I have come to the assessment that communists are all dumb as posts, and if you put one inbred like Obama among them, they will continue to believe the bridge is across the divide, even though a gaping hole is there plunging all but Obama to their deaths.
This blog has been thee only source which has exposed that Barack Hussein Obama, working for the Berliner boys, has been realigning the global Marxist narco cartel. It is an amazing thing in Obama bowed his way around the world, and all of these idiots drank his kook aid in Obama promised them everything.
Just look at the situation in how Obama has murdered his way through the Middle East and Ginsu girls just drip over murder as "necessary", but are so head up their asses in not figuring out this is about the Neo Roman Order, and Obama is just firing by death penalty one group of fiends for a worse group of fiends.
The latest murder took place in Columbia in Alphanso Dano of FARC, that nice nuclear Marxist coke cartel, who Iran tried selling weapon's grade to, to bomb American cities.
George W. shot the majority of them, and this Dano was left at leadership, but what happened there is a tale of intrigue.

See Obama's boys went to the latino marxists in 2008 and promised he would be in the White House..........they were going to steal the election by flipping 10 million McCain votes.
This is why Hillary was all over that Honduran dope mule el Presidente in trying to keep him around in 2009. Same way with Obama picking and grinning with Ortega, Chavez an Castro........but you will notice something these idiot Marxists have missed........
Obama changed the coke ring to be run out of Mexico, that is what the major part of Gunrunner was about in Obama's para narco military there shipping coke to Africa into al Qaeda and then into Europe, which the cartels all signed off on, and England got cut out of the deal and squawked.
Obama has been redesigning the entire cartel infrastructure from day one.........and as an exclusive commentary here, do not underestimate this bastard from Kenya, and it is probably why Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi are not so vocal any more, as I have found a pattern in this where Marxists who screw Obama over, end up dead.
Look at Libya in that Lockerbie terrorist release for BP. Khadaffi crowed about that a bit too much, and Obama got pissed off. Obama promised oil to the Europeans, and simply murdered Khadaffi and installed Islamocommunists there, as al Qaeda works for the Berliner boys.
Mubarak was another dead duck for the new order, as Egypt is the military key in the western Mideast..........Obama is after Assad in, Assad and Khadaffi were the one who laundered that 300 million to Obama's campaign.........Obama gave Assad contracts and diplomats and Khadaffi got his terrorist, but you will notice that Obama has been busy murdering these people because they screwed Obama over in not bowing to him low enough.
That is what took place in Columbia, in people forget in 2009, that Obama was putting the screws to the pro American Government there and helping the narco FARC communists.
But examine the new Obama vista now............
Castro got deposed, by Obama........yes that was Obama.
Chavez gets cancer in Venezuela? That is no more coincidence than Lulu in Brazil getting cancer and that is what Drudge was hinting at. That looks like high tech weapons inducing cancer as Obama is like a black widow in mating once and then murdering the male who left him a cream deposit.
This Dano rose to power when his predecessor "died of a heart attack". In intelligence circles, you can die of a heart attack from some little kitty scratching you during sex, a synthetic digitalis inhaled or ingested or even a nice radar pulse weapon to fry your heart algorithms.
After Obama leveraged the Colombians, well Obama then went after wiping out more competitor communists like Dano who apparently did not like the Obama offer and told him to go pound sand.
I wonder at this, in why Assad in knowing what happened to Saddam Hussein and seeing Khadaffi's end with his children, why in hell he doesn't come out with things and expose Obama's crimes. Yes it would be death, but he is dead with his family any way.
All these communists are put into cages or murdered sooner or later, and the Shah's family is proof by the Persian communists that they keep hunting you in assassination until you are no more.
The Obama regicide is phenomenal really, and what is more mind boggling of the enigma is what on earth is the depth of stupidity of these survivors? Does Vladamir Putin really think he is going to survive past a decade with Obama jr. policy being implemented on his doorstep of the Neo Roman Empire?
Brzezinsk hates Russians and would like nothing more than Polish princely communists to rule in Moscow in the coming future...the only reason Russia is around is she is needed yet to offset the Chicoms.
Brzezinski wants the Chicoms tits up too and Peking a little whorehouse like the rest of Balkanized China.
Fact is when Obama is done swindling trillions from China in oil and coal, which is being stolen from Americans, the day will come that Russia will be used what it was always intended for as a slave labor camp like all Slavia in providing raw resources to the Berlin Rothschild cartel which will rule the world in their order.
To not see any of this stuns me, as it is so plain.........yes the Mockingbird intelligence crew is not going to allow this to be spoken of by Limbaugh or Matthews, but for Putin to be standing around conned into thinking he has a shot at this Eurasian rule is as simpleton as people thinking the 2012 elections are not already stolen like in 2008 when President Palin got run out of town.
Barack Obama has been busy as an Ottoman gaining the throne in wiping out all the competitors who pissed Obama off or who just are not part of the Obama dope world commie order.
That is who Barack Obama is...........a damned dope lord money launderer. The proof is in the above in what is taking place around the world.
Obama came for his comrade friends first, and it has been murderous. He will come for the Mark Levin enablers in time, as when he steals the election and has his blackmail on Boehner and McConnell, in scorched earth, Obama is going to be picking off with carte blanche all the dolts who think America is some place that is safe.
In the next phase, it won't be sh*t and cum stains on all these liberal parks in protests, but blood and powder burns.
You really think you are better than Khadaffi or Dano there Mark Levin? Obama will come for you too and your oil pipeline buddies you are whoring for in your pay stub, who just installed Obama again, are going to not lift a finger when your contract is bought up.
I figure it will be digitalis glaze on your steak you keep bragging about at your restaurant with a nice drooling picture for the front page as a Politico reporter just happens to be dining there that night too......200 miles from home.
Obama isn't a Joe Stalin in liking the fire and the blood, but he sure likes hiring it done and watching it all like sociopath 10 year old on his big screen in second floor dwellings with Jarrett and Love.
Froth a little Mark Levin in 2013 when you bite the dust, as Obama will like that.......he likes watching all that Homeland feed of people getting it on his orders.
Wonder what happened to the Donald Young video..........maybe it is still in the lock box in Chicago.
Keep watching the girl as it is easier to die looking at pretty things.
The greatest journalist of the modern era since Cyrano and no prizes or Diane Sawyer trying to look up my skirt..........
agtG 322Y
Alphonso Dano DOA