Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Religious Nuclear War

The warnings of this blog of several years ago are now staging into a reality as Russian war ships back Syria and Tehran moves to win a war by death, in what is the building of empire on the rubble of the mire of fear in false peace.

They want war even in all losing as they conclude they win by this by crippling American projection.

Until the secularists come to the understanding that this is a religious nuclear war being initiated by Moscow, Tehran, Peking and Berlin for the demise of the west which Mr. Obama, the secularist Muslim, is assisting, the entire American policy will be shattered, because this is all about the Mahdi being initiated for the Islamic return.

It does not matter if the Muslims bastardized the Bible to turn the Christ and Armageddon into the Mahdi and his north Jerusalem war, because these Ahmadinejad types believe this as their prophecy and are working toward it in blind faith.
Meaning, these Islamocommunists have a religion of mandate and a Caliphate of Mahdi they are going to follow to nuclear hell fires no matter what, because if you say to them:

You will die.

They will answer, but the Mahdi will come and we will have paradise.

This is Islamic zealotry and Mr. Obama has played America into the worst of this, especially with Obama's of toppled stable despots for his community organize leftist committee of Muslims, who just happen to be worse than the despots they are replacing, and are turning the entire region into a Politburo of iron fist thuggery.

There is no reason in this for Islam. They "win" by dying, by turning their children into radioactive tumor babies and by murdering hundreds of thousands of people.
This is about absolute rule, based in an absolute Mahdi dictator and absolutely initiated by war between Islam and all others.

The Islamists believe this is their only way and are conducting that final countdown. Mr. Obama in his war without frontiers has ignited this powder key of the gen unleashed as he keeps rubbing the magic bottle.

The smoke though coming form this is going to be nuclear pollution of an entire region, as they do intend.

Mr. Obama has unleashed a domino effect in when his disasters pile up into catastrophes, they will roll without stop to a Great Eurasian War which is as certain as coming now as the sun setting on this plain.

I warned before this all started that you can not have an Obama promising Berlin, Moscow, Tehran, Tel Aviv, Peking and New Dehli that they will all rule the same continent. All of these contenders will eventually come for this Obama prize and then the real fight ensues.

The Bible warns of a coming Middle East war, which is so bad, that a "false peace" is initiated by a European leader who is called the anti Christ, who then breaks the treaty and tries to seize all in governing from outside Jerusalem.

All of these events now are piling up in like context. Everyone wants to rule the world and not all can according to Obama chameleon strategy. None of this can end good as Mr. Obama has removed all buffer points and has the nuclear powers all chafing against each other with increased friction.

There is a reason those buffers were set up in the Cold War and not crossed. It was to keep the major powers from shooting at each other directly.
We now have the fiery crescent in Obama glow from the Balkans to the Indus to the China Sea. Sooner than later it will ignite and when one has Tehran begging for it "to win by death", it exposes the absolute globalist view of Obama policy in not ever being in America's favor, but only for those who think Jerusalem, Cairo, Paris, London, Moscow and DC are just pawns to be moved around for a gambit of power.

You are actually witness in this, because if you know what your observing, these are the things the Prophets desired to see and the things which the Apostles thought would come into being at the Roman age.

Hillary Clinton wanted a village to raise a child, well it takes one community organized village idiot on mission to destroy the entire world.

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