It is a shakedown, and I would not be surprised as Michael Moore is taking point on "the rich" again that Obama will have some fire bombers going after Hollywood if they don't start turning over a few hundred million to his 2012 campaign.
This is the Obama thugocracy.........not very bright, is Mockingbird coordinated in the MSM and like all things fraud, it is a flash in the pan unless Obama can get union thugs and black wilders to rape their way to real intimidation.
In stating that, this blog revisits the Obama Soros Rothschild rapine which created this Obama Super Depression of 2008 which Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barney Frank started in 2006 in taking over Congress.
I will utilize an example of a treacherous little creature named Jackie who I attempted to help, and did save her life several times, to which she in true Appalachia tradition, thought she was brilliant after it was the Holy Ghost's brilliance in me, and then like Obama tried to usurp my place in stealing from me.........nasty little thing too in spreading things about me.
So when people attempt to hack me, prowl through my identities thinking they have found me, and other such first level silliness exposing their stalking, felonies and cyber bullying which are criminal, I turn things over to God and watch the show.
Jackie who was named after Jackie Kennedy, married an old guy as she had daddy issues and he had daughter dirty up issues.........he liked to dress her up as a whore as she smoked dope and she liked to be dressed up as a whore, pretending to be Christian.
Odd things about these females in majority from that region in they all think they are hotter than they are, and more intelligent than they are.
In any case, I attempted to assist the Gomer out of whoredom as she kept old boyfriends about the place and one she kept about was a real cuckold named Johnny.
Never did quite get the deal with her old man in allowing this crap of Johnny and her going out to bars for fun.........although I got tired of it and asked God to intevene, to which God sent some nice demoniacs one night who chased the couple home from a bar, so they had to turn their lights off to make an esape.
Then again she was going to go off when I first met her and to a woman on woman thing with a friend of their's and I sort of prayed on that one too, and God really had her get the flu and she puked her guts out literally for a few days............and she knew I did it and God did it, still thought she could bite.
Any case, I had enough of it after she was off whoring after I put her marriage together again a second time, and I sort of got into a weather mess which almost killed me, and my great friends did not bother to check on me...............so I dumped the entire lot.
This is when the theft and slander took place as this Kennedy namesake decided she was immune like most do as they have never dealt with someone like me on a mission from God.
So I turned the Holy Ghost loose to rectify the situation...........because you know when you slap God's Name on a marriage it is pure blasphemy then to go out and be an ass the rest of your life.
Long story, about all this in why this little bottle blonde even survived birth for my purposes, but she let satan in, and that was not my problem but it was a growing experience.
As I have sources all over, I soon found that her husband was spending like 700 bucks on Viagra.........double dosing too boot. Am surprised he didn't stroke out. Maybe that is what she was shooting for with Johnny Mustang on the side.
Sex only lasted about 6 months as you can not f*ck your way to happiness as that ugly witch in the mirror is still staring at you and Lame Cherry is not there to make you pretty.
That is when I started seeing the signs..........husband going on business trip alone.........husband not checking in from Atlantic City..........bottle blonde clingy...........and getting flipped by the old man, as he told her before I left that "We will see how much you can take".
Oh yes, you think women are the worst, but you have never seen an old guy act like a c*nt when they have been wronged.
They will jam that erection down the wife's throat, jam it into her with pride, all the while thinking, "Ok you whore, my dick was in Donald Young's ass, so what do you thinkg about that bitch?"
Yes the Obama love is such a sweet thing to start to see unfold when the bitch wife starts getting payback when 50 something hubbies start taking revenge in thee nastiest of ways.
I'm getting to Wall Street rapine by Obama ok........but you know you like the gossip.
So I notice Jackie is out doing a walk for cancer.........woman's thing. Women do things like this in good deeds when they want to prove they are good people and not whores their husband's are prostituting.
I knew the trouble was brewing and soon enough found the husband "single" which probably means divorced........yes at a rate of 10 grande to get rid of his former whore.
The house got flipped, returned, and lost............and was not long I found her in a Snow Bird house as her entire live was melting down to ground zero.
Punchline is, little Jackie does not earn a great deal of money in her profession, so she had a former wife of a friend of her husband's living with her.....shared rent. Was not long she booted her as the gal had kids..........Jackie does not like kids, screwed her husband out of spending time with his kids........but she likes cats.
Without someone to share the rent...............yes, the little manipulator conned Johnny to buy the Snow Bird house before the meltdown for 125,000 dollars.
You must understand this point in I counselled this original couple to get that damned first house paid off as they only owed 50,000 on it........cripe they were earning combined 70,000 before taxes and child support, so they could have paid that home off in no time, but being sloven like most, she instead bought a car and put flames on it, and the house is kaput.
But Johnny got conned into buying this house..........recall now even if I did not mention this, in Johnny knocked up some poor woman and had a kid.............and Jackie was keeping him around she said just in case.
We all know that wives just love having divorced bottle blonde about the place, and just love husbands investing in properties their bar buddies who are keeping them around just in case..........you know the story, Jackie broke up that marriage by sucking off the guy and spreading her legs, to which she whined about not paying the bills and it would be so much nicer if Johnny would buy the place and she could pay rent.
So Johnny jumps in for 10 cc's of man lube, and a few years later Johnny's investment drops 25,000 in one Obama night. It is in reality more than that as housing is in the 70 g range if he could sell it, so he lost 50 thousand dollars which he still owes.....that comes to 5000 dollars be cc of sperm.
Could have got your bell wrung by a real girl friend experience New York hooker every week for that at age 20 and died happy, instead of being in the poor house working for Obama.
It really does not matter much how this quicksand consumes as if she married this cuckold and threw him out, which might be as his last name did show up for a time, but her name is not on the title..........yet, because this is the end of people who screw with me, they just keep getting pulled down by their own consuming natures and I'm pleased to God for His workings.
Observe this now though as I have pointed out in this was one home at 125,000 dollars. The cuckold lost 25,000 dollars immediately in deflated prices........he can not sell this as no one will buy it, so he is stuck with paying this off as a wage slave.
That house was only worth 70 thousand.........which means the seller made 50,000 more which the banks or Wall Street got............for free money or money Obama vai Geithner and the bundlers stole in the crash.
You must understand this in that 50 g's is still owed by the cuckold. It is being stolen from the seller in crashes and inflation, so when the cartels inflated American real estate they knew they were stealing trillions of dollars, and when they broke the market, they knew they would walk away with 4 times that amount.
1. Original sale
2. Market crash collection
3. Inflation
4. Long term interest payments for 30 years.
That is one house making 200, 000 dollars off of in the cartels not lifting a finger, and the odds are they will rig this so they will get the house too as it continues to deflate with age.
If one adds the union labor in upkeep in shingles, windows, painting and siding at 30,000 dollars. The commerce for these oil company products in shingles and siding, you start to comprehend with 3000 dollar per anum in taxes, and 3600 in heating and air conditioning, that over that 30 year period, this cuckold is loosing money in 90,000 in taxes over that period, 30 grand in upkeep, and over 100, 000 in living costs.
Yes there are deductions in taxes, but that is money still spent and if you do not spend it, the IRS collects it's 28% from the cuck.
The Obama cartels have accomplished this a million times over. That is why they are not going to inflate housing costs to make the market run for another decade, as the reality is, this is thee best Egyptian Pharoah system ever created for them in a cash cow...........and it only gets better as all these women will be sucking the lifeblood out of these idiot males in divorce and child support.
Most of the women would be like Jackie's step children who are knocked up 3 times over by 3 different fathers, including the obligatory black Obama, so we get the entire welfare scam operation involved in this in money laundering too.
Now you will not hear this from the wealthy Soros anarchists, because they are not the livestock in the pen, but this bottle blonde is the typical "christian" American fueling this system in manipulating all those around her to get what they want............if it takes some whoring, what is exposure to more cancer dicks carrying virus into their wombs. It is all for the Obama cause.
No one of course is going to explain this in this detail, because no one has ever put this together.........and frankly no one has the balls to write like this for any of the press, because the elite do not what their brothel exposed and the nice writers are horrified over getting involved up to the vaginal wall in what is really taking place.
I could be more pleased in God's retribution, but God is a thorough slow twist kind of barbeque type God, and His methods have people skewered on their own pike for interfering with the mission here and for their being hung on the rope of their own arrogance.
I have a dear friend in Oklahoma who is one of the greatest works of faith ever. She speaks of things in God's workings like the above, and it is amazing theater to observe as this relates to a national scale and a local scale. The majority of people think they can pretend Christianship and then go steal their pound of flesh and sell out for 30 pieces of silver, and get away with it.
They will not, because there are too many of these demonic asses about the shop now and none of them will take responsibility for their sins.
This is the Obamanation and is what is behind it all. That sticky white C on Johnny's head and the scarlet A on Jackie's head. What perfect pairs for the whore's dress Obama weaves.
If you ain't got a ring
You don't do a thing
If you think with your cock
Poverty is a lock
If you audition as a whore
You will end up poor
The American bastard, the fatherless child
All in all the mob gone, all gone wild