Friday, November 11, 2011

Time Coil

Time is a frequency or a sound, as it is marked by the God vibrational source, or a Plank scale which reveals that quantum jitters disrupt all in this dimension......the Thought of God.

The time circuit is what I speak of here, in time flows in pattern. In minute amounts, as flying against the sun, time will go backwards from the flow of forward.
Too much Star Trek has been made of time in starships plunging toward the sun in gravitational warps in movement back and forward of the continuum.

In reality, time is like a Tesla coil in flowing in circuit. Literally in scope by capturing time one can run it forward, back or keep is suspended. God did such a thing in making the sun go backwards all without the universe coming to a shattering halt as the immensity of it, protects it from such when the Creator force smoothly shifts it to purpose.

Why this matters is, the Jules Vern time machine is the incorrect way of inducing any of this. YOU do not travel in time, but you make time travel in the pattern you desire, and then step into that time, space and continue on.
I always state that this dimension is as a books on a wall in sequence, and if you are outside the dimension, it is a simple matter of walking into a new time, because when one is in the unregulated field, then one is able to chose the time to exist in.

So a time machine does not move, does not fly, does not do anything, but play a frequency speeded up or reversed, like a digital recording already existing. All one requires is the correct circuitry to contact that matrix flow already taking place in the space on occupies and simply speed up the frequency pulse or reverse it. Doing so would create the dimension of time one could live in.

There is a fascinating time meld historical account of people walking down a street and suddenly the costumes changed of the French citizens around them. They were acknowledged in this bizarre event, so the worlds did meld, but for several minutes these people experienced a time gate which was natural, in two different times existing, and two different peoples in the same space, but from different origins.
This reveals that in large or small scale such melding has no ill effects, and literally repeats unknown. Such happenings are what Nostradamus or the mirror watchers simply are observing in time flows in a vanishing point of new vantage points created from ever changing focal points to a combined pre destination.
These people simply were through the looking glass which Nostradamus would only penetrate with thought.

When you listen to the radio, does the world end? What I mean is, does disrupting the immense radio wave balance in the universe by listening to Hank Williams jr. destroy everything we know?
Of course not, so by simply in your sphere by tapping the time wave frequency, playing it at whatever rate you choose forward or back, it would create nothing at all, because all time exists in meld, and as long as you do not run out of time, or run your time to the "earth was without form" as you could not exist there in human form, nothing would change by that manipulation.

That should be about enough Nobel prize stuff for now, in disrupting stupid scientists, to their childish fantasies for pulp fiction drama.

No big deal in this, if you want to stay in your time, and view other times, then one simply leaves Ed Dames remote viewing and hooks up a digital receiver and you watch it on a high definition screen just like Nostradamus did in the mirror imagery.

Not that hard children, as baby sister plays about this all the time in her co existence dimension. Tis an expanding field and nothing much to it, if egg heads would get out of the way and stop making things complicated.

agtG 225

Tesla coil Time coil