Friday, November 25, 2011

American Soiled

I really dislike propaganda, and there has been nothing but propaganda in the outing of CIA assets in the Middle East with Iran now stating it arrested 12 CIA agents there.

This requires explanation as no one is going to do this but here. To comprehend any intelligence group, one has to understand first that there are compartments in all operations. Meaning you just do not put all your CIA agents into one file as that would be unsecure, and each theater has need to know operational structures, and they are in turn compartmentalized in directorate flow of need to know information.
It is a bell reality in the station chief knows his operational scope and assets, and this then transfers to his or her department head, who then answers to the undersecretary who then answers to the secretary who answers to the Oval Office.

On ground, operations are run by secure DOD communications, hidden within normal communication modes. It can be by burst traffic or standard transmission, depending on security and leaving signatures for transmissions.
Even the cells on ground are need to know for security reasons in they are grouped in form of limited contact with a dead drop or dead end, which is a station chief by electronic communication. Only in scope as this are operations run.

This brings us to the Iranian breaking of an American asset ring in Persia. These groups have been working for some time, including MI6 which was running operations for Obama, and that Obama inspired Twitter Revolution the Brits engaged, which was nothing but an Obama helping to round up the Iranian opposition.
That is what first must be examined in this, because that is what is being covered up, for the reality is two operational theaters were exposed, one in Lebanon and one in Iran.

The Lebanese break up was so damaging that Congressman Mike Rogers on the Select Intelligence Committee ended up in Lebanon to investigate this. That sends red flags to anyone who knows intelligence as a major compromise has taken place.

Did this compromise encompass vast areas? No it did not, so it means limited scope of information, but that information was precise and it was subject to exact theaters in Iran and it's proxy in Lebanon.
That is valuable back engineering as it points to information flow and source of that flow, which is not Wikileaks type in cable transcripts hacked from US dispatches by the military, but it points to that finite intelligence flow of operations in "someone" knew the Iranians needed this information and it was acquired for them in exact quantity to start this process.

That is what Mike Rogers was looking at, as when the pipeline flow starts with Obama, Panetta, Napolitano and it is running through the Lebanese mission, then it starts sending off red flares in what Huma is lurking about, and if it is not a Huma, then what breach of security took place?

To save time, the culprits are either this Muslim corp Obama has about him, the Russians under Putin or the Turks.
This information was obtained by either "providing it in a quid pro quo" or it was obtained in some type of security breach at source, which means who accomplished it had no business being anywhere near this type of secure information, and yet they somehow did.

Can such structures be intercepted? Most certainly and especially as Turkey is NATO related and Obama has been all over the Turks. It is not that difficult for Islamists to gain information, no more than it is for the KGB FSU to breach American security.

It is a finite line, and the people behind it wanted the Iranian regime preserved in all it's forms, the same regime Brzezinski, Obama and MI6 have been preserving.
Fully comprehend in this, that this information was two theater in the Middle East, but it did not breach Syria, Libya or Egypt in revealing any assets.

Yes files are encrypted in each theater, but each theater is also a combined set.........meaning if you have access to the information and one gains two venues, then one should have obtained all venues, but it was directed two only the Iranian countermeasures to Obama.
In short, someone burned these assets on purpose and it came from secure links which can not be broken.

Bill Clinton burned the Iraqi assets when a deal was worked out for bribes from Saddam Hussein. As state, that Twitter Revolution only murdered and imprisoned Iranian Patriots. When assets are flushed, it is a matter of espionage coup, and the Iranians did note this information, but also sat on it, to watch the operation and contacts.

Sometimes when one points a finger, more fingers are necessary in the Marxist hand, because the Marxists in America have been protecting the Islamocommunists since 1979. There is no difference than in Russian Bolsehviks protecting information of Turkish Muslims. There is enough operational subterfuge taking place in the Obama regime can invite a Turk in to tea, and have to "go potty" and files are then copied, processed to the Russians who decode them and the Iranians end up with the information in a burn notice.

The French got wind of this as they always do as they are in bed with everyone, and their revelations that the entire Lebanese station had to be moved to Cyprus for security explains this deep breach.......meaning the burn was in Lebanon trailers and this gave the Iranian managed assets to the directed project.
When one crosses two intelligence points, it is at the intersect of that information chokepoint from Obama to that source is where the breach took place.

I do know that Putin's fingers were all over this as he has been pissing on Obama a great deal of late, as the Russians manage a great deal of this and assist the Iranians to perform better than they are capable of...........hint when Iranian coups take place they have help.

It is not that difficult when Obama hates Benjamin Netanyahu, that his surrounding cast are more compliant to keep the Iranian Brzezinski communists in power, so they do not get decapitated.
In that though, the Mosaad is quite capable of decapitating a US operation in sabotage, which would force the Americans to strike Iran so they would not have to as all options have been neutralized.

So you mean that even the Jewish intelligence might know of things taking place, and allow them to be carried out in their backyard not telling Obama, as the result will force the Americans to act in Israeli interests?

Yes it grows more complicated, and it is that way when you have an Obama using brute force against Islam in assembling his own left Islamic monster, and everyone starts shifting and leveraging at the key points to burn their assets in revealing they are operational.

This is all about striking Iran in Obama War. That is the chessboard in this and the match is being set in this gambit.
All their dirty little secrets and their dirty little fingers in everybody's pies. This was America being soiled and the start of it was the diarrhea of this Obama regime.

America is being outmaneuvered now and that can only take place from these inferior Marxists in charge enabling this. Obama is the breach in this and always has been.

nuff said 309Y