Well native son, Barack Hussein Obama, has been running a little proxy war of annexation between Muslims..........I realize it is hard to figure out which of the multitude of Islamocommunist wars Obama has started as there are so many of them, but this is Obama's own Kenya which is the source of this confederate of murder and mayhem, and look the Christians are the ones being slaughtered first.......again.
Look I do not have time to talk about Obama in Sudan, in that John Kerry peace deal for stealing oil for the Berliner boys Obama makes these wars for, in hundreds more slaughtered in another Obama peace, because we would be here all in the piles of this gory dead in Obama's glory days. Kenya though is important as massah Obama finally got Cousin Odinga up and running to invade Somalia and ..........yes annex part of Somalia as a buffer zone.
Do you recall when the liberals raised holy hell over the Jews having a buffer zone in Lebanon? Is it not Mr. Obama who is plaguing Jews over their Golan and West Bank "buffer zones" with terrorists?
Then why is it that Obama's own Kenyan Muslims are allowed to steal Somali land for a buffer zone............and Mr. Obama is deaf, dumb and blind?
The Somalia threat to Kenya is nothing new. This has gone on before the British had east Africa, and was going on when they were there in frequent battles in which smugglers would raid into Kenya and haul away loot.
Somalia has always been a Muslim cesspool of murder. The only time it actually operated well was in the World War when the British commander in charge of liberating it, hired all the whores and in pillow talk he knew what the bad guys were up to faster than they did in the jungle telegraph.
That is what is so interesting in the Obama Odinga proxy war. As Obama sends in assassins number 100 to murder contenders in this region, and now here comes Odinga finally getting his rag tag army up and invasion running to steal parts of Somalia.
Do you really think stealing wasteland is going to make Kenya secure? These Somalis are are not firing Persian rockets into Israel, but are the same raiders who have always been there.
These are Obama's Wall Street protesters in throwing grenades into Churches.....................grenades? Gee that sounds like Obama having his Mexican gunrunners throwing grenades into Mexican dwellings for points.
Same operation and same mysterious complaints..........wonder who was really throwing those grenades, as what was reported or should I say NOT REPORTED in another Obama war of Muslim tribal warfare, is now there are plans to actually have Kenya invade Somalia and not just annex the wasteland, but one would conclude annex the whole country and have a Khadaffi style Muslim spring in winter.
Same with this Nigerian terror.........Obama's oily fingerprints are all over this African mayhem too. The stories do not matter as thug Obama sows blood and reaps oil. He truly is a Muslim mahdi miracle worker in changing blood into oil.
This is all Empire Obama, the Berliner boys via communists control the north and Obama's Ondiga goon Muslims control the interior as this blog reported at the start of this was the plan.
This has taken more time than I assessed, as I had thought Obama would start small in concentration camp Africa, but Obama has gone ass backwards in first fulfilling Arab Muslim dreams of American blood on their hands, and then racking up mafia hits on Muslim leaders, only to dreg the sludge for Africa as an afterthought.
Tis the worst of this, in once again with designer negro Obama, that the white folks get the attention first in Europe and the money.......then come the brown folk Arabs to be murdered, and now the poor black man gets the dregs in black on black violence and annexation.
One would think that Germany, Belgium, England, Spain and Italy at least put light skinned beys in to rule these wogs of Africa, but Obama will not even show them this honor in all he touches up with are an Odinga, like Susan Rice is too good to put on a kinte cloth and show her boobies to the world as Queen Suz.
I mean isn't Africa worth one look at Susan's legs and her boobies on display as a military despot of Africa, gnawing on big ostrich legs for Thanksgiving and at least like Idi Amin serving up some Bishops liver for cocktail snacks as his head is in the cooler in the kitchen?
This is the worst racism of the Obama regime. Little hottie tan Susan Rice, whose old man was ruling in Africa for the cartels will not even strip the waist, put on colored cloth, brandish an Obama HK machine gun and look all sexy for the camera posing on her Somali prize.
Hell John Kerry wouldn't even mug for the camera in Sudan............where is George Mitchell in Jewry?
For that matter Hillar Clinton only poses for a photo op with a dead Khadaffi before the event............why is it no sexy white people want to put their imprint on Obama Pan African policy?
There sits sexy Somalia, with all those pirate women, not Oprah on a diet, and all dark skinned, and no one wants to pose with that brothel prize.........not even Cousin Odinga Rothschild.
It is so sad in these gory days of Obama, that the negro has no one wanting to pose with them while chains are put around their necks again by Arab slave trader Obama.
Yes is historic in Queen Victoria set her blacks free, but subject Obama Rothschild has brought in new steel chains which can not be broken.
The Obama Neo Roman Empire, with African plantation and room for Susan Rice........oh wouldn't that be sexy when Obama offs Odinga in Susie being carried on regal pallate with macaroni Obama in front grinning and Muchelle in the rear finally putting her massive hips and pipes to use for the cause?
Yes no American troops to secure Mexico, but send in them Kenyan Obama relatives to rule over Somalia............the historic Obama.
Gory days.
PS: What Nobel or Pulitzer yet eh? What do I have to do type in Norwegian and Mitt Romney east coast lingo?
agtG 230
Sing it pretty Bruce, this is your Obama..........enjoying the blood on your hands Mr. Springsteen?
Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight and I'm going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it but I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture a little of the glory of, well time slips away and leaves you with nothing mister but boring stories of glory days
Glory days yeah goin back
Glory days
aw he ain't never had Glory days, glory days