I just finished a 2 dollar Asian Pear. This was my first pear of that type even if I have lusted after their zone 5 trees for a decade.
They are really interesting in being pear like, apple like and some sort of banana like flavor combined........seems Asia never did get things right as another of my favorite fruits in mangoes taste like a pineapple peach..........and kiwis taste like a citrus strawberry in mixing things up to delight the senses.
Just what is a favorite fruit is odd, because saying apples are a favorite is like asking, "Ok Northern Spy are cleansing, Spitzenbergs are sprite, Delicious are apple flavored and Golden is sweet, so what flavor are you really finding favor in?"
My favorite apple is over 100 years old and from Canada. My Grandpa had one planted on his farm, and on autumn days after my brother dragged me out goose hunting by the lake in that frosty cold, to the heat of noonday, we would always drive by and see what my Uncle had accomplished in the fields that day, and of course I would wander over and pick a pretty red apple off the tree.
The chill of the night would have the fruit cold and the sugars released, and those apples were just so delicious cold in the hot part of autumn days. The entire nicety of the event in being outdoors, being around Uncle tolerating me, a stolen fruit, and warm sun on a dry day, just made that Wealthy apple so much more in the entire drama played out.
The best peach I ever ate was from my Aunt's tree in California. That was pure heaven and it makes me say I love peaches, but you know how horrid most peaches are in stores........like all fruit now..........except the most expensive.
I'm pleased God made so many flavors in fruits from tomatoes to apples to melons to pears. American pears are nice.......but I like those Bosc pears with that horrid brown skin like sandpaper. They would be of no use in a world without paring knives, but just eating certain pears is fun on their culinary quality.
I once ate some apples developed by the University of Minnesota called Fireside and they are so sweet they almost make you sick like eating candy. After a peck of them was consumed, I found the lowly Northern Spy just what I wanted, in a watery, crisp, non sweet apple.
I'm certain if I ate Asian pears for a month I would find them bland too. I like though discovering things...........odd person that LC is, in she would most prefer as a wonderful week in going to some deciduous laden state that had apple orchards of the old type, where the owners would allow me to follow them around as I pulled out my Trapper knife and tasted hundreds of apples from history.
To eat a Fameuse snow apple that Shakespeare ate, even it is was bad would be good, just like I enjoyed my Esopus Spitzenberg, because Thomas Jefferson grew that apple and it was his favorite.
One of the things I plan on stealing off doing when Christ returns is to be off in Gilead someplace and planting my garden.........melons, cucumbers, potatoes, because I think potatoes are so very pretty as plants...........and my peaches, apples, mangoes, sweet cherries........oh are not those Bing cherries just perfect........so much to plant and if Jesus doesn't put a little spring for me, I will petition for a pipe to run his big river a bit to my home there...little pipe of one inch as I don't need allot of water, and like happy little babbling brooks..........have a little pond with crappies, walleyes and bream..........ducks splashing about, turkeys wandering around oh and guineas and peacocks...........and chickens................have to have some horses, Nubian goats, some dopey sheep, llamas and maybe miniature cows.
Just a land of milk and honey, and fruits.
Maybe have Eve over........would that not be something to have Eve, the mother of all over for a visit and maybe have her pleased with things.......telling you what it was like in Eden in her going about naming thing when it all started.
I think about fun things like this more and more..........can thank George Washington for this, as he was so hospitable after leaving the White House, they were butchering pigs daily to try and feed all the people who came around to adore him.
I look forward to stuff like that, in maybe if I have a garden that some of the people I really respect will be around for a visit to get away from the visitors.
Sort of like apples...........I think I prefer Eve today, and tomorrow I will go round to visit Joan of Arc............then the weekend I will pop by to Libby Custer......got to visit the Mothers in Sarah, Rebecka and Rachel.........be so many fine people to pester.
Maybe Martha Washington will make that pumpkin pie thing George liked, in it was without crust, you just filled up the pumpkin with cream, sugar and eggs for the custard and sort of scooped it out into a dish.
Things like that really brighten my day like fruit as there is such a wonderful harvest out there in eternity waiting.
Eve had her Garden, I will have mine and God has His in growing people.