan in their gonads and tell them they are going to be Birthers or you will abort their whore island mockingbird contracts.........along with Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews and all the other little prostitutes you have employed for informational control flow to the masses.
So fix it you nation rapists the way you broke it, because you break America, you will have an Obama revolution on your hands, which has all of you scared in keeping things in check in price spikes.
Issa and Grassley of the GOP sold out to get Eric Holder, and this falls to the Wall Street rapists. You have until November 2012 to rectify this, and your whores in government have until 2013 July to roll this back to Reagan, because as you know the armed mob is there and they are no longer the frog waiting to be fried in your pan.
You built this fraud B. Hussein Obama, now you dismantle him.