Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Herman's Cain

There appears to be a thing about saying one has had nookie time with Herman Cain for some reason and I ponder in all of this just what it is all these women are possessed with jungle fever for, as............Herman is not that handsome of man, so perhaps that is the deal as the blacks on blondes I have seen, the women were semi attractive and all the blacks looked like manhole covers.

I don't know if Ginger White got laid by Herman Cain. I do know if someone accused me of having an affair with them or attacking them, that they would not have lobes as large as her head.
That is what I would have issued a denial over in, "Look my private sex stuff is open as I'm running for President, but I could never bring myself to to be attracted to the chics who are accusing me of muff to the pony and I sure would never find my way attracted to some woman who had ear lobes which were as big as her ears. "

My Uncle is married to a huge lobed woman like this, with this kind of greasy mop hair, and she looks like you would use her head to ram powder home in a cannon. I can't be attracted to something like that as you know I'm not attracted to cannon plungers.

I know I have my bad days, but geez louise, at least I'm not feeling good or I've been busting my ass for a reality.........I don't look this bad when cleaned up and going on television with people making me look good.
In that, you wonder how bad this woman this White woman is without the lighting.

At least though we have a woman named WHITE, so we can get that down that this is white looking women all over Herman Cain.........although Ginger has that look about her that somewhere in her past, Great Gram was not picking cotton all day, but was up to the plantation house and this link has been "passing" ever since.
Then of course she could be having a bad Russian day as she has that Natalie Wood after she drown look to her.

The only thing I'm really certain of in this, is Herman Cain has at least had more women thinking about sex with him than Obama has ever had sex with women..........and probably gay men.

Just compare all the girls accusing Herman Cain and then look at cartoon me. You look at these other women and you just know something is off there in the stories, as you know what people look like naked, and most people do not look that good naked.
Looking at me, you know how hot this chica is, but you know for a fact if Herman Cain came out and said, "I had an affair with Lame Cherry", that it would be bogus as you can see by the look in my eyes I would have kicked his ass and any male's ass for pissing with me.

It is why I have an assortment of guns and a favorite knife. Nothing says "I'm not interested" more than a knife stuck into a thigh or a gun cocked on a man's balls.

That is the problem with the Cain women in they all look like women who wanted something cocked and no man would ever pull the trigger.
These females all look like they were sitting there and when Herman Cain said, "Good morning", that they heard, "Let's have an affair".

It is all just reprehensible to me, as the women in this world have it hard enough in life, in f*cking jackass males all pretending to be friends, but waiting around until the woman is sad, rejected, drunk or just having a moment, and then rape happens as deep as date rape, because these women would not be doing what they did, if some ass male had not been plotting this sh*t like most males do from day one.
Then they feel like crap, usually get blamed for it and the jerk goes off to ruin some other woman's life in this endless degradation of everyone.

Ask yourself, "Who the hell wants to be known as the worthless person that Herman Cain was noodling?" That alone exposes severe self worth problems no matter what.

It all makes it harder though on the women in this world who have been taken advantage and made mistakes, because they get dismissed due to these pixies and because too many assh*le males are not looking after God's creation in all the daughters of Eve.

I really would like a law in America which simple armed every woman, and would allow them to shoot every man who ever did anything.............and if anything did happen the woman regretted within the next 5 years, she would be able to shoot the SOB or have her goy shoot the SOB for her.

Would settle all of this sh*t in keeping people proper and protecting women. You put a death penalty on what goes on behind closed doors and it would clean out most of this problem in society.

I know I would not be hiding behind stuff if I was Herman Cain in what goes on behind closed doors unless it was my spouse statements from attorneys.

I just believe in absolutes of life and death penalties as I have had with innocent people preyed on and people taking advantage of others in thinking they can get away with things.

I don't know what is up with Herman Cain and have said so, but I'm certain of one thing, I sure as hell would be making comments about women being always protected no matter what and anyone who engages in this sh*t should be hung by his balls from a firetruck and drug around the plaza until they tear off.

For all you son's of bitches out there who take advantage of women, by God your day is coming, as it is either going to be woman cutting your nuts off, her finding a gentleman who will get his pound of nut flesh or you got God to deal with.

Get the consequences as some of us get highly offended at this stuff and sooner or later you are going to run into chivalrous us.

You take advantage of people and by God you will answer for it.
