Time to shake the tree, no apples as Newton already discovered that in full disclosure of things lawful in universe of chaos.
So Obama has all those Social Security numbers, but no one knows the scam except the things hinted here previously....so I will tell you nice children how the Inspired savant explains how covers work.
See when you desire to hide something, you either go big or small. Big is like Obama in having numerous signatures to gum up the system so you don't find the real criminal syndicate his identity is melded into.
Going small means finite in parts too, as Obama has dead chics or something in his SS world of identities in you lift ID's of the dead in intelligence as the dead for some reason never use them.
Small big, leave trails which show things which do not add up, and for usurpers it works out, but for spies it gets you killed.
Take for example an in depth signature in one wants to be found..........well not really, but you harness up some name like Stanley XYZ. You choose that identity as there are only three Stans listed, all in profile of an age group which is in response to the signature generated and one assumes their covers in the 30 to 60 year old age bracket as males are usually too busy, too pussy whipped or too isolated at that age to start jacking about some one appearing online under the covers of a multiple limited signature.
This is precise in a federal agent does not want some jet setter or someone without cemented in place lifestyles, as the last thing a fed desires is some nosy fortune seeker thinking they found the original operative, phoning up the covers and threatening them thinking they found the original..........threaten is a large word, as covers get threatened when trolls have been digging in their information and start talking about the spouse and kids. They phone the police, phone employers, file big lawsuits and those bully internet laws start kicking in cyber stalking and the glam crowd starts finding out this is really something only adults should be involved in as their world starts coming apart in trying to be superman.
I will let you in on a secret in this wifi age, of the protocols always use CISCO cross board links.......that won't make much sense, but there are internet access routers in defined territories, if a spook puts an identity together on these fringe zones and logs in different access, the ISP keeps popping up in different states and different cities. Double dip that with an uplink, and just like Haji speaking to Mummy in New Dehli from Spokane, the spiders and those nose trouble children find a shadow of a shadow.
Granted that bastard gets swept in radar signatures, but then maybe spiders should not be spying on regular folk Americans.
All technical zonk stuff in elementary ID protocols, and apparently there are no spies lurking about the blogosphere or they would be jabbering about this to some Alex Jones type who is paid to dispense such things.
Obama is obviously running a splash act..........and for no one in FBI, CIA or NSA to have even mentioned this, points to the directorate has put the duct tape on subject with a warning that death by natural murder would result.
The covert Obama stuff is quite good and professional. The overt stuff is so bad that it is meant to be followed. A sort of FU to gum the chatter up, and cripple Barry at the same time........as I will give you a hint that this is about world dominance in the shift of power, and the very people who put in Barry XXXXX are going to leave him if necessary as a bone to chew on, so the power elite will not have to deal with the masses comprehending...........well Americans figure out the Rothschilds had Obama steal trillions, submarine America, get Americans slaughtered and some movement would start point nukes at Europe and dusting it. No you can't hit a Rothschild with a nuke, but you can make their oracle sites not pretty, and that is the retaliation they position not to deal with.
Odd in this in, one always has some goofs sent out to say George H. W. Bush flew to France in a U2, but with Obama there is none of that Ted Koppel intel.......yes is different family operations, but someone should be about the place, and none are as this is quite boring picking through the Obama trash.
Obama has a bad ID, created a worse ID, to hide the worst case ID of him. When the operatives set up these false leads and track them back it is a matter of professional signature and honor, well at least for the ones who are born to the work.
Yupper the false leads of Obama mean something, but they mean a double entendre which means the real story is elsewhere and much worse.
I blew upon a spider's web
Covered light with dew
I breathed the fly on silken cord
Spiders and flies the welcome few
agtG 341YY
*If the fly has no one to protect them, perhaps they should stay out of the web.