Hey f*ck nuts Obama, and you pussy weep Boehner, you pubic hair Cantor and crusty twat chaff Reid.........now you tell me if this blog is not right in genital descriptions in Obama looks like a too shave scrotum, Boehner looks like a wet pussy, Cantor looks like some in grown pubic hair all snarled up and Harry Reid doesn't look like dried twat discharge.
Challenge you. You betcha I do, and you know I'm right about this again by Inspiration and Nancy Pelosi is as present as a oatmeal fart., you hear it making noise and there just ain't no follow up.
With that said, I'm talking to the above below the belt line political traitors to America, and have a fix once again for America.
Simple fix for these genitalia rapists, as I don't give a rats ass about the rich......no kidding, I don't care. They don't share the money they stole from me, they don't pay me what they owe, and all they do is f*ck up America more in either being those Oklahoma oil barons in bed with national rapist Buffett or Mark Levin screeching about building an oil pipeline for union jobs, Chicom oil and Ameica gets screwed over again in that oil from Canada has to be at 100 dollars a barrel indefinitely to make the operaion pay.
Levin is the mental retard problem in this, in he has his head so far up his ass he smells Nancy Pelosi stomach growl.
I care about the poor, the real poor, being raped.......you know the ones James Carville actually talks about for some reason in being f*cked over hard since 2000, in that Clinton recession which began in 1999.......and draw it back James as the poor in America have not had a good year since 1986 Ronald Reagan.
Simple plan that even sex flesh pubicans can finger out.
All vehicles older than 10 years, deflate to market price of not more than 1500 bucks, so he poor can get on their feet.
Damn illegal now in 10 year old vehicles are still almost 10,000 dollars. How in the hell can a poor person working for 19,000 a year, afford that kind of price?
It used to be vehicles in America at 10 years were junkers and just what the poor needed like everything else in starter homes at 10,000 bucks.........for that matter, let's put homes over 50 years old down to starter home prices.......if the jackasses don't sell them for that, you know damn well they are going to bulldozing the things and building a new one, and that helps the economy in providing jobs too.
Oil you already heard my Nazi plan........you bet this is National Socialism, but as Obama and his ball sack crowd are destroying America in Nazi policy, by Lame Cherry, this blog is going to in Adolf Hitler save America on Nazi policy, as let's just quit lying about America being a Republic......that was murdered a long time ago, and she is a damned feudal satrap of the Rothschilds and Obama Rothschild runs the piss pot show.
States take over oil and gas, drill their own oil, and pump it at 10 percent on a PUC price oversight.
Rest of the shit takes care of itself........oil stops inflation, people can buy their own old homes, people can buy their own old cars, and then they can sit at home, f*ck each other for comfort, drink beer as they watch a digital tv, and figure life is not so bad on 19,000 a year poverty wage.
So you prick Boehner and you nut sack Obama, you want to quit f*cking the poor over and do something.......just match the tax codes to reality depreciation rates on vehicles and homes for insurance.
Let the states pump their oil and that solves the inflation and slave issue.
Have had it with you nation rapists not giving a damn about these poor people, because you got the million bucks in the bank, and you think that no one can reach out and bitch slap you as you spend money none of you have worked for.
God watches all of this from His Heaven, and He takes interest in the poor, and who is screwing them over. You are all damned frauds and none of you give a damn about the poor, and all your policies do is make them more livestock to be exploited for votes or welfare checks to the robber barons.
You got your reward in this life you rich pagans and you sure are not going to get through the eye of a needle any more than a camel for the rich to get into heaven. You been warned and the Bible states your judgment.
You have tortured the poor in America for years and think you are getting away with it. Not going to happen as God is the final Judge.
nuff said.
PS: Why is it every politician and merchant in this world looks like some genitals on a porn star or something they can't scratch off?