Let us translate the Hitler and Himmler of the 21st Century:
Sarkozy, I hate Jews as rats always lie.
Obama, You want him dead, I want him dead every day!
This blog once had the greatest of hope for Nic Sarkozy of France, but this strange little George Soros Ashkenaz is typical of the Rothschilds in being so perfectly Hitler in hating Jews.
For review in this, the Ashkenaz elite, who Mark Levin can not see have foreign control over America's Federal Reserve, raping that nation, were the ones behind the cropping of Jewish competitors in World War II with the Nazi's.
It was the Rockefeller Ashkenaz who funded Hitler and put him into power.
There is no secret in this as this blog has pointed out that Hitler was Ashkenaz by blood in the Rothschilds and in Obama's pedigree cesspool he is an Ashkenaz bastard too most likely doubled dipped as Barry Rockefeller Rothschild, as his old man was pumping dust in the sperm bank.
We have no idea who Stan Ann's real father is in she is reported as being a 10 month baby and Stan dad was not around for sperm donations.
Nic Sarkozy is eastern European Ashkenaz by bloodline, like George Soros and numbers of these global rapists of the cartel are.
They are part of a group who eradicated with the Nazis for work exchange, the poor Jews, who were for the most part Sephardic and lesser parts the poor Ashkenaz sect who were faithful Jews.
This group led by Hitler whom they installed, then proceeded to slaughter Judeo Christian Germany all for this hateful group who are slaughtering Jews, Muslims and Christians around the world and installing those little Marxist Obama liked minded in Christomarxists, Islamocommunists and Judeobolsheviks.
So you see how rich this is in Benjamin Netanyahu who is fighting for the survival of his nation, has suffered several coup attempts on his Government from the Clintons and the Obamas, has been told to wait around until Tehran or Damascus vaporizes Jews, then Obama might retaliate...........is somehow the liar in this and the one for the Obama and Sarkozy final solution.
The fact is as this blog has pointed out all along, in these Ashkenaz elite who are Asians, want all right wing and orthodox Jews out of Israel so that Rothschild clique led by Ehud Barak will rule in another Obama Marxist utopia.
Fact is, Obama and Sarkozy if they could get away with it would have Benjamin Netanyahu dragged through the streets, shot in both legs, after an Obama Predator missile strike and then shoot him in the head, just like they did to Col. Khadaffi, as this ilk wants to steal the Israeli state too and make Jerusalem their international Marxist capital.
These folks are not Jews who got this Jew thing going on in the Ashkenaz elite. They fund Muslims to murder Jews, scare Jews to keep them in line like Obama blacks in Chicago, and then in mass get them to vote for their own demise under B. Hussein Obama........led by jackasses like Mort Zuckerman who writes speeches for Obama and lies for beloved leader.
Once again though the puppy press in knowing of this Obama anti semitic rant, covered this all up.........the reality what Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy undertook is against international law, European law, American law and Jewish law in being anti semites.
This blog calls for the Jewish Government in Tel Aviv to demand immediately the extradition of Barack Hussein Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy for Nuremberg Crime Trials equal to Klaus Barbie.
This is beyond disgusting and reprehensible. It is the Himmler and Hitler repeat of the smearing of the chosen leader of the Jewish nation.
Do you Zuckerman press, including Mark Zuckerberg of Face Book not care for your own race in you back this Obama with your funds and power, are part of the police state spying on people, and when Obama says the world is better off in all of you being dead.......why you just keep silent.
Odd how at least the Jewish traitors in 1940 sold out crippled Jews for orange marmalade. You modern Mark Levin types are doing it for nothing.
Never again? Why don't you folks just chant, Seig Heil Again and Again, for your part in the new Obama Holocaust.