When Dangerous Weapon Ulsterman posts the White House Insider, Deep Tutu, exclusives, it reveals a great deal in the information flow is flowing closer to current time events, than previously in projecting out a few months.
I will post the latest blip to confirm what this blog posted months ago in a stage attack on B. Hussein Obama.
Insider: A manufactured threat against the President of theUnited States. Something easily digested by the media and the American public. Not a real threat – something totally of their own making. They will use it if they need to – got no doubt whatsoever about that. Jarrett has approved the idea…and did so a long time ago. There were whispers of it during the 2008 campaign. McCain was so god-awful it never reached a serious consideration…but the plan was discussed. If needed – they were willing to go that route. It would be the ultimate use of the race card in the history of American politics. And…it would likely work if they got away with it.
When this blog posted about Obama's bus trip in Minnesota and the oddities of Obama stuck in Air Force One, not ever being on the bus, and going into absolutely no vote areas, this was all glaring signs that Obama was up to something, he had something going on around him from a Marine One diversion scenario, AND THIS WAS A DRY RUN OF SOMETHING TO COME.
I do not have a great deal of time, so will lay it out quickly in what Deep Tutu does not comprehend operationally for a staged faux attack via Val-erie Jarrett.
One just can not go into any state and start faking attacks on any executive. That is why Minnesota matters, as it is unique in being controlled by a massive liberal press in the Twin Cities, and having hicks in the sticks who believe anything you tell them and would be the first to blame themselves if anything happened there to an executive.
One needs command and control of the situation, as the last thing you need is someone showing up inside a state and exposing that, "Barack Obama with Val-erie Jarrett staged a faux action against Obama in race baiting". Sort of ruins your political manipulation and ends you up in prison.
So observe the Missouri BATF incident in 2008 which was the first staged fraud in racist danger from Obama. Observe Hutatree in Michigan and again BATF, and removed to federal systems, where the locals can not get their hands onto anything.
You are looking at Democratic bastions in these states to provide political cover to shut things down locally, and with large city press in Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis to feed the fraud stories in controlling information flow.
When Barack Obama does this operation, it will repeat his patterns which have been exposed exclusively here.
Obama requires operational control and exact placement for effect.........meaning upstate New York would be a fine Cuomo choice with New York media blazing this inferno, BUT Obama is already in a position to steal New York due to the liberals there and the corrupt system.
Operational structure points to Obama has to put this into play in a swing state with other "guilt ridden Christian" states surrounding it to blame their redneck Tea Party mob in the sticks........and you know with some press bashing those rubes will be lined up on camera, denouncing this attack and blaming themselves, and begging for forgiveness by all voting for Barry Rothschild.
If John Kascich can be rolled, Obama would put this into play in Ohio, as their rednecks are dumb as posts and the big cities control media flow and are liberal as in all places. Pennsylvania is a trumpet as is Illinois, and of course the liberal enclaves from Minnesota to Missouri would parrot the bogus attack..........JUST LIKE THEY DID IN GABRIELLE GIFFORDS IN BLAMING SARAH PALIN.
They are showing you children what their plans are. They showed you how the Bush people ran...........hell the Obama people will have Krauthammer and Will damning Americans in this as this spins out.
It has to be key states, but some states like Virginia are too close to the power structure of surveillance and people with brains who would figure this out and expose it.
Any attack would be news, but it is the spin Obama needs, and he needs to swing the state it takes place in, and he needs to put into play states which would not vote for him in 2012.
I can tell you right now, there are plans on Holder's desk........well crossed his desk in he sorted out through BATF and FBI exact groups, who have been conditioned by Jared Loughner and Hutatree controls........complete with video and audio, and signs on the walls of something n*gger about Obama with some GOP figures posted along side.
This is in the can already, and all it will take is radar love, meaning that algorythm radar bombarded into these dolt's brains to get them to be zombie enough to show up on station, but Hutatree taught these Obamites something in you can not have Loughner alive and you can not rely on Hutatree bushwackers firing at federal agents.........the protocol will point to a closed case scenario of all being dead like in Libya, and the only evidence speaking from the grave are the digital recordings, remastered for effect.
None of this will be left to chance. That means US Attorneys and the Judge have already been projected out as loyal, with a special federal task force scooping it up who are loyal to Obama, to find what they are supposed to, and keep the locals from finding anything, including the local FBI.
Once this activates, a salt crew will be on location. To explain, a salt crew goes in and salts the "bunker" with thee exact images, placement, propaganda and WMD to find.
Obama is going to have to make this big, as he can not repeat this or suspicions will arise, BUT THERE WILL BE FOLLOW UP ARRESTS in other states of "like Tea Party" mindsets in RURAL AREAS so the stories in these swing states will perform fear, racism and guilt.
Deep Tutu knows what a cherry pie smells like, but he does not know how to bake the thing as he never touches on the protocols and projections of operations. Is why he was suckered to vote for Obama in 2008 as he couldn't see the fraud for the frill.
They need blacks involved in this, so that is another key location aspect in "marches"........some Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton candle thing after some screaming blacks in mass scare the hell out of white liberals...........and it is obvious that into this will wade B. Hussein..........surrounded by candles.......hell bring him out of a church like Putin popped on Easter...........and bathed in that light he will natter something about forgiving the white race for being satan spawn and their absolution is voting for him.
String up the music on CNN and MSNBC, and Bill Kristol stuttering agreement, and Operation Race Baiter is pulled off...........
Now you see why you are told things, and you should be paying attention, because the experts can feign they know information, but this blog tells you what the operational blindfold is about.
Printing this of course puts a wanker in their dirty undies.
nuff said.
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