Unvalidated people tend to come to celebrity. Some appear with knowledge only they have found.........which if so great they should post it and get all the reward eh?
Others consider themselves so special in this world that, they bow to asking questions and then become the experts, as this business is so easy..........why this blog is child's play and anyone could turn out endless exclusives and there are billions of pages like this just exposing all there is to expose..........yeah right.
As wonk Charles R. Smith brought this up, I will touch on a few things in Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar, or AESA as it is called in the phantom world.
If you ever saw that Charlie Sheen alien movie, this is in a way what AESA represents in Sheen did not have a big radio telescope so he went off and hijacked the city's DSL television pads and turned them all on at once and made his own telescope.
Stealth radar is the same protocol in lots of little independent boxes creating a small signature, but with profound results.
If you ever saw the original Star Trek in the abilities of scanners and "getting into computers", this is what was discovered by chance at the Air Force in they found that setting up these waves, they could get into computers and change their algorithms.........meaning they can read your computer data, and install a virus or keyloggers or any other thing they chose to do, as the 32 bit and 64 bit is still basic 101010101 and AESA can set up a number sequence.
This is what was behind the Predator keylogger and virus problem in the Nevada system recently revealed. Mr. Smith though would only point to "criminal syndicates" and Air Force directions, as he probably does not want to eat a microwave burst ending his career.......oh yes did some blog mention when Rush Limbaugh had his faux heart attack in Hawaii, thinking he could flip Obama the bird in pissing on the plantation, that some blog noted that some electric current aimed at Mr. Limbaugh would indeed cause this and leave no effects?
Mr. Smith though did note that this radar in testing did turn on car alarms at a US base, so it is quite an interesting trigger, which in direct beam microwave can fry things, all things, and in pulse read things and change things.
It also can make pets who are prone sick and kill them. It also can be turned on to make certain bloggers ill to attempt to slow them down as a sort of Corsi in Africa silencing treatment.
So at this point in not being pleased with stupid children thinking this is so easy here, I know what has been done to me and I know the losses I have suffered in watching pets die, from what is akin to a radiation poisoning signature.
It is why in cryptic nature I have logged what takes place on this blog, by not being open about discussing it until now..........at least in part. My television for example turns on and off, the digital feed breaks, the sound turns on from mute...........that is radar love.
My screen is manifest in the things which take place here. Some days it is like an earthquake on it for how much it jumps, and often it is a setting of different brightness, contrast and geometric shapes.
I mentioned when I used the term "ghetto green vomit", that it really interested the brown recluse in pissing them off, as in that period my screen was colored green.
I have made mention of my radio signals being zapped. I did not mention this is something I have recorded on scale and time. I know from the signature and pattern, that my office is swept by a satellite. I can tell you which one and therefore I can tell you that America has platforms in orbit, and that means orbital sweeps which can paint extremely small areas in 3D digital imagery, and doing all sorts of things from computer scans, scanning the phone to see the activity and knowing what you have on the telly.
Do you realize the cost, the necessary protocols and the hoops required for a satellite to be in operation to deal with one little blogger of no importance? This is not an immense workload in the spiders do it all in a wink of an eye, but it is something that NSA has riding piggyback by the brown recluse, who left her signature, and then the real Charles R. Smith unspoken "criminals" who are nothing but employees of the directorate of certain order, are constantly rigging things that have to be covered up.
I know that the wanna be superstars would be hiding under their beds if they had to deal with this. They would have fled under a Faraday Cage hoping they didn't sh*t blood any more from radar love. This though is only a fraction of what is taking place, but is placed here to educate in the things which require dealing with and how being bothersome is a bothersome which lights up all the superstars.
I do find parts of it amusing in some use me, and move on, and I notice things they do not in their computer activity on public sites in the spiders are hopping their signals. If one has men in black visible, that is a game.............because the real game is the unseen tracking every thing you do. They systems are so powerful now in generated signature that these little brains of computers just about flick out.
Speaking of flicking out, Jared Loughner's brain is like a computer brain......meaning they do not always require chemical and psychological stimulus to engage activity..........like algorithms in chip sets and neuron centers, a brain virus scrambled is as trigger happy as a computer.
I have hinted enough on this point and how it connects to the FOX Brain Room.
It is though as the leveraging of me to purchase a cell phone to take back an MSN account. That was the entire purpose, as they wanted another signature venue to study what I was about. MSN stole a like account a few weeks ago and that time they did not want the phone and alternative email was just fine.
I never use my cell phone, but I use my cell phone for my purposes. I turn it on daily to mark location, so there is a record of activity, and it sits here on my desk OFF, but that means nothing as the protocols track and can turn on to listen to my conversations in stereo..............well is in numerous stereos as they numerous servers here for this girl to star on, so they get a good feed.
I really do not see what the fuss is really from them, as who cares about Karl Rove's puffy lips, Limbaugh's sodomy or things in the Bible..........and things Obama are so gutter that it is like JFK in it is a sideshow of porn.
I fully realize that no one gives a damn about me, how much I have lost, how much I have to go through to put up this circus act, but I do care and that is a fault of my Christian upbringing, in it bothers me when ants start acting like they can do better.
Please do better, please invest the decades in God building Spiritual links, please deny your life and do this, please make this your 24 hour every day signature, and please accept all the surveillance, including utilizing cell phone, radio and television towers to paint you as your life is raped electronically constantly.........and then please do not run away when you get terrified, because you have job to do for life.........as this is not your life any longer, but some one else has your loyalty.
Radar love is just the tip of it all, as it is the biggest signature of easy access. They do not need human activity in an electronic environment as bank records to your screens are signatures to be read.
nuff said
agtG 291Y
Radar Love
Charles in charge