This blog is actually posting after the wench announced she was abandoning America and it is telling to me as the Holy Ghost speaks a great deal to me, but for those who do not get what goes on this blog, I can assure you that when God is daily speaking to me it is a conversation that even with God explaining things, I still have problems with the language.
God manifests in odd ways in my thought process as one should talk and that should be it, but with God you have all this.........ermine flavored violin business going on, as God's Words are a alive, soft, have flavor, sound and emotion..........conversations in which He does the talking as what could a moulded clay be discussing things with God over, are more like being caught in Niagara falls in the currents, eddies and falls are pulling you so many ways at once as you start trying to figure out what God is leading you to.
There is something about this Sarah Palin business which interests me, as the Holy Ghost is cluing me in here on October 6th of things. What He chose to focus upon was Amos. Amos is one of my favorites as he is an Isralite Prophet in content. He is all about business and nothing else.
The verses were concerning Syria or Assyria which are always of interest to me, as those Germans of old, were the first empire on the planet, and when they came to punish the northern Israelites, it was brutal.
Just so Americans understand something in this "Americans have never been enslaved or suffered" lie can be put to rest forever, as there is no black, asian, european or whatever walks about who has ever been inflicted upon like Americans when God unleashed His wrath in divorce.
The American ancestors were across the Jordan River and powerful. They were Joseph by his son Manasseh. The chief of the sons was Gilead, and they were equals to all America is in beauty, pride, power, wealth and sin.
They were the first to be slaughtered in genocide........and I mean genocide, a genocide which makes what those Ashkenaz Jews whine about in Hitler tame.
When the German Assyrians came to Gilead first, they raped, they cut pregnant women open spilling out the natal blood, they bashed in heads, and that was their kindness.
They had sledges or threshing carts of metal, meaning a wagon they drove like a disc to thresh grain, only on Americans, the Assyrians drove over the Americans like a chainsaw let loose.
Death did not come fast for Americans. They were skinned alive and crucified in mass.
When this bloodbath was complete, the survivors left in pieces and were exiled to where Ezekiel found them enslaved, serving in fact as some of the best Soldiers of the empire.
Sarah Palin was supposed to be the leader for this, before she cut and run. These forces are again on the American horizon in same results. When George Washington was shown a wiped out America scorched from the earth, that is what the hindering of Gov. Palin has initiated and in her now abdicating, it will come with full force.
The verses though the Holy Ghost was focusing though have to do with all of this, in the reality of God is speaking of the three violations of the Assyrians and four..........meaning they have been judged for being so full of iniquity in 3 heinous crimes, that their last crime was not necessary for their serial murdering.
Those groups who did this to the wench, did this to America, are going to face their end. God is never mocked and God will settle scores. Frankly the trash which is America, and the trash which thinks itself not stinking garbage, are all things I concur require the sodom solution.
I actually several years ago, was before God pleading in this for the Good in America. I know what is coming and I was attempting to have God selectively choose things like plagues or an Elisha to cull the masses who deserve Jezebel and Ahab's end. As you note, my intervention failed as you have witnessed things degrading to worse levels.
For those at home, on these North American shores and off these shores, the judgment is set. They might think their sand oil rapine has won, they might think that making her into a wench is winning, they might think these bastard despots are the victory, but the debt is set and the cost will be their lives.
This will be most interesting to see as this works out by the time this blog publishes, as for the wench being exposed and their part in it, along with the sentence carried out in time.
For the record, after God got through slaughtering Americans in Asia, they broke out and were holy terrors to Persians, Greeks and those Romans when they met the Germani.......those were Americans they met who wiped out the legions of Rome. The Americans moved on to the west and the Assyrians who followed took the name of the land as Germans..........while the Americans were moved in mass to the land God would plant them in, as He pulled quantities of them from around the world where He had scattered them.
There is still a definite time to come when the he goat will arise and the bow of Judah will strike with the arrow of Israel in battle, but that time is not now, and will not be while these slave traders are busy raping the Virgin now a whore corpse upon this ally of oil sands.
God is watching and will not waste this blogs effort without payment on all folds.
nuff said
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