Saturday, November 26, 2011

Follow the Girl

Let us face it, Democrats are pussies when it comes to pussy. Take Chuck Robb, who was getting naked massages from a Miss something named Tai Collins, and all he would admit to was a massage.

Collins was prime US beef, and sold it all to Playboy, crap movies and some how to sex videos for Hefner...........sure she does some inner city kid work doo gooder stuff, but she adopts some kid and does bikini vacation, so what a waste of veal cutlet in she does not reproduce and probably is lesbian after Sen. Chuck Robb.

I mean who would be in bed with this Virginian and not nail her, nail her, nail her so hard her mama felt it.........and Robb doesn't even take credit.

Then there was Gary Hart with that prime hotness of Donna Rice.......she went off and did good deed dooer stuff too, but when you see Donna Rice, man I would be holding her lace panties up at the press conference and staying, "Yeah I hit that and her toes are still curled!"

I mean why bang the shang and not be proud of it. Hell Jackie O and Hillary C both bitched about their boys sowing the seed, but they liked it, and turned into mistresses themselves later just to ride the thrill their husbands were always at the knock shop up for.

I can see why Bill Clinton never admitted to most of what he tooled, as what he didn't rape, he was trying to rape.........odd in how the women he raped were of better quality than the ones who were on their knees getting spunk stains on their dresses.
That CBS reporter babe, I forget her name, but did a story on her, was pretty hot.....she is in propane now or something, but she wouldn't put up the beaver at first, and finally gave in.
All stuff any normal hose hound would be bragging about, but Democrats never admit to the firesale.

That is why I wonder about Obama's blondes he always talked about in he "followed a girl" to Occidental College he met in Hawaii.

You know the only girl we ever saw was that photographer chic who threw herself at Obama while he was smoking weed, and he never tapped that either.

The only person who showed up was that Pakistani chic, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, who according to former Marxists who met him, was so busy being Obama's cheerleader about his diaper school exclusive Hawaiian vacation, that we have a pondering moment in how would a Pakistani know this, unless he had been to Hawaii to be impressed by it all?
I mean, you just run into some college chum and he saws, "Say mate I was a graduate at 5 years old from Pukamaniawali School", and the chum would say, "Bugger off you blighter as what the spam is Pookahoola, sounds like some sex shop disease".

See that is maybe the problem in this, in Obama if you recall stated in 2008 he started "messaging", his blonde from Columbia after hooking up again. There were no blondes at Columbia in pictures.............just this Chandoo on Obama's couch.

Is Mohammed Chandoo the girl Obama mentioned he met in Hawaii and followed to Occidental? Obama hooked up with another Pakistani boy his first time, and then Chandoo picked up the tab, and at Harvard the Saudi black Islamic connection took over Obama's money flow.......Saddam's bag man Auchi took over in Obama's politics.

Is this just Obama's forged birth certificate repeating just like the fiction of Dreams of my Obama, in the girls in Obamas life were boys, and the blondes were swarthy black haired Muslims............and it all translates back to Chandoo who is on the east coast, is working in America, and was available for Obama to find and strike up the friendship again.
In reality, Chandoo was said to have attended the Barry and Muchelle word if he was Obama's bridesmaid.

These are the questions which permeate all of this undiscovered. The same questions of Obama's golfing school buddies getting nailed on prostitution charges.........same deal in this Charlie Gibson open gay shirt interview with Obama.

Just how gay is all of this, and just how many girls in Obama's past are men?

Was Michelle the closest thing Obama could find to the male chromosome for him to feel comfy with?
