Lt. Col. Ollie bushwhacker North, once stated before Congress that the Gulf of Mexico was our "pond" in bristling over the Soviets pissing in that American pool, as it is the ultimate slap to America to appear there.
In that, no one apparently knows a thing any more about Naval diplomacy as the stories of Iran positioning warships off the American coast has been met incorrectly with alarm and with scoffing.
President Theodore Roosevelt comprehended gunboat diplomacy, and he was a most interesting historical study beginning with his epic The War of 1812 in comprehending Naval strength was the signature of any nation projecting any form of power. TR explained the worst moments in American history were the lapses of Naval neglect which always led to war.
The two acts of security which TR initiated upon being President was the sending the American Fleet on a worldwide tour to announce America had arrived and to secure the Panama Canal.
In a world of Rule Britannia for several hundred years this was a shot heard round the world.
TR comprehended this because his family were Naval officers, and they served in the Confederate Navy. The sea was in Roosevelt's blood and he invested huge amounts of time in explaining Naval battles in the War of 1812 in practice is what made the Americans winners, along with modern equipment.
The America crews when trained were superior seaman and fighters to the British fleet, because they could gain wind, compass and hit what they were aiming at to make short work of mast and crew of the British Frigates, Destroyers and Corvettes.
The Americans had no line ships, meaning 64's or 72's and only the Iron Sides class of 44 Frigates and ran like the wind from the massive battle line ships, but in their own venue they were the terror of the British fleet in the 44's.
Rightly in the inland water battles of America, the Americans too raked the British in epic battles of nose to nose cannon fire of grape and ball. They were horrific fights, but thankfully for America God preserved His people.
In noting the above, that is what the Persian communists are up to in their epic voyage. This is not about any overt threat, but it is about sailing onto a stage where the Americans had ruled exclusively, and when one does that even in diminutive fleet, one becomes equal to the giant, no matter if your few frigates, battleships and missile boats and one support ship would be extinguished with 4 old F 16's in the Gulf.
It is a matter of pissing on the Americans, and showing the Pentagon the secret, like the Chinese in launching and ICBM off the California coast. See that Gulf is international waters and Iran can launch any damned thing they want to down there at 201 miles out, for a pretty plume to be seen from Phoenix, Houston, New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola............and there is not a damn thing the Americans can do about it.
The Navy has already mouthed off in Obama idiocy in stating the Iranians would have company...........oh yes please play into Ahmadinenad's and the turban head's propaganda, as they would love nothing better than to have footage of their firing missiles off their decks and those helpless castrated 7th Fleet ships chugging along in the glow of the fiery Islamic plume.
The secret being as Washington full knows is Iran has nuclear warheads for it's missiles and they will be on board those vessels, as the Persian communists toy with the Obama regime in a golden shower of Muslim love.
The Pentagon has already blown this by stating this is international waters in giving free passage to the Iranians and their supply ships. My Administration would have kept it's big mouth shut and sunk this pissy little ships in the Gulf and been ready for any response Iran might take in the Straight of Hormuz.
The only reason Iran is in the Gulf, is because Obama has been pissing on them in Muslim tribal warfare instead of dealing with them as Dick Cheney was attempting a decade ago, but was thwarted by liberals and the New York Times leaking the operations in traitorous criminal actions against America.
So this is the real game in this, appear on the stage with hypersonic, multi stage ICBM and nuclear missiles in American waters, and expose America as being helpless.
Those hypersonic shock missiles are like nuclear missiles in the Sunburn class and would cause all kinds of damage if .......perhaps an accidental firing took place or the gyro just happened to go off course and hammer the Capitol or some refinery in Houston.
See all kinds of accidents could happen in an Iranian show of force, and when Obama would then retaliate thumping his chest, the Iranians would win the propaganda war even if cost a few "innocent" ships........because then they would have a free fire zone in the Straights, because Obama set the precedent.
President Teddy Roosevelt lectured to walk softly and carry a big stick. Obama should have shut his mouth, and clobbered the Iranians the minute they got into the Gulf and simply said, "Not in the Ollie North American pond and America sails any blessed place her nuclear armed fleet cares to".
End of the lecture and America looks as she should.
Once again though Obama in this regime has exposed America to threat, humiliation and reacting to a foe of no size, but danger in not being dealt with years ago.
A President stops actions before they even start. This usurper Obama fans a spark to turn it into an inferno to incinerate Americans.
This blog just did Leon Panetta's job, the Pentagon's job, Obama's job, and the Navy's job in a few short paragraphs of correct gunboat diplomacy.
It is not that hard Inspired by God and having American interests at heart.
Put a hypersonic or a nuclear missile on a paddle boat and it is a threat. The Iranians know this and are in control of the stage, in Obama's oil slick polluted gulf.
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