Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Breaking Gideon's Sword

I desire to preface something here so you children comprehend this fully, and do so in humbleness of fact and not bragging.

I do not need to post any more on this blog, because what has been Inspired and hidden here by God is the most monumental work ever comprised in human history. The only other conduit close to the work here was St. Paul in the revelations given him, but he did this in decades with the full support of a Church finances and ministering and what is here is God alone.

You could study this blog for the next 1000 years and still not get all of what has taken place here. If it were possible in the 1000 year reign of Christ for a historical university class to be offered, this blog would be the defining study as it is the age of 6000 years to the Sabbath rest in filling in where Prophecy was deliberately placed silent by God.

I realize there is a desire for one more Lame Cherry exclusive as all of this piles up upon piles of information and I will by God's Grace provide an additional revelation here again, but you must comprehend this in the efforts and degradation which has taken place to bring you this in the few who understand, from death threats, to intimidation, to hindering, to satan, to the world empire tracking all which is taking place here.
None of this has been easy, and it has all been free, and few of you as you have sat in your luxury have ever contemplated that.

Now for the exclusive..........

As you have been informed here exclusively, Barack Hussein Obama has been implementing an undoing of the Ronald Reagan and Bush43 liberation of peoples and containment of America's enemies. This was his primary purpose and is the only reason Obamacare was passed to deflect from this and to soak up the last of American wealth, ALL TO HEM AMERICA IN, and change her ocean fortress to an ocean prison, where the Bolshevik's as has only been covered here speak of their Dublin to Moscow empire and to dispatch America at their timing.
Vladamir Putin reiterated that in public in the Dublin to Moscow empire and that threat of missiles at American defenses is Bolshevik Manifesto code.

The shot which was heard around the world was not on American shores, but off the American shores when a man named John Paul Jones in the Bon Homme Richard defeated the empire ship Serappis.

It was from that point the cartels knew a problem was taking place and was highlighted by American projecting power in her frigate squad in the War of 1812. This is what the Civil War was instigated for as the cartels knew the expanding American empire with raw resources, a breeding population and wealth generation, that Gideon's Sword would always be ready to unleash to defend liberty worldwide.

It was Teddy Roosevelt projecting American firepower which rolled back empires, that the cartels knew America would have to be bled out in horrid world wars of her revenue and her best children.

One can observe history in Herman Goering to Robert McNamara in the supreme fallacy that air power will win wars of attrition and in those wars those nations will be defeated by a defeated foe.

That is what is behind Barack Hussein Obama in why the cartels of Berlin installed him into America. His primary mission was to not just destroy America from within, but from without so the PROJECTION OF AMERICAN POWER WOULD BE SHATTERED.

That is why Obama has been shredding a US military he was screaming about was so over extended in the Bush43 years, and yet we never hear about Obama surges and Obama starting more wars depleting the American military........from upgrading by wasting it's revenues on oil wars to secure that resource for European bankers.

This is what this is all about in Neo Roman Empire, and the shattering of American Projection, so that all she has left are these Robert McNamara expensive toys of vast destruction which can cripple a foe, but allow that foe to hold the Eurasian ground by their own boots on the ground.

Obama has designed in sodom military to shattered resources a breaking the American Sword, while leaving the American Arrow there to do damage from afar, but never win in completion of mission.

This is what Marxism is and has been Obama's defining doctrine without doubt, as the proof has been placed exclusively before you only here. Obama has not only realigned empire, but has taught American foes to think in projecting their own land based power, while Obama has America retreat.

All of this is factored in, in run the war games as this blog has on China in 200 million men in an invading army.
To the south is 2 and a half billion hungry people, to the east is ocean, to the west is nuclear Russia and a desert Islam. None of these areas has any infrastructure to host that kind of force and it would die in marching out while obliterating the native fact this blog has noted that only eating humans would be the way a force like this might be able to starve it's way back home, but at that, the military would be shattered.

The same is true of Putin in being provided by Obama a conventional edge in invading Europe. The fail safes of WMD's will shatter his victory and leave Russia without any viable military force in this gambit.

One must understand that in Obama, all sides are played to their weaknesses by the cartel so their few will rule the many. Obama has left America voided of a prolonged nuclear threat which is necessary as numerous nuclear counterstrikes by America would stop these globalists.
A single response though which Obama has broken America with, allows once again FOR THE JACKBOOTS ON THE GROUND IN EURASIA TO HOLD THAT GROUND, as no Americans are going to set foot on a radioactive landscape............and with only non nuclear superweapons left, the Eurasians will be at complete ease in knowing they can rule, America can strike, but THEY WILL RULE by fiat.
The defacto tyrants getting three continents for the price of one Obama.

Barack Obama's mission was Breaking Gideon's Sword and he has accomplished it completely all in plain sight and not one person save this blog warned you of this, and in now laying all of this out exclusively you now can comprehend the reality of what you are facing in this end of America.

To repeat, the above on itself is what entire careers are based upon in Einstein to Reagan Doctrines, that is the scope of what you have just read, and it does astound me that you desire more.
Einstein had one UNPROVEN theory, and how much has been proven here in mass?

Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. Hosea 9:16

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