Here am I, I have had thoughts concerning America and the reality she is in, as she is really in the alternative reality.............as you know God never intended the debauchery nor having a foreigner like Obama ruling over her.
Therefore by logic in God's Will, this is not the correct flow America should be on, meaning this is a contrary or adversarial power flow, and as all things in God are Supreme, therefore this like all sin is inferior............the chaos America is in, is obvious this is inferior to God's Peace.
I was fascinated long ago when I heard a line Leonard Nimoy spoke on Star Trek in time having rivers, eddies and currents in it, and if a person stepped into time, that it logically should flow like persons to the same event focal point.
This would elude to time, being a form of will in this dimension in the stronger the will, the more influence it would have on a congruent wave.
We have all seen teams in sports suddenly ride a flow of "luck" and homefield advantage is a measure of hidden wills in the matrix overriding previous event structures and different outcomes take place due to surrounding human will.
In noting that, it is logical to deduce that while it is against the current to say......."I will wake up tomorrow and be Bill Gates with the cash" as that would go against Gates strong will position and backing in nature, there are the effects in this that Christ stating if one believed that a mountain would be moved into an ocean, then that reality is one where nature can be transformed, and............well look at it this way in human interaction with God terms:
If you know God's will for an event like a team winning the championship, then making a bet on that team is joining that will, and of course you are rewarded easily. Making a bet on the other team would result in a loss as no amount of effort would sustain this to override a "destiny" or a will of God.
Examine this point though, what if the flow was this team to win, and you injected yourself into that destiny, meaning you would be a part of that flow directly, then you are part of an outcome already devised and as long as you do not fumble a ball to affect outcome, then you are naturally enabling that flow with your will.
I will stop with the hyper, quantum and geo dynamics of this and speak more frankly.
By the actions still implemented against Sarah Palin, that means in this current or river of destiny that demons triggering their maniacs know that a power struggle is still involved in this, that somewhere in the flow of time, there is a reality that is extremely strong that Sarah Palin is President. There would not be such an opposite reaction to no action by Sarah Palin if something was not out there in time space triggering this immense surge of contrary force.
It is obvious that satan does not like Sarah Palin and it's minions are geared to heinous emotional reactions. That would mean God likes Sarah Palin and you will notice that her supporters are pleasant and well behaved in the paradigm.
What I bring you to is this which I have been hinting at, call it the Lame Cherry Paradigm of Conservative Law..........
Time moves ahead in flow. There are stronger flow patterns for specific events and people to play out. The stronger the flow is indicated by the power structures of God and those allowed by God. Time flows in and time flows out, but time moving backward is like a dam in holding back events.
It is possible in this, in knowing the Sarah Palin power sturcture, based on God's Good Will for a moral America, that no matter what Sarah Palin is about to in denying her destiny, that by blessing or empowering that current she is in, that her will would be swept aside for a Greater Will already in operation.
It is possible to enhance that flow and sweep Sarah Palin to where she is destined to be........and that includes a surge which would sweep away those endangering her, and it would sweep anyone out of 1600 Penn who cheated the flow.
Events naturally taking their course in God's Will would naturally sweep out that which is not supposed to be there and sweep in those events which are the strongest in the flow structure.
satanic forces as Gabriel informed the Prophet Daniel do indeed provide resistance, but that was overcome in the Archangel Michael, as much as God by the Word sets definite limitations. In that, the spoken destiny............Prophecy speaks of definite happenings in things going bad. Knowing God will things to be good, it is possible to not negate the outcomes of a Saul evil, but to instead produce a greater David surge by empowering God's will.
It is completely agreeable that with the right words in God, that the wench would be picked up like Joan of Arc and end up where she was supposed to be, because events are going to take place according to will, and different realities will formulate, but matching God's Will to the reality, one establishes the Willed for reality, insted of the inferior alternate reality.
This is my purpose in this as this data comes to me. To not impede God's Will, but to enhance that Will perfectly. One does not need an earthquake, but one can increase the power of the current so a surge picks someone up and moves them beyond the reach of the alternative and into the reality meant to be.
I have administered this protocol on Mexicans in local scale and events, but I have not attempted this on this scale.
I must be about this as this is new territory, but is not me, but would be God's Will prevailing. I know the science is right, will see how the experiment goes on the other side. A number of factors to take into account...........
God helps those who help themselves. One fights and God produces the victory in Christ. Amen
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