Did this blog not warn you Greeks about suits on the ground taking over your country? Sure I did and now what have you got?
Why you got Libyan slaughter democracy being praised, you got New York cesspool democracy being praised, but when it is you Greeks being trying to be saved by your President in giving you the direct vote on whether to get the hell out of the European Union or not......then all of a sudden "cooler heads must prevail" and the only patricians who are qualified to think for you are your trolls in the federal government paid for by the Rothschilds and that monstrous EU dictatorship.
How's them chains feel on you birthplace of democracy folks?
Just think of that in mob rule is all Americans hear, mob rule is all Muslims hear, mob rule is great for the entire world, but when it comes to Greeks, hell no they can't vote on their freedom and future, because if people in this world start FIGURING OUT THAT YOU DIDN'T CREATE THAT MONSTROUS ROTHSCHILD AND ROCKEFELLER BILDERBERG DEBT, so they can just vote it all away and not pay it.......then all of sudden all those nations in debt have no debt, and all that enslavement by the elite ends as that monetary paper noose of Dutch Banking ends around the world, and the mob starts looking at the cartels which extorted all that money and demanding it back.........and hanging the thieves who have bred all of these wars and rapine.
You will never hear a word about Greece though from Mark Levin or Chris Matthews. Hell Levin came up with no foreigners owned the Federal Reserve, so you know who that high priced oil shill hawks for .
No this President George Papandreou, a real Greek, no Obama foreigner, tried to save his nation and the Greek traitors from "democrat" Antonius Samaras who looks like Himler and that hot whore socialist Eva Kaili couldn't pull out the long knives fast enough to get rid of this last chance for Greece in et tu Brute as the Rothschilds lowered the execution curtain on anyone speaking such things as not paying off their extortion.
Greeks who created the rule by vote, have been banned from voting on what their own nation can do. The nation of Greece has ended and perhaps the anti Christ can now arise as enslavement has been ushered in where suits on the ground now have overthrown a civilized people where it used to be alarming to send in the jackboots.
.......and there stands beloved leader Obama just dividing up and giving away another nation and people......first it was the Slavs, then Japan got it's islands gone, then came Africa and the Middle East......now Obama is starting on carving up south central Europe.
Taiwan you are auditioning next.......and the American southwest can not be far behind that.
Does not any of this mean anything or did all sense leave when President Palin fled to Alaska? The Greek people were denied their vote, in their Greece nation, to decide on their own monetary policy.
Obama's Berliner boys use "democracy" to overthrow nations, but when it comes to people voting on their own destiny by law and not protest, then all of a sudden it is an evil thing.
Greece did expose on thing and that thing is what the Rothschilds and Rockefeller slave owners are terrified of...........
Americans could vote on a national referendum disassociating itself from the Federal Reserve Rothschild Rockefeller and Obama debt, along with the reality they could pass a law requiring all those trillions be returned or face war........you know nuclear strikes on the compounds of the elite.
Greeks should rise in mass, vote to get out of the EU, tell the EU to stick their debt as Greece will not pay it, and then return to the things Greeks do in shipping and other ventures on their own currency and self worth keeping the labor of their hands.
Beware of the Greeks as the cartels are terrified of you if you or other peoples figure this out, in sticking debt on the extortionists and marching to take your money back.
Let's see, blasphemous money changers get stuck with the debt they created.........the majority goes free and a thousand elite end up hung.
That sounds like liberty in this Trojan Horse.