Barack Obama truly is historic as he does things so heinous that there are not damned words for it.
Old despots used to just invade countries and murder the rulers and kids, but Obama has gone beyond this in he goes into nations like Libya and murders everyone in power, replaces them all, and then spreads out across a region implementing the same murder mandates.
Barack Hussein Obama is the father of Pan Regicide.
I guess as new intelligence filters out that Moamar Khadaffi's son, Mutassim, survived the Obama pinning down attack to provide a Khadaffi body for display in a nice repeat of the Obama SEALS murdering Sheik bin Laden...........oh let me explain that exclusively.
When Obama set this up, he ordered no TOW missiles from Predators as Obama likes seeing is believing, and wanted a nice corpse shot from distance of 10 feet, so there were no powder burns of Col. Khadaffi, and some story..........like, Khadaffi, threw up his hands in surrender, and a nice little girl walked up to take him into custody, but the Khadaffi pulled out a gold pistol, shot her and other innocents, before he was gunned down for the coward he was.
That is why the Predators did not blow up Khadaffi. This was all planned out from the Obama White House, and they were horrified when those communist idiots they had under direct command instead showed some humanitarian traits in not murdering their leader and the survivors on sight.
We know the son was alive from video footage the Brits got ahold of. Word though came down from Barack Obama that everyone had to be slaughtered, because these Khadaffi children are full of as much information on the crimes of Obama and the elites they were dealing with for 30 years.
I honestly fear for Khadaffi's good looking daughter, as she is as good as dead, because she knows things and will have to be dispatched like this entire group of survivors to shut up the dirty pile of Obama secrets. It is the way though in Obama Pan Regicide.
Why this matters is Assad of Syria sees this, as do the Iranians. Obama threatened them again in public. How long is it going to take for them to figure out, along with Putin that this Obama policy he is implementing for the grande New Roman Empire, that maybe getting the west to chew on their own problems in a big crater in New York will take the heat off of them.
This is what Obama policy is initiating, because all of these idiots have been promised protection for so long, and they believed in it.........but now with Obama Pan Regicide it probably should start sinking in that they will indeed be next as this is all intended.
Saudi Arabia are you paying attention, as you are in this regicide too, as no matter if the Rothschilds manage the money you think you have, no matter about your nukes, no matter about your intelligence group..........no matter Obama bowing to you, you Saud family in your time on this earth is ticking away in what Obama and the cartels are about.
Why need the Saud family, when Iraq can manage those desert sand oil pumping stations and that money can just go directly into a Berlin bank.
There is a grande push in this though as Obama is clearing the field of minor problems. This is not for politics in 2012, but it is about something larger on the 2012 stage which Obama is staging for his stealing another election.
It is pure murder and for those who do not comprehend this, Obama has brought this murder to America in staging Gunrunner, his riots, his wildings, his occupations and those 20,000 missiles which were aimed at Sarah Palin.
See this blog exposing all of these Obama crimes, actually protects Gov. Palin, and is still working to initiate her back into saving America as President........for it is impossible for harm to come to Sarah Palin under the Obama means, when exposed here, as that large of target would have Mr. Obama facing a real revolution.
The cartels though are banking on the exit of Obama in 2012 and why there is this frenzy to tidy things up........to get the last step out of Obama before he is put out to pasture. The Obama frenzy of Pan Regicide is this tidying things up.
It is beyond thee most evil thing ever the west has undertaken. Not even Roman in it's rape, enslavement, rapine and murder has gone as far as Obama, in Rome at least left something in charge of the former regimes to manage things........Obama is scorched earth with a committee slopping along.
It is possible in this vacuum that the Khadaffi forces could rally as NATO vacates, and with surgical bombings decapitate this new Obama regime in Libya and sweep into power as Khadaffi did. Promise NATO some rubbish, cement power quickly and start being a pest to those in Obamaland who dodged this all about.
Honestly the way Obama acts, he would have murdered Marx by now..........and I honestly think Vladamir Putin is scared enough to be impressed by this Obama rampage that Putin knows he is going to have to do something to save himself.
I will inform you of something in Obama is exactly like Hitler in messing up the Russian front. Obama was set up as America has been by the European cartel for purpose. In order to pull this off, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN AS CHENEY started in taking Iran out first and then Syria. That gives you the Russian border and then you can mop up Africa afterwards without Putin being able to project.
Now children you got Obama moving toward the Russian Front, and full Russian and Chinese naval forces capable of projecting against the American Fleet.
As this blog has pointed out, the Russian spear can drive on the flats down Iraq into Saudi Arabia in 36 hours, seizing the American assets and changing all of this. America does not have the mechanized force in the region to win a battle, and without air cover, they will be humiliated.
This has been done all ass backwards for a reason. The chessboard has spent it's might on nothing, and if you notice it took almost a year for NATO to murder one geezer Khadaffi.
Putin is no Khadaffi, and now this goes to critical state where Putin is in the power sphere as this is his ground to fight on with close resource support and America is on the unstable islands.
You folks who keep cheering these dictators being murdered and their children, because the day is fast coming when Americans will look back and say, "Things were allot better when Col. Khadaffi was there".
Watch the board in this, Obama has played America into a losing position.
agtG 260
Russia lectures America on rule of law