I really don't care if you don't want to know as you are going to be told any way.
The economy of Europe has never been anything but a feudal leech upon the mass of humanity. It is why the Rothschild Ashkenaz are embedded in this global rapine as that is exactly as it was intended to be.
British East India Company, Hudson Bay Company, nothing but feudal entities to control raw products from America and Asia. The empires of Spain, England, Germany, Italy, France and Belgium.......Netherlands are nothing but products of a building block which was taken over in turf wars by the Rothschilds.
The Rothschilds have been eliminating competition and sovereign states in the World Wars which they instigate for better commercial control and Marxist rapine of the masses.
They took over Reagan's free trade in South America and made it feudal Marxism. Barack Obama, the anti Reagan, protected by the Rovians and Boehnerites is a son of the Rothschilds literally.
The great secret after the murder of Abraham Lincoln is that Europa would never recover the fortune America accumilated in competition. The greatest secret of World War II, was that it's outcome was designed to transfer all American wealth back into central European banking.
That Marshall Plan, was nothing but a welfare state. The scheme of allowing Stalin to annex the Warsaw Pac, was all about transference of American wealth into military weaponry so Europe could embrace the time to start the process of building the Nazi economic war against the American alliance, as the Rothschilds controlled all the banking from America, London, Paris and Berlin.
It was not the Federal Reserve which was the problem, but the equity in devaluation of the dollar and inflating oil, because all those OPEC dollars flowed into European Rothschild banks in the trillions to be "managed" by them.
The entire scheme from IMF, World Bank to UN humanitarian aid has been nothing but a money transfer amassed by the Rothschilds amounting to the hundreds of trillions of dollars out of America.
Barack Obama was simply being a good Islamist in performing the ritual blood killing on America in the last trillions he and Geithner stole for the Europeans, a real hallil.
Europe's economic structure is nothing but American welfare and black market money laundering. That is what Saddam Hussein was about the plantation for, in his billions were used to grease the bribe skins from the Clintons to the French and Germans.
Never use your own money to f*ck the whore, make the retard friend you bring along spend his.
In 2009, after the Barack Rothschild bust, it was reported that the banks of Europe only stayed solvent by black market trade in money being laundered there. That is how bad their economies are. Look at Europe, and peal it back, and it is built on raping little boys and girls from Asia, prostituting Slavic white girls, opium, diamonds, H&K weapons and Obama stealing Libyan oil for murdering Khadaffi and making it all legal.
It is nothing but a pimp palace built like Saddam's palaces on the money of Americans stolen for oil.
There is no oil shortage. Oil was just short supplied in shutting of American reserves........there is more oil in the west from Haiti to Alaska than in all Eurasia and South America. Oil is just the draining of American lifeblood from her, so these Europeans can get what putting a bullet into Lincoln's brain could not achieve and that is the return of the Empire.
That is all this anti Reagan, Barack Obama has been about in being exposed here exclusively in bringing out the Neo Roman Empire. He was installed to murder America and has done it. American money and military will be expended for this..........as like I said at the beginning, "Don't f*ck the whore with your own money, get the American retard to pay for it himself".
This is the biggest war on a free people ever in history and the longest war in history, as it spans from Europe against America since 1776. The Civil War was part of this and the World Wars are the coup de grace, as Barack Rothschild Obama fillets off the American steak to dine upon in the Yank's death.
There is no economy in Europe. Putin should realize that his dream of Eurasia Putinstan is walking into the Rothschild trap. Russia has one purpose and that is energy supply and mineral supply for Europeans. The Indians and Chinese have one purpose in slave labor supply........no one knows what to do with Indonesia's billion as they are in the way like the slaughtered blacks are in Africa on the plantation.
Get the hint Asians in there are 3 billion too many of you, and in a technocrat society, there really does not need to be all those slave hands making cheap things for those sloven Europeans not working and pretending they are superior to all.............but open the brothel door and out rolls the dead whores.
This all needs to be said, because the shift of power has come and Europe is about to bribe it's way to that power for a while, until Putin and Peking figure out they are being raped, and then the day of calling will come...........and of course the Berliner boys will come screaming for help to a pinned down America invaded by the Chicoms in Alaska.
This is the future and Sarah Palin is the one safety zone for the west, and unless these traitors who have chased her away, bring this conduit back, this is all coming to a days of darkness close.
War is coming. Big damned wars with more dead in a day than in all wars combined.
You have been warned and you did this Obama whoring any way. You are warned again in the whistling in the American graveyard.
Better get the wench back and apologize to her.
agtG 248Y