This blog is wondering where intrepid propagandist Lara Logan is, in not covering the rent a mob at Wall Street, as all the elements are there, in these are Obama's Marxists, instigated by Obama, attacking the foundations of both Egypt and America in usurping power and stealing wealth, stinking like excrement, helped by the Obama puppy press and having sex all over the place.
So where is Lara Logan in this, as she got her pony muffed by Muslims for Obama, and apparently liked it so liberal much, that she never went forward with the story that Obama Club Meddling was all about setting up the Neo Roman Empire.
Is not having your beaver toothed, your camel toed, your pussy purred by grubby American white brats an honor for Lara Logan, or are American communists not allowed to cop a liberal feel as Logan is too good for this.
.........or did Lara Logan learn her date rape lesson from Obama, to cash her big paycheck and keep her mouth shut?
Zbigniew Brzezinski certainly did learn his lesson in talking about outing all those rich folks, you know like Stalin making war on Ukraine farmers and murdering them in mass, and Rush Limbaugh jumped in degrading Jews in making it about Hitler and yellow stars on rich guy Limbaugh arms.
Still am waiting for Mark Levin to castigate Limbaugh about this, but it seems all they do is disappear at the same time midweek and then reappear at the rear of Friday..........wonder what that is about.
In any sexual assault, Lara Logan apparently is not showing up, after she kept her mouth shut about what was done to Sarah Palin, and it was all really made for her in the Obama street protests.
She could have had some pencil dicked white kid who looked like he never was out in the sun sex her on camera, some other guy could give her golden shower and and some lesbian from MSNBC could visit sodom..........all good for a career really, and she might even get a date with Muchelle this time.
I think it's time for a song, so lets sing with apologies to Johnny Horton and the great John Wayne movie, North to Alaska.
Lil' Barry Rothschild left Kenya in the summer of 61
He flew on to America on that Pan Am big bird in the sky
Out to that little Hawaii in that big wave ocean blue
For a little piece at Lederer's in big usurper lie
Then came that liberal Lara Logan reporting on Obama's Egyptian mob
It became a story of jungle lust lost in virginal Cairo loss
Teaching those white reporters to enjoy a little old communist rape
Cause Barry Rothschild is the pimpin' Kenyan boss
I'm going muff to the pony
I'm going muff the rush is on
Way down south
To Lara Logan
Way down south
To Lara Logan
Muff! To the pony
I'm going muff the rush is on
Where the cleavage is hanging
Them Muslims were banging
South to the pony
South the muff is on.
I'm going muff to the pony
I'm going muff the rush is on
Way down south
To Lara Logan
Way down south
From Barack Obama
Muff! To the pony
I'm going muff the mob is on
The Obama street protest really needs Lara Logan doing a strip tease on the hood of some car, as these liberals all give her a white wall on her tires.
Look I wrote the theme song. All is needed is Lara stripping and the money shot, "My pony is ready for it's close up".
Johnny Horton