The reality is with the failed lynching of Herman Cain on the blonde moment, is that Mr. Cain is holding his ground and the real shift in this is Newt Gingrich who has been the Cain friend, is moving up in the polls to eclipse Romney.
As this blog has pointed out the data on Romney is he is 25% and stuck on stupid in the patricians who cling to him worse than Ron Paul's few advocates.
This is vital to understand in this as the solidifying of Newt Gingrich is the bridge to patrician nowhere. Meaning that Romney is not going to do well in Iowa in Caucus situations. He is has not been able to close the deal, and except for liberal New Hampshire he is finished in the GOP race.
When this swings into the south, this is where Cain and Gingrich will prevail and the other candidates will start falling by the wayside, except of Ron Paul.
The meaning being, that Romney has peaked at 25% and will not break that margin in picking up Michele Bachmann or Rick Santorum votes........same is true in Rick Perry, as he erodes, those voters will not move to Romney with Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain moving up in polling numbers.
Do I like Newt Gingrich? Better than Romney by a 1000 fold, as Newt proved in his Contract with America he kept his word, but he has made bone ass stupid Hillary and Nancy decisions.
Whether Perry was hit with a radar wave to make him forget things in the debate, is of no matter as he really looks too goober and sounds that way. The worst shots have come at Cain and Gingrich and they survived.
Romney is the propaganda boy of the patricians and he can not surge.
Now is the problem of Cain and Gingrich in both Georgians do not make a viable ticket. Either or, though the person who does sort this out, providing no Romney election theft leveraging in the primaries, they will have to choose someone who is viable.
I would expect with Cain it would be a white Governor or Senator, and Gingrich would choose a female in form, a pretty Michelle Malkin would rock the world, but the choice would point to a latino Conservative.
Mitt Romney though has been hamstrung in all of this. The numbers are shifting from Perry at this point, and that shift did not go to Romney, but Newt Gingrich is garnering the strength which is a trend, and as Newt packs patrician guile, when the time comes that Romney gets handed his teeth in Iowa, that if Gingrich can take 5% of Romney's base, Romney will be finished as the Conservative South will trend to what they know in Cain, Gingrich and Perry in the mesquite.
This is quite lovely, as true Conservatives will never vote for Romney and this blog has pioneered in that declaration in never voting for this fraud, and that includes the general election.
It all comes down to that magic Obama 30 million vote flip he has to pull of in stealing the election. If the GOP can reach a landslide generation in state votes which will not match an Obama vote flip as in the 2008, 10 million vote switch on McCain, then Obama's 2012 theft will have to be abandoned like Tom Daschle and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin did in South Dakota.
If it is close, then like Al Franken stole the Norm Coleman seat in Minnesota, and Obama plagues the end of America again.
If Perry keeps sinking, and Newt keeps rising, this develops a 3 way race which Romney can not gain traction in.
This has been the best news to date in trending to get rid of this Obama jr. in the form of this fraud Mitt Romney who belongs in the Democratic National Socialist ticket.
PS: Yes that was me urging Asian American Michelle Malkin to be the choice in the VP slot as yes she takes patrician money, but she would be just what this movement needs now that Sarah Palin is hiding in Alaska.
Parents are Filipino, for the Birther issue in she is natural born in Pennsylvania and grew up in New Jersey.........both necessary swing states for any GOP win and lives in Colorado, a necessary western aura for the Reagan GOP interior states.