Unlike Ed Schultz who visits eastern North Dakota, and unlike Rush Limbaugh who broadcasts from a station INDAKOTA, and let's toss in unlike Mark Levin who does not comprehend that Fargo's liberally broadcasted The Flag which hates Michele Bachmann, but loves Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin............I actually did something novel in I walked and crawled around on the ground which made Teddy Roosevelt a man.
Yes that Great American Desert, I have tasted from artesian wells which give you diarrhea, been chigger bit so you looked like you had chicken pox, and I even indulged in rolling around in those damned prickly pear cactus which infest that region and feel like electricity embedded in your skin.
I don't golf. I don't eat fat burgers. I don't suck union dick and I don't dream about Sean Hannity in thigh exposing costume.........I do though venture to the world, not on vacation, but to taste it.
I honestly do not know what being bitten by bed bugs in like in New York, but I do know what the Finger Lakes are like on an autumn day. As I stated, I do not vacation, but I do taste and feel the country I'm in, as all that other mediocrity of the masses just bores me......but so pleased millions of others like it.
Today's exclusive is on the Alberta oil sands which this blog has been warning the world over, in their fix is in, and in exposing them, they would like me crude oil temperature in the making in the grave, but no matter on such priestly silliness, for we do not like 100 dollar barrel crude oil raping people's paychecks and are intent on setting people at liberty.
I have a solution for you oily Cindy, you want that damned oil from Canada polluting American underground drinking water in your pipelines to Rick Perry Texas for Mitt Romney stock accounts, then blondie, you put in a two tier oil system to get America off the grid, in Americans pay 27 dollars a barrel FOR THEIR OIL IN ALASKA and THE LOWER 48, and you stick the Chicoms in your Keystone XL oil for 120 a barrel.
Hey I raised it 2o for you in profit. Deal with it.
So any way let us visit the North Dakota and Montana sweet crude fields now being fractured and pumped like Barack Obama by Reggie Love with Muchelle only out for 3 minutes to floss her chompers...........
Did you know that Canadan oil currently being pumped and sold is so bad, it equals that crap Chavez has been pumping out of Venezuela and Americans have been stuck with?
One moment please as "they" just changed my monitor settings to "pincushion" 100% so I was writing out of an hour glass screen.........probably some message in that one eh?
Ok back flying American now in pretty screen...........
Yes Canada has high sulfur oil, just like Venezuelan oil...........I should probably do a quick explanation on this though as so many new readers are popping up, and most do not live in the oil patch.
See oil is termed SWEET CRUDE when it means it has low sulfur content..........and it is green colored, while high sulfur crude, because sulfur smells like rotten eggs is not termed sweet crude.
Sweet Crude as Sarah Palin's Alaska has in overflowing abundance..........did you ever think that Alaska being full of oil is due to earth rotation and a fault like there piles it all up?
Never mind.........
Sweet crude refines almost by itself, while sulfur crude is a more costly process.
The reason Saudi crude was tapped was because that oil was so near the surface it literally pumped itself out of the ground.........now you know why you burned OPEC oil in this BS as it was more profitable for the oil barons.
In any barrel, what the Canucks are up to has been sneaking across the border into America with their trucks and they have been hauling American sweet crude out of North Dakota and Montana back into Canada............to mix that high grade crude with their crappy crude, in order to inflate the price on it and ..........gee I wonder who they are dumping that oil back onto?
Ah Mark Levin...........this is your good friends in Canada, you are bragging on them, in their Keystone pipeline to keep oil at 100 dollars a barrel, and this same groups is buying US oil which is sweet and mixing it with their sour crude, inflating that price and making Americans pay for the sham.
Mr. Levin, I have a pile of cat sh*t I would love to sell you for the price of gold. Come on Mr. Levin buy it, as you think Canada screwing American consumers over is such a great deal on oil.........or IS IT AGAIN YOU ARE FLAPPING YOUR LIPS ON YOUR OIL BARON TALKING POINTS LIKE "BIG ETHANOL" and you don't know again a blessed thing you are talking about?
Which is it Mr. Levin? Are you a moron, are you a traitor, or are you a traitorous moron like Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Shep Smith etal?
Yes as this blog exclusively has exposed in this, this oil cartel has a fix in to exchange Obama Buffett for Rovian Perry oil.........but America doesn't get the oil as they get the pipeline polluting our waters, the majority of the oil at 100 bucks a barrel goes to those idiot Peking girls in their pay off for funding Obama debt, and Canada is going to be TAKING NORTH DAKOTA OIL mixing it with there SOUR CRUDE AND RESELLING IT IN VOLUME TO AMERICANS AT SWEET CRUDE PRICES.
Hell of deal isn't it there cowgirl?
As I have stated, I don't give a damn in this sands across the water, in the Chicoms could buy that whole cesspool at 120 a barrel, pump it across America WITH EACH STATE GETTING ACCESS AND CLEAN UP FEES, Texas refining the whole load, and the Peking girls paying the bills. What I care about is Americans being f*cked over literally and that is what this is, in gang rape, over the barrel f*cking of Americans, and it is going to stop.
These nation rapists can put in a two teir system in Americans pay 27 dollars a barrel for their sweet crude.......Obama gave Europe Libyan and Sudanese oil.........and the Chicoms are such dumb dicks they will buy anything as OPEC can set the world standard price.........out of London and New York of course at 120 a barrel.
You can tell a Chinaman anything and they will believe it in oil costs less in America due to dollar exchange with the Chinese currency being inflated due to cash reserve accumulation..........hell have Bernanke mumble it out and the puzzled Peking girls will just nod and agree not to look stupid.
I'm not going to fix all of this as I'm not an oil whore like Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh. Show me the green and some me some black garters and I will gladly fix this so the oil barons can rape the world, but they will stop raping Americans...........and STOP promising those damned Chincoms American oil, or they are going to conclude it is their oil and INVADE AMERICA FOR IT when Putin says "start the war".
That should probably be enough exclusive here..........just doing a check here.........Chicoms are idiots, American getting screwed over, bad Canada brew............oh yes pay me a fortune by some pretty garter wearing lawyers.............
Oh yeah to the oil barons, I know you are going to put the derick of Karl Roves butt, but throw that in too for what he did to Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle..........and double down on old puffy lips as I don't like rapists..........national, political or physical.
nuff said.