Thursday, November 24, 2011

Arc of the Obama

This blog by Inspiration predicted in January 2009 before anyone else, that Barack Hussein Obama would be a failed occupancy of the White House. It was predicted here that according to Newtonian Law that as fast as Obama went up, he would go down, as much as he was blindly adored, he would be blindly popular he was he would be passed over.

All of the children now can see this and run around poking pins in Obama like they are really accomplishing something, but the reality is, they are not even in the game, as they are being gamed.

For the reality, Obama is in an Arc and on the downward plummet, and his demonic assistance group knows this, and there is nothing in "destruction" that they can do but murder the Virgin turned whore, as there is nothing left to prop up the "luck wave" Obama has crested with.

You do not get this, because no one in media is bright enough to comprehend the physics of Obama. It required vast amounts of energy in the matrix to create the illusion of Obama and to place him in the White House as a usurper.
60 million lunatics voting for Obama and the vast majority of dunces who voted for McCain not seeing the picture as has been revealed here in Karl Rove, is a reality of immense energy consumed by the darkness to accomplish Limbaugh Gridlock.

One demon or Angel can generate a vast amount of energy transference in the willing stupids no matter the cause, to accomplish deeds, but it is still energy which consumes if it is demonic or of nature in the witchcraft or natural elements.
You never did get it even though it was explained here in detail that those charms Obama keeps in his pocket ARE his power grid. He uses the dead, uses the monkey demon of India and he uses natural earth elements like copper for "luck". Luck and wishes are nothing but spells cast. Demons require consumptive payment with continued greater payments, and in earth forces of the warlock, nature consumes to feed the wave. God is the only "free" source, but God requires obedience to Him to activate that energy flow.

I can tell you at this moment that the Prescott Bush religion has maneuvered to replace Obama as has always been the plan in the Rothschilds who are the superior order installed Obama for the illuminated one to come, and the Bush cult is now in the process of eclipsing the falling Obama arc.
Nature will not tolerate a vacuum and Obama's energy imprint is waning, therefore a new power source will be required to fill that void in a Jeb Bush in the Bush rites as intended from the beginning of this. You children have the idea you have been usurped, but you are now about to be supplanted.

So keep wasting this blog's time as predators and keep posting your cattle herded stories thinking you are accomplishing something. Name of God, Ronald Reagan taught you better in to think out of the box and all you do is find more duct tape to seal yourself into the darkness deeper with never thinking of an escape.

It may have to be that Jesus in seeing Sarah Palin fleeing her destiny, is going to have to save this all in His hand. That points to the reality of massive upheaval in great tribulation. The reality is though the American power curve in God has become a vacuum. Greater forces are moving to fill that void, with the chief architect by design being Vladamir Putin in his Eurasian Empire he dreams of.

You have created this America in this Obama, and now you are allowing the lower princes of the order to take the Americans out who God will work through and install more of the pimps bending you over to rape you again.

I have told you how to attempt to fix this by unleashing the Holy Spirit and the American with French Saints into DC. They are about this in warning in all the Obama bad omens in trying to get you to figure this out, but IF by national identity of pure American Spirits activated God's Presence into this, God would fill this void and bless the fight with a victory.
Sarah Palin is a conduit point for energy transfer. That is why the Rovians wanted her out as with her the power flow would arc from Heaven to the footstool. This wench at this time of writing is hiding, thinking she can run from the threat, when the threat increases with each moment she does not take her position.

Anyone else, up to a point would be inferior. My position is Superior, but this is not my station in energy transfer. My octane from God would consume. It is condusive to limit this by the governor of an energy flow as in the wench. (That is double entendre, but is the reality of the word in a governor in fuel flow regulates the power an energy produces so it does not blow up.)
You allow an inferior throttle to be placed on this energy flow and it will strangle America, as God will not work through this, but start working His own measures which are judgment.

Intercession, a Moses to regulate through is vital. This Miriam has place, but this wench is the damnedest mule in you can't make her walk one step to the greener pasture.

Obama's arc at ground zero will meet a thunderous crash in his free fall. The eclipse though of others will be the things noted as the rising illume is of attention compared to a fizzling dead meteoric fall.

You must fight this on Spiritual terms, and I have told you how, or God will rectify this in extreme measures. Obama's arc is falling, but it does not mean he can not steal an election to keep his loft factor in place, as these rats are so numerous in government and industry, they will do anything to save themselves from being hung in mass.

Enough of this as if 10 would get this, this would be accomplished. Hard when the Hadassah extinguishes her own star as Esther takes counsel of her fears.

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