Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blacks on Blondes

The body man is leaving and now you have figured out why within hours of publish Dolf Obama in telling him he needs a blonde, that Reggie Love has been on his gay way out.

The insiders know that America is gagging over Obama designer negro, and Obama is cleaning the plantation house of the gay boy toy. Polling does not lie, and Obama needs to keep his vote count below 30 million as that is the threshold number in the votes he can flip over Romney.

The key Washington Post quotes:

Reggie Love, a key member of the Obama entourage, is planning to leave the White House by the end of the year.

several longtime advisers have left over the last year, in keeping with the time-honored tradition that close aides do not abandon the president immediately before an election. (the rats are being pushed off the ship by Jarrett and Michelle)

Love has evolved into a much more important role over time, acting as a gatekeeper and a liaison – and basketball buddy

He is in the background of countless official photos,

White House officials did not immediately offer details about Love’s departure.

All of that points to sodom is too expensive for Obama as are black folks. The reality is Obama should hire Khadaffi's big titted Slav nurse............don't know if they will go uber blonde as this blog breaking exclusives puts the things in chaos in revealing things of what is really taking place.

It doesn't really matter though as Obama has stolen the election, has the unions pushing Levin's foreign oil pipeline for 100 dollar oil which will destroy America.........Perry brain farted on purpose and Romney has already had his defeat handed to him in 2012.

That is the way the Rovian and Obamite cartels have planned it and only God will stop it now.

Earthquakes do not matter as the wench is hiding in her Alaska storm. The field has been abandoned and all that is left is the coup de grace with no grace as the ballet of betrayal is nothing pretty upon the enabler's pike

Probably would have been better if Kate would have kissed me as the Truth does not matter and what good is witness for a grave.

Who wouldn't want a goddamned whore around in this whore nation.

Nothing really matters, Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me
Any way the wind blows...

agtG 396YYY

Blacks on Blondes